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Musing on the Libby Dread in a Post BETA World...


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Bums. Forgot about the bloody storm bolter.Ā Still getting my head round adding the points for all the weapons in 8edĀ :wacko.:

I did think 130pts for a Libby Dread was a bit of a bargain :biggrin.:


Oh well, need to find another alternative to Captain Smash then.


I recommend using Battlescribe. 99% of the points and stuff are correct and if something isn't then it'll get fixed quickly.


How about a Chaplain? We don't have one yet and he should be able to hold his ground with his 4++ and crozius. ;)

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How about a Chaplain? We don't have one yet and he should be able to hold his ground with his 4++ and crozius

Problem with a Chaplain is that I really don't need another one, and it needs to be painted up for ETL. - I've already got a homebrew Lemartes, generic old-skool metal Chaplain, and a Termi.

I could probably make one on a bike though if they're still an option - can't see bikes as an upgrade in the Codex, or points values, so did they get nerfed?

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Bikes as well as Jump Packs for HQs are an Index thing. Currently you can still use those options but it's unknown how long that will last.


TBH I dont think they'll ditch the index entries. They just didnt want to have units in the codex that they dont sell. It's not like GW decided when the BA codex was out that the jump pack priest was OP all of a sudden. I dont say that they cant at some point decide that some index entry doesnt serve its purpose anymore, but I'm sure they wont go "ok, from now on, no index entries are allowed, kkthxbye".

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If they don't remove that option eventually it's the exact same thing as having them in the Codex just worse because it's splitted and you need a chart to know what to do tho. That really makes no sense. They don't have to goĀ "ok, from now on, no index entries are allowed, kkthxbye". Index entries aren't allowed by default and only the chart they gave us allows us to still use some of them.

I can only see two options: it won't be an option anymore eventually ... or they'll release new models with seperate datasheets for those eventually (rather unlikely imo).Ā 

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"Dante leapt onto the bike without a word, the encumbrance of the jump pack nothing to so graceful a warrior. Wheels spinning, he wrestled the heavy machine around in a circle and headed back towards the Arx Angelicum at speed..."
From:Ā The devastation of Baal

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I thought the Codex overruled the Index once it was released? Index was a getalong until the individual army Codexes were released.


Anyway, putting HQ on bikes is the sort of Heresy that the Dark Angels would do :wink:


Codex datasheets take priority over the index, but you're still allowed to use wargear options and datasheets from the index if that unit/wargear choice has been removed from the codex. They basically stated that the codexes were pruned to models you can currently buy, so that new players don't get confused by options that aren't available 'off the shelf'. The legal case with chapterhouse studios, where chapterhouse had confirmed the right to make models for units in the rules that GW didn't was possibly a factor.


Anyway, for now, some useful index units such as bike characters and jump pack company vets are still legal. And BA do like bikes, just not as much as jump packs - they still get you closer to hit things with a chainsword! For sanguinius!




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"Dante leapt onto the bike without a word, the encumbrance of the jump pack nothing to so graceful a warrior. Wheels spinning, he wrestled the heavy machine around in a circle and headed back towards the Arx Angelicum at speed..."


So basically...



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My Dreadnought kit is on its way. Because flying Dreadnought and...


I'm working on the idea a a tight little BA detachment with the librarian Dreadnought warlord (speed of primarch), sanguinary guard, sanguinary ancient (relic banner) and plasma inceptors all starting on the board.


5+++ for infantry survival. Turn 1 Libby uses wings and ancient advances. Inceptors and sanguinary guard are disgustingly resilient with the 5+++


Inceptors could uses UWoF to jump ahead of the Dreadnought and ancient, increasing their reach but staying within range of the ancient for the 5+++, re-roll wounds of 1 and the Dreadnought pops wisdom for rerolling 1s to hit.


Inceptors would have a supported turn 1 threat range of (12+D6+6+18) 37"-42" with 12d3 overcharged plasma shots, rerolling 1s to hit and to wound, toughness 5 3+,5+++. On average the 6 inceptors will do 24 damage to a T7, 3+ model.


This plasma fuelled assault should be a suitable distraction to line up the sanguinary guard, Libby and ancient to all make it into combat turn 2 all buffed up.


If you go second and the inceptors get depleted, then sanguinary guard go for the UWoF/DoA combo with the Libby dread attempting to support with rerolls with a movement of (6+D6+12+D6) 20"-30".

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Inceptors would have a supported turn 1 threat range of (12+D6+6+18) 37"-42" with 12d3 overcharged plasma shots, rerolling 1s to hit and to wound, toughness 5 3+,5+++. On average the 6 inceptors will do 24 damage to a T7, 3+ model.

I think your distance calculation is a little bit off.


Inceptors move 10" not 12", and I'm not sure where the straight 6" (the third part) comes from.


They'd be, advancing:

10" (Move) +d6" (advance) +18" (Plasma Exterminator) = 29-34".


Also, generally speaking advancing and Overcharging is a Bad Ideaā„¢

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Apologies for not being clearer. The ancient is advancing 12+d6. The interceptors are using Upon Wings of Fire to jump in front of him to stay within his auras. So the reach is the movement of the ancient plus his aura range plus 18" shooting range (and an extra 1.57" for the inceptors 40mm base)
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I'm working on the idea a a tight little BA detachment with the librarian Dreadnought warlord (speed of primarch), sanguinary guard, sanguinary ancient (relic banner) and plasma inceptors all starting on the board.

Looks like a nice hitty little package. What sort of Detachment are you running? If you add a Sanguinary Novitiate with Jump Pack to patch up wounded models, the extra Elite gives you a Vanguard Detachment.


Inceptors would have a supported turn 1 threat range of (12+D6+6+18) 37"-42" with 12d3 overcharged plasma shots, rerolling 1s to hit and to wound, toughness 5 3+,5+++. On average the 6 inceptors will do 24 damage to a T7, 3+ model.

Sadly the Sanguinary Ancient only allows rerolls of 1 to Wound in the Fight Phase, he does not boost shooting (otherwise he would be straight-up better than a Lt).

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Thanks for the spot on the ancient. Could drop in a Liutenant and give him the death company stratagem for the big movement if you go first to do the same job. I'll play around switching the sanguinary ancient for company ancient for the death shooting. Had company vets to keep reserve for objectives holding or backing up the librarian if he got in trouble. Will play with the noviate.


Current plans is vanguard for 1750/2000 lists (sadly replacing Grey Knights post big FAQ). I have the scouts to turn it into a battalion, bringing in a suicide captain smash for a tight 1000 point force.

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If you can get wings off on the Libby dread twice he can shift 24" and keep up the inceptors or sanguinary guard using UWoF. Kind of the reason for going for the Libby over mephiston (apart from the awesome of flying Dreadnought) is for the re-roll 1s stratagem to work with repositioning inceptors (or any other jump pack units)
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