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Land Raider Redeemer or Stormraven Gunship?

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Even following the changes to deep strike, I've frequently encountered problems running either Deathwing Knights or close combat Deathwing, in that if they deepstrike and fail their charge, then they become pretty useless.


To counter this, I recently played a game where used a Land Raider to get up the field. Worked very well, but I had two issues: (1) I can only take 5 models, and (2) the loadout of a Land Raider is more anti-armour focused.


To get around this, the Land Raider Redeemer seems a better choice - I get the extra space for a buffing character, and I get a nice anti-infantry loadout.


Then last night I played against a Space Wolf Stormwolf, which performed quite well. This got me thinking about a Stormraven - it can transport 6 termies, has a good anti-infantry punch, great range, and by my reckoning 50 points or so cheaper than the Redeemer.


Does anybody have any experience of running a Stormraven with their Deathwing? Or any other thoughts?



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I think I would go for the storm raven. Is more maneuverable than the landraider, slightly cheaper, and can get you right in your oppoonents face much faster

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crusader>storm eagle>storm raven>flaming bag of dog poo>redeemer :teehee:


Seriously, when you're fielding terminators AND a land raider, that's a huge hit to your model count.  You need the dakka of a crusader to balance things somewhat. Those flamers on a redeemer are shorter ranged, and while they do kill marines better than bolters, shot for shot, they have a lot fewer shots, and, come on, you're ferrying terminators, they don't need help crumping power armor. 

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Heh, thanks for the feedback march10k!


My rationale for the Redeemer and the flamestorm cannon is because they make a fierce counter-assault deterrent thanks to their autohit.But hey, this is exactly the reason why I asked this question :D

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Heh, thanks for the feedback march10k!


My rationale for the Redeemer and the flamestorm cannon is because they make a fierce counter-assault deterrent thanks to their autohit.But hey, this is exactly the reason why I asked this question :D

It's relatively easy to just pile in to a big overwatch threat. Anything nearby can be charged without declaribg the Redeemer, and in the end, your Expensive beasty is in combat and useless. It's frustrating when that happens.


I prefer Stormravens. They can be kitted out better and with a Darkshroud, are nigh impossible to kill. Their mivebis far superior, even if their capacity is less than a Crusader.

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