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Project Atomize: Blood Angels


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Hello everyone!! 


How is everyone today? 


First post on the forums! Not a new or returning player, played a fair bit of 6th and got back into the hobby for 8th Edition. Working 2 jobs didn't give me a lot of hobby time though I usually managed 1 game a week at a local club. Six weeks ago I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and have been in hospital ever since. 


The point of this is, when I have had all my treatment and am on the road to recovery, I will have lots of spare time. I also have lots of Warhammer. The plan is to build a solid 2000 Blood Angels army, and literally sell everything else! 


This will be a PLOG eventually, probably not for a couple of months or so.


My marines are painted as Blood Angels but I usually played them as Ultramarines... That's heresy, right? Only played a handful of games as BA and was beaten each time. Usually when I played Ultramarines I would win, but not always. Now I want to play Blood Angels but I always struggled to make them work. After discovering this forum a few days ago I've read up on several articles, mostly Unit of the Week, which I found to be helpful. Also Clincher37's thread in the army list forum was a good read, he got lots of good advice, and I've used that to form the Troop/core of my army. 


It seems sensible to build 2 Battalions for those CP's... So far:


Cap. Smash - JP, TH, IP, the angels wing, visions


5 Tac - PG, CP + Assback

5 Tac - PG, CP + Assback

5 Intercessors - AGL, P. Sword

5 Intercessors - AGL, P. Sword

5 Scouts - combat blades
5 Scouts - bolters, HB


Still 2 HQ slots to fill. Is it worthwhile giving the Tac sergeants power weapons?


This a good setup to form the core of an army?


Think I may paint Intercessors with yellow helmets, the pure red look just doesn't look all that awesome to me, would it be too far fetched to give them gold helmets? Maybe green for a bit of camouflage? 




Now is the hard part! 


Some AA would be good - one guy I used to play ran a Stormraven and that thing usually killed half my army by itself!!! A Hunter is only 90 points if I recall, seems like a good choice as it's nice and cheap with a good weapon. 


There's a quad lascannon pred in my collection, I feel like this is a good addition, but just one seems like something of a fire magnet especially if I'm going second and my opponent has lots of big guns. 


Really like the idea of VV's, especially a sergeant with twin lightning claws mainly because it's cool and will give me something nice to paint. Just unsure how I would equip the rest of the unit. Some people like stormbolters & chainswords for clearing chaff etc and I like this idea too. Am hesitant to mix & match these guys, would rather they have a focused role, maybe to sweep troops off objectives and clear chaff or something similar. Got a whole bunch of unpainted veterans w/ JP and plenty of bits, so building this unit shouldn't be an issue unless I somehow need some truly bizarre weapon configs...


Think I've got around 18 DC with various armaments, sadly none with bolter and chainsword. A couple of PF, PA, 8 or so with just bolters (some are magnetised for JP's)  and the rest with JP, pistols and c.swords. Ten seems like a good number for these chaps if I run them with 3-5 hammers & JP, but I'd probably also need a chappie or Lemartes to run with them to get the most out of the unit. Another post I read had DC in a Rhino accompanied by Corbulo, which is an interesting idea. When I played my few games with BA, I'd tell my opponent this Rhino here has my DC in it... One dead Rhino, footslogging DC getting shot to ribbons (probs my bad generalship more than anything else). Back in 6th I'd always deploy the DC via drop pod, hence why most only have bolters. Now my options seem to be either JP or a Rhino. 


Last unit I've been thinking about are the Sanguinary Guard. Originally I thought to have a minimum sized unit with all PF (maybe a couple of IP, too) and have them run with Capt. Smash as WL. They'd be hunting the really tough stuff together and Smash gives them the HoA rule (well, he lets them use the rule, let's say). The idea being if smash doesn't kill it, the SG can finish it off, plus with 3 or more Inferno Pistols (my smash has an IP) softening up the target first they should be able to kill most things together. That was my idea for my SG.


