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Praetorian 115th Rifles, JBugman's Painting Thread


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Hi, folks.

This is the beginning of my IG/AM painting thread. Enclosed is the first picture after quite a few tries to get reach this spot.

Infantry Squad


Special Weapons Troopers


Heavy Weapons Teams


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Praetorians :wub:


Obviously Mordians are still better :wink:


Scheme looks great! 

Doing anything special for the officers? Where are you finding the models?


Thanks for the feedback.  I used the one Officer and when I was desperate for more I took available Officer models and painted them in Praetorian colours.  Actually, that's how I handled any non-Praetorian mini: Scions, Ratlings, Ogryns.  I bought the one Praetorian "big box" and then had the good fortune of touring all the stores in my area during those Games Workshop Summer Tours many years ago.

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I have exactly 2 Praetorians somewhere (I think a banner bearer and Hornblower I found on clearance secondhand somewhere, still in package), but I have no idea where, but I've always had a soft spot for these guys because they came out right after I got into GW games. They look good :)
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Not sure why I'm not getting anymore pictures posted.  I use the Image Link in between the image headers but it won't Save.  Will probably link my Gallery if this doesn't resolve itself.

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If you use the auto generated link from the B&C gallery it should work fine?

Options -> Share Links -> BBCode

There is a limit on how many pics per post however it should post all the pictures up to the limit at least.
PM me and or WF if you need some help :smile.:




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Very nice! 


Do you have a reciepe for the green robes? I really like the shading you have over such a large suface.

It's Goblin/Wurm Green with a green ink wash.  The wash does all the work.

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