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Revamping my Blood Angels. Test schemes


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I started my Blood Angels during 2nd edition. Things have obviously come a long way since then in the model design, paints and my painting ability. I've now taken the step of starting my BA from scratch so all the models will look more uniform in design and paint scheme, and hopefully better than how I painted them from when I was a young child, lol.


I followed the Sons of Sanguinius painting guide for a test model. However, I found Mephiston Red to be very dark and almost burgundy in colour on a black undercoat, even after a couple of coats with my airbrush. This was highlited with Evil Sunz Scarlet and edge highlited with Troll Slayer Orange (not Fire Dragon Bright that is in the guide).


I then tried one model with Evil Sunz Scarlet followed by Wild Rider Red highlight, followed by Fire Dragon Bright edge highlight. This recipe seemed to come out looking a lot more vibrant and more like the Blood Angels scheme pictured in the codex. I know this may seem a bright for some but the Mephiston Red really didn't look like a BA colour on my test mini and more like it belonged to a darker Angels Encarmine or Flesh Tearers scheme.


Let me know your opinions from the picture attached.



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Try applying the Mephiston Red over a grey undercoat (like Halford's grey or Celestia Grey) as it wont be so dark then. Personally, I prefer the one of the left but that's just me and my preference for lighter red BAs (which mine are).


Have you considered knocking a squad out this summer, perhaps using the ETL painting campaign as a springboard? It's great for advice, inspiration and motivation :)

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2stage highlights will really make the meph red over black undercoat brighter.


My marines follow the GW scheme, and theres a marked difference between meph red+shade and meph red + evil sunz+trollslayer orange. Some of my terminators look positively orange.


Out of the two images, I prefer the left one, but that's likely because it looks more finished. 

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I prefer the right one, cause it looks darker. Blood red is supposed to be a dark red, and with the orange highlights it turns into a much brighter colour.


Personally I do meph red over black undercoat, and then wash the entire model with carroburg crimson. You can imagine how dark my red is, but it resembles the colour of blood. You could compare it to flesh tearers red, which has a purple hue to it, but I do a couple of bloodletter glaze layers in the end, to give that orange hue back. 

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Try applying the Mephiston Red over a grey undercoat (like Halford's grey or Celestia Grey) as it wont be so dark then. Personally, I prefer the one of the left but that's just me and my preference for lighter red BAs (which mine are).


Have you considered knocking a squad out this summer, perhaps using the ETL painting campaign as a springboard? It's great for advice, inspiration and motivation :)



I did think about the ETL but with my painting speed and work commitments I probably wouldn't be able to offer much. Possibly just one tactical squad to start with and see how it goes from there? I doubt that would be very beneficial to the cause though?


I'm trying another test model with white undercoat at the moment. Will see how that turns out compared to the other two.


Just to be helpful, I vote the one on the right :p

Haha, cheers. Seems it's still a bit up in the air at the moment.


2stage highlights will really make the meph red over black undercoat brighter.


My marines follow the GW scheme, and theres a marked difference between meph red+shade and meph red + evil sunz+trollslayer orange. Some of my terminators look positively orange.


Out of the two images, I prefer the left one, but that's likely because it looks more finished.


The one on the right does have a 2 stage highlight. Meph Red with Evil Sons Scarlet edge highlight followed by Troll Slayer Orange highlight. I prefer going from Evil Sunz to Troll Slayer over Fire Dragon Bright as I feel it's a more natural transition. I could change this or go further and add a Lugganath Orange extreme edge highlight. I still feel that although I could get the edges to 'pop' more the base red colour still looks dark and I feel it may be accentuated with more highlights?


I almost wonder how the one on the right will look with one more very sparring extreme highlight?


Tough decision!

As I put above, i could add a 3rd highlight but the base red will still be quite dark. Will give it a go though.

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I've done the red on a 3rd test mini (right hand side of picture). White undercoat, Mephiston Red base. Evil Sunz Scarlet highlight. Fire Dragon Bright edge highlight.


The red looks only very slightly lighter than the Mephiston Red on black undercoat (left hand side model). Barely noticeable to the eye really.


The model in the middle (and the left hand one) which was Evil Sunz Scarlet base on a black undercoat, followed by Wild Rider Red highlight then Fire Dragon Bright edge highlight, had an extreme edge highlight of Lugganath Orange added.



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Try applying the Mephiston Red over a grey undercoat (like Halford's grey or Celestia Grey) as it wont be so dark then. Personally, I prefer the one of the left but that's just me and my preference for lighter red BAs (which mine are).


Have you considered knocking a squad out this summer, perhaps using the ETL painting campaign as a springboard? It's great for advice, inspiration and motivation :smile.:



I did think about the ETL but with my painting speed and work commitments I probably wouldn't be able to offer much. Possibly just one tactical squad to start with and see how it goes from there? I doubt that would be very beneficial to the cause though?


I'm trying another test model with white undercoat at the moment. Will see how that turns out compared to the other two.




Every little bit helps and even a completed 5-man Tactical Squad could make the difference for us. More importantly however, it gives you a deadline, motivation, and inspiration to complete and improve your work. For the three months the ETL is active, the entire B&C is alive with painters above all else; it's a great time to crack on with a new/ongoing project :)


Number #3 is looking good and you've nailed to highlights. Which one is the easiest and less stressful to paint?

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Although I'm a fan of a dark red, going almost from black, the middle one now looks very nice. Also I'd call 'extreme' highlighting with skull white :P


On a side note: the colour of blood changes depending on whether it's carrying oxygen or not. The oxygenated blood is much more bright and vibrant.

Until it dries out of course...


Akhem, excuse me... I believe my Red Thirst is awekening...

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On a side note: the colour of blood changes depending on whether it's carrying oxygen or not. The oxygenated blood is much more bright and vibrant.

Until it dries out of course...


I was very tempted to post the same. :D
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Try applying the Mephiston Red over a grey undercoat (like Halford's grey or Celestia Grey) as it wont be so dark then. Personally, I prefer the one of the left but that's just me and my preference for lighter red BAs (which mine are).


Have you considered knocking a squad out this summer, perhaps using the ETL painting campaign as a springboard? It's great for advice, inspiration and motivation :)



I did think about the ETL but with my painting speed and work commitments I probably wouldn't be able to offer much. Possibly just one tactical squad to start with and see how it goes from there? I doubt that would be very beneficial to the cause though?

I'm trying another test model with white undercoat at the moment. Will see how that turns out compared to the other two.


Every little bit helps and even a completed 5-man Tactical Squad could make the difference for us. More importantly however, it gives you a deadline, motivation, and inspiration to complete and improve your work. For the three months the ETL is active, the entire B&C is alive with painters above all else; it's a great time to crack on with a new/ongoing project :)


Number #3 is looking good and you've nailed to highlights. Which one is the easiest and less stressful to paint?



Yes, would be good to do to keep the motivation going. I'll get my vow up at the weekend.

Regarding what was easier and less stressful to paint, they were all similar really. Was literally doing the same thing but with slightly different shades or red and orange so over a long period of painting I can't see one being easier than the other.


I like the one on the left. It reminds me more of the older Blood Angel colors. The one on the right is starting to look a little too close to Flesh Tearer red.

That was exactly what I was thinking. Seen plenty of people on here do Mephiston Red base which seems to look lighter than mine turned out. Possibly to do with the amount of light when others take the photos perhaps.


Think I'm decided on the lighter scheme (middle one in last picture). Thanks for all your input.

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