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The Brigade to Rule Them All?


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Hi! Ive recently put up a few posts when having guard as allies. Now, however, I am interested to see how you guys usually run your Brigade detachments?


Do you have like a "standard" Brigade? Or...If you were to start over completley, how would your first Brigade look like?


Thanks for all The answeres!


Cheers, Nelai

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I will take:

Company commander

Platoon commander

Infantry squad/lascannon,plasmagun

Scout sentinel/autocannon



Fill the whole brigade slots with ~800pts.Less than 50% of a 2000pts army,easy to introduce tanks,or detachements from other imperium books.

I like brigade to be the shooty bits of my army. For that reason I choose Cadian


HQ: Company Commander/Company Commander/Creed (7 orders)

Elite: 3 Veteran (Lascannon + 3 Sniper Rifle) + 3 Command Squads (flag and sniper rifles)

Heavy: 3x3 Heavy Weapon Team with Heavy Bolter

Fast Attack: 3x Scout Sentinal

Troops: Simple squad with lascannon or Heavy Bolter (as many as I can squeeze in)




Depending on Tourny lost requirements (some insist on 3 different detachments) - I then go Battalion + Battalion or Battalion + 'something else'.




Battalion - Valhallan Screen

HQ: Company Commander + Petrov 45/Lord Commisar

Troops: 6 infantry squads (no upgrades)

I don't own any sentinels, so I use:


Company commander x3


Infantry squad x8 (3 autocannons, 3 lascannons, 3 plasma guns and 2 barebones)


2 Commissars, command squad with 4 snipers


3 hellhounds with heavy flamers


Hwt with mortar, 2 Hwt with lascannon and 2 heavy bolter


My heavy support is the main one that changes and psykers are added if I have the points

My current Brigade is:
3x Company Commander
[1x Primaris Psyker]
[1x Lord Commissar]
3x Commissar [or 2x Commissar and 1x Platoon Commander or Astropath]
3x Infantry Squads w/ Lascannon and Plasmagun
3x Infantry Squads w/ Plasmagun
3x Infantry Squad w/ Flamer
3-4x Scout Sentinel w/ Autocannon
3x Heavy Weapon Squad


(Unless I'm using Tallarn, in which case I'll drop the Lascannons on the Infantry Squads.)


I'll always include a Primaris Psyker in my list, but not always in the Brigade. I'll sometimes include a Lord Commissar, in which case I'll drop one of the regular Commissars for something else.


Anyway, the idea is that the army operates as 3 platoons - each with a Company Commander, a Commissar (or Lord Commissar), 3 Infantry Squads, and a HWS. The Scout Sentinels generally do their own thing (since they get no benefit from sticking near the Company Commander or Commissar).

I used to run:


3 Company Commanders

Special Weapon Teams or Commissars

3 Sentinels of some sort

6 Infantry Squads (3 Las/plas, 3 flamers)

3 Mortar HWSs


Nowadays though I run twin battalions instead. 3 CCs and a Lord Commissar or Tank Commander, the same 6 Infantry Squads, but I can be much more flexible with the rest of the army.

So guys...with all your input..I Created this:



++ Brigade Detachment +12CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum)




+ HQ +


3x Company Commander:  Chainsword, Laspistol


Primaris Psyker


+ Troops +



3x Infantry Squads:

. 7x Guardsman

. Heavy Weapon Team: Mortar

. Sergeant: Laspistol


3x Infantry Squads:

. 7x Guardsman

. Heavy Weapon Team: Heavy bolter

. Sergeant: Laspistol


+ Elites +


5x Ratling: 5x Sniper Rifle


Tech-Priest Enginseer, Servo-arm


Tech-Priest Enginseer, Servo-arm


+ Fast Attack +


Scout Sentinel: Autocannon


Scout Sentinel: Autocannon


Scout Sentinel: Autocannon


+ Heavy Support +


3x Basilisks: Heavy Bolter (squadron)


2x Heavy Weapon Team: Mortars


++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Astra Militarum)




+ HQ +


Knight Commander Pask: Heavy Bolters, Heavy Stubber

. Command Punisher: Turret-mounted Punisher Gatling Cannon


+ Heavy Support +


Leman Russ Battle Tank: Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter


Leman Russ Battle Tank: Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter


Manticore: Heavy Bolter


++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Officio Assassinorum)


+ Elites +


Callidus Assassin


Culexus Assassin


Culexus Assassin



Please come with ways to improve it...and if you could explain why this change is better ill be a happy man!



Here are my thoughts:


- Heavy Bolters and Mortars seem a bit wasted on Infantry Squads. I think you'd be better off using Lascannons - since you'll have 8 men protecting them. IMO Mortars and Heavy Bolters are better on units like Heavy Weapon Squads - where you don't have any excess models to protect them.


- Having the Basilisks in a squadron seems a bit pointless. I'd split them into 3 units of 1. 


- I'm not a fan of Pask in general, but if you're going to use him would it not make more sense to give him weapons with longer range? That way he can (hopefully) avoid moving and thus take advantage of the Cadian doctrine to reroll 1s. I'd also give him a Lascannon in place of the front Heavy Bolter. 


- Your Vanguard detachment seems to be missing an HQ. In any case, 3 Culexus Assassins seems like a dubious investment to me.



In terms of your overall army, the main thing I'm thinking is that, by being all-Cadian, you haven't really got anything that wants to push forward. One possibility is to make your Brigade detachment Tallarn. Drop the Heavy Weapons from the Infantry Squads, move the Basilisks into the Spearhead detachment and add another HWS. Now your Infantry and Sentinels will be a lot more mobile and can advance up the field without losing their Doctrine. 


Alternatively, you could leave the Brigade as Cadian, move the Manticore into the Brigade, add a third Leman Russ, swap out Pask for a regular Tank Commander and make the Spearhead detachment a Tallarn one. Now you've got 4 Leman Russ that can advance up the table without penalty. 

It's up to you, but I'm not a fan of armies where everything wants to remain stationary. 


Basilisks operate independently once deployed anyway, taking a squadron simply reduces the number of slots occupied

Reducing slots isn't a Guard concern. You aren't getting the +1 to go first rolls so you may as well maximize deployment flexability.



Both good points, I retract what I said about splitting the Basilisk Squadron.





Assassins can now be in a vanguard detatchment without a HQ, since imperium is no longer a valid keyword. Was in the most recent FAQ


Yeah, I wanted to check that but couldn't find the FAQ


I still don't think 3 Culexus Assassins is a good idea, though. :tongue.:


Both good points, I retract what I said about splitting the Basilisk Squadron.



No, you're misinterpreting what I wrote, I'm agreeing with you that he needs to split his Basilisks up into 3 separate units, with his composition it makes zero sense to squadron them up.


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