But... Now I'm not so sure. A lot people seem to use the SG in units of 8-10 with the Sanguinor or a couple of other support characters like the SG Ancient etc. Unfortunately I don't have my Codex here in the hospital and I'm not really clued up on our support/special characters. Also thought a cheap support character to help out the Tac squads (like a lieutenant or a cheap captain - another smash?) wouldn't be too bad an idea. Still got 2 HQ slots to fill, after all. 



Guys. I'm sorry if it's a bit of a read, and you've probably all had to give the same advice to various people already! If you could give me a little feedback on my unit ideas I'd very much appreciate it. Also any new ideas for my army are more than welcome!! 


Thank you for reading and Emperor bless ya !! :thumbsup:



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First post on the forums! Not a new or returning player, played a fair bit of 6th and got back into the hobby for 8th Edition. Working 2 jobs didn't give me a lot of hobby time though I usually managed 1 game a week at a local club. Six weeks ago I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and have been in hospital ever since. 


The point of this is, when I have had all my treatment and am on the road to recovery, I will have lots of spare time. I also have lots of Warhammer. The plan is to build a solid 2000 Blood Angels army, and literally sell everything else!

Really sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope you make a great recovery. I like the idea of having a project to plan for while you are being treated.


Cap. Smash - JP, TH, IP, the angels wing, visions


5 Tac - PG, CP + Assback

5 Tac - PG, CP + Assback

5 Intercessors - AGL, P. Sword

5 Intercessors - AGL, P. Sword

5 Scouts - combat blades

5 Scouts - bolters, HB


Still 2 HQ slots to fill. Is it worthwhile giving the Tac sergeants power weapons?


This a good setup to form the core of an army?

Looks a very solid core to your army. I run something very similar in my dual battalion list and it has done very well against a variety of opponents.


I don't give my Tac sergeants any close combat weapons BUT I run my Tacs with heavy weapons so it is less worth it. If you are going dual plasma in transports I think 4 points each for a power sword will not break the bank and gives you a little extra punch in CC.


At 1500 points my extra 2 HQ slots are normally taken by Lemartes (he is almost an auto-include if you are running Death Company) and a cheap Lieutenant to buff my shooting. If you are going for 2000 points you could consider other options like the Sanguinor if you want to run Sanguinary Guard as well as Death Company.


Think I may paint Intercessors with yellow helmets, the pure red look just doesn't look all that awesome to me, would it be too far fetched to give them gold helmets? Maybe green for a bit of camouflage?

Heresy! No true son of Sanguinius would dream of hiding the heroic heraldry of our Chapter! :tongue.:


Only joking of course. :wink: If in doubt about paint schemes, always remember the First Rule of Modeling.


They are your models and you can paint them however you like.


Think I've got around 18 DC with various armaments, sadly none with bolter and chainsword. A couple of PF, PA, 8 or so with just bolters (some are magnetised for JP's)  and the rest with JP, pistols and c.swords. Ten seems like a good number for these chaps if I run them with 3-5 hammers & JP, but I'd probably also need a chappie or Lemartes to run with them to get the most out of the unit. Another post I read had DC in a Rhino accompanied by Corbulo, which is an interesting idea. When I played my few games with BA, I'd tell my opponent this Rhino here has my DC in it... One dead Rhino, footslogging DC getting shot to ribbons (probs my bad generalship more than anything else). Back in 6th I'd always deploy the DC via drop pod, hence why most only have bolters. Now my options seem to be either JP or a Rhino.

Jump Packs with Lemartes are the best option IMHO. I usually run 10 with a handful of special weapons like Thunder Hammers to deal with tough targets.


Last unit I've been thinking about are the Sanguinary Guard. Originally I thought to have a minimum sized unit with all PF (maybe a couple of IP, too) and have them run with Capt. Smash as WL. They'd be hunting the really tough stuff together and Smash gives them the HoA rule (well, he lets them use the rule, let's say). The idea being if smash doesn't kill it, the SG can finish it off, plus with 3 or more Inferno Pistols (my smash has an IP) softening up the target first they should be able to kill most things together. That was my idea for my SG.


