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Is our Chapter Tactic bad?


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in my entire city, across 3 large gaming clubs and groups, I havent seen or heard of someone using Fallen, ever)



That's why we have The Hunt, the traitors are wily and their deceptions run deep. :happy.:

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Berzul, I played against CSM with 2 units of fallen last week, you should come to Copenhagen and play this spanish guy who has them :wink:


If only I could, brother. If only I could...

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Selling stuff is their sole motivation for offering useful or fluffy content so I suspect they'll give us something usefull to compensate for the quite useless Inner Circle and Fallen rules when they'll pop our Primarch out of his stasis cell.

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Fallen players are as rare amd scarce in the Earth, as the Fallen are amongst the stars... in that sense, its very fluffy I guess.

  I kinda like that Fallen players are so rare. I've still yet to face one, but if I ever do I can guarantee you I will forget about all other objectives and spend the game trying to kill those Fallen unit(s). That would be worth more than any win and prove the worth of my successor chapter to all the Unforgiven.

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Recently, other forumites here alerted me that Grim Resolve can really shine with Hellblasters. 10 of them make Weapons from the Dark Age insane--that and an overcharge could even let you split fire and reliably melt two rhino profile vehicles. Losing only one unit to morale makes this sticky, and rerolling 1s can help if for some reason you don't have Azzy around (though if that's so you're either in trouble or don't have the model, so eh XD)

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I dont know how you manage to take use of the tactic^^

In all my games i never had a chance to use it

Either i had to move in range, fall back or just died before i could use it

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I dont know how you manage to take use of the tactic^^

In all my games i never had a chance to use it

Either i had to move in range, fall back or just died before i could use it

Don't let anyone from the Hellblasters Über Alles Fanboi Directorate hear you make such a defeatist comment!  It'll be double shifts in the salt mine for all of us!

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