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Thinking of restarting my Successors - Help!


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Hey guys!


So, I finally came to terms with the fact that I do NOT like my current color scheme in my Dark Angels very much. I made it up almost by accident and went with it, improvising as I went along. In the end, it feels really mismatched, with many miniatures not being even in the same shades of color, and with the pallete being just not that good really.


So, I decided to do a reset on my successors. Start (progressively) to strip them off their current colors, to then paint them in a new scheme. Making a new background, and taking a new name.


I fear that transports and some Resin Models will be a pain to do, and I actually have consideres that I might have to just get new kits for some things. But, as this is a long winded project, I guess I can cross that bridge when I get to it. I plan on starting with choosing a color scheme and work it into my power armored marines, before moving on to my terminators.


I plan on this color scheme to be on base colors with some highlights. Nothing fancy, as time is NOT on my side to make too complex plans and color combinations. I want to be able to work fast, and have them just look good, with as simple as scheme as I can.


After planning various designs, I figured I'd also go with something without green. Instead, I opted for grey, as I do love the color, even though some here have insinuated that I may be a space wolf in angel's clothing (the nerve of some people! ¬¬). In any case, here it is:


Tactical Marines

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My idea would be to make bikes and vehicles in black with grey details (reverse of this), with normal ravenwing bikers in grey armor and black knights in black armor (reverse of this). Sergeants wear a black helmet instead of a regular grey one, to distinguish them in the squad. Lieutenants wear red to make them stand out even more.

Weapons might be black and steel, or mabe red and steel. Not sure yet.


In any case, can you guys tell me what you thing?

Think it looks good? Bad? Too similar to some chapter I didn't know I was copying from? Too *glup* space wolf-y?

Any suggestions?

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I would sugest painting the bolter and other typically DA symbols in a bright red. Maybe have white chapter badge and squad marking. In your monochrome colors, any red will pop.


Personally, painting grey and black became tedious quickly and I switched tonsometing with a bit more colors. But if you are looking for fast, grey paint and dry brush is hard to beat.

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Niece scheme! I agree you should be careful not to get bored of paining gray!


The different colors for the helmets of the sargents and lieutenants made me wonder if I could do something similar with the new company of Primaris I am currently painting in regular DA. Just don’t know what colors to pick...

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Looks cool. Keeping it simple is the way forward IMO.


Only watch out is looking too much like Charcarodons? But with all the DA Heraldry you'd be fine.




... For :censored: sake!! I didn't know the scheme already existed!


Ok, back to the drawing board :wacko.:

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Ok so, I went back to an early idea I had. Since grey with black shoulders is something that already exists *sigh* (damn, I really felt they looked menacing)


I went to a grey armor scheme, with grey as detailing in the edges of the shoulders, the soft armor, the face and part of the backpack.

My idea here is that it is a bit more colorful (although I am going for a dark green). Also, that it allows me to paint the helmets in different colors according to the type of squad the marines belong to. Green in general, but Grey for Tactical Sgts., White for Assault Sgts., Red for Devastator Sgts., and Gold for Lieutenants.


My terminators would follow a green scheme, with green details, and green powerfists, with golden Crux Terminatuses.


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Thanks, tht is actually true. The thing is, I hav always liked to play a self made successor chapter, not an official one.


I am currently strating to paint a scheme I think might work... I hope it does.

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I hope your current idea works out if not, how about your original scheme but with dark purple in place of the black? I think that would give you the menacing look you wanted with out looking to much like Carcaradons in D.A. bling.

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I really like the terminator in grey with the green and gold detailing. In fact, there's some paints in the Vallejo range that I immediately thought of. They are 70.971 Green Grey, 70.972 Light Green Blue and 70.973 Light Sea Grey. If you look at the Model Color range chart at the link below, you'll see what I mean, hopefully :tongue.:



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Thanks for the help guys!!


Ive been experimenting a bit here.


Tried two things:


1) An undercoat of Caliban Green, then some Celestra Grey on the shoulders, codpiece and soft armor, followed by some Ulthuan Grey layers ok top of that.


2) An matte white undercoat, then coats pf Caliban Green on the armor over that, leaving the soft armor, pads and codpiece white to then layer them with light grey


Of the two approaches, I felt the first ended up with a smoother and better color overall. The second approach left the miniature looking quite bad, actually. The green just requires too much paint to get rid of all the underlying brightness of the white, and the finish just never worked for me.


Also, I figured that maybe I can go back to my grey with black pauldrons scheme...


Maybe if I apply a white undercoat, then work my way from dark(ish) grey to a lighter grey on the armor, edge highlight it with white, and apply some solid blacks on the pauldrons and chest wings, it might work.


Should be far enough removed from the dark grey and black of the carcharodons.


Ill try it and share some pictures with you, guys.

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Going with the mid range gray should give that space between you chapter and the "Sharks" that you are looking to achieve. Something to consider, I tried to use Bone as my tie color across the various successor chapters I made. It seems to be the only shade of color that links it to the First Legion and can be used as an accent color like the chest eagles and can be used with various other colors like your gray and black. The "Sharks" have Red as their accent color and the Wolves play around with White, Red and Yellow. On the Black side, the Templars use white for their accent. So using the off-white of bone seems to have a niche with the Unforgiven. 


Just some food for thought

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After planning various designs, I figured I'd also go with something without green. Instead, I opted for grey, as I do love the color, even though some here have insinuated that I may be a space wolf in angel's clothing (the nerve of some people! ¬¬). In any case, here it is:



The person with that nerve would be MEEEEEEEEEE!!! 


that aside, your successor chapter still looks good, but if I may suggest, for your robed marines in either power armour or terminator armour, you may need to choose another color to contrast with the grey armour. Maybe a darkish agreen to give a dark menacing look for your terminators like one of your previews where you put some green parts which looked ok with the grey armour.


If you want it to be REALLY STRIKING, red robes will make a very good CONTRAST, which will turn the heads of most people looking at your marines (if your intention is to impress others of course). Otherwise dark on dark colors will make people think you are a Space Wolf in dark Angel clothing, which I hope you are. :) The Wolves are always looking for new recruits although respect is hard to earn. :P


LOL, kidding. What do I know about art anyway? Oh wait, I paint plastic soldiers too...... of the viking variety.

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Well I always have had a liking to space wolves. I even have a Space Wolves thunder hammer saved for my terminator sgt of my hammer squad (as a lion and the wolf champion, maybe?).


As for now, I've been experimenting with the color. Tried to apply Ulthuan Grey straight over Army Painter White Primer, then Abbadon Black on the shoulder and eagle, and some little shadows. A rushed job, but just to see if the color CAN work.


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Im liking it so far.


Gonna paint the bolter black and metallic, the eyes red, and the base in a dark grey. See how it turns out. I am liking that they loook menacing on the table at least.

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Yeah. Last night I did a much darker grey. This time only applying black to the Bolter, and the Shoulder Pads.

The smaller application of black looked good, but the dark grey really doesn't stand out much.

I'm going to try a much lighter grey and white this time, to get a better contrast on the black.

I really want to see if I can get this to work without green. If all else fails, I'll try green instead of black.



Here are some images on it. Still, just basic color. No real detail, but I am still just trying to decide on a color.


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