But... Now I'm not so sure. A lot people seem to use the SG in units of 8-10 with the Sanguinor or a couple of other support characters like the SG Ancient etc. Unfortunately I don't have my Codex here in the hospital and I'm not really clued up on our support/special characters. Also thought a cheap support character to help out the Tac squads (like a lieutenant or a cheap captain - another smash?) wouldn't be too bad an idea. Still got 2 HQ slots to fill, after all.

5 Models, even for a tough unit like SG just seems really small. You only a handful of casualties to make the squad too small to cause meaningful damage. 8-10 means they can take a few losses and still hit hard enough to threaten most units in the game. Various Characters work well with Sanguinary Guard. For my money, your 2 best choices are the Sanguinor (preferably as your Warlord but not necessarily) and a Sanguinary Ancient with the Standard of Sacrifice. An additional 5+ save against each wound taken will really make this unit hard to shift.

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First post on the forums! Not a new or returning player, played a fair bit of 6th and got back into the hobby for 8th Edition. Working 2 jobs didn't give me a lot of hobby time though I usually managed 1 game a week at a local club. Six weeks ago I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and have been in hospital ever since. The point of this is, when I have had all my treatment and am on the road to recovery, I will have lots of spare time. I also have lots of Warhammer. The plan is to build a solid 2000 Blood Angels army, and literally sell everything else!
Really sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope you make a great recovery. I like the idea of having a project to plan for while you are being treated.


Thank you, Karhedronuk!!


The doctors say this type of leukemia usually affects people much older than myself and I was just very unlucky!! They expect I'll make a full recovery, will be a tough slog and will take time, but I will get better.



Asked my dad early this morning if he could find my Codex and bring it in. Unfortunately he had already left.


Think 10 DC with 5 Hammers and Lemartes will do for me.


Maybe 8 SG all with Fists and the Sanguinor would also be good. But also thinking about a Sanguinary Ancient instead. If you had to take either Sanguinor or the Ancient. Which would you take? What are the pros and cons to each?



This should leave me with a few hundred points to play around with. I'm guessing. How do BA typically deal with flyers? I played vs elder a couple of times, and that stormraven that consistently slaughtered chunks of my armies still leaves me with horrific nightmares! How do you guys usually deal with flyers? What are our best options?


So far there's only 2 assbacks in the army, think it would be good to have another transport or tank in the army. I've got a rhino, a quadlas pres and a vindicator. Adding a Hunter or Stalker would give me an extra tank and some AA as well but I haven't seen either in any of the army lists I've looked at. Do people use these at all?


Could run my QLP as a TLLC Razorback and add a small Dev squad w/2LC and a HB (for hellfire shells). Got a whole load of scouts, could run both squads with HB/bolters or as CC scouts. Just kind of thinking about different options now that I've got a solid core and 2 heavy hitting units. Trying to think of what the army needs or is lacking, hopefully you lovely people can help a poor guy out ;)


Still thinking about that VV sergeant with the Lightning Claws....


Emperor bless ya !!!



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Think 10 DC with 5 Hammers and Lemartes will do for me.

3 Thunderhammers will probably be enough. 5 would be overkill against most targets apart perhaps from Daemon Primarchs.


Maybe 8 SG all with Fists and the Sanguinor would also be good. But also thinking about a Sanguinary Ancient instead. If you had to take either Sanguinor or the Ancient. Which would you take? What are the pros and cons to each?

Sanguinor and Sanguinary Ancient both work very well with Sanguinary Guard. Sanguinor boosts offense while Ancient boosts defense. It is hard to say which is better as it depends what you want them to accomplish. If you really want to choose, I would go for the Ancient. The reason is that the parts to make an Ancient come in the Sanguinary Guard box anyway. If you are making a squad of 8 guys with fists, you will have the parts there to make an Ancient anyway. Try them out and see if they provide enough punch for you. If they are not quite producing the volume of damage you require, you could consider adding the Sanguinor at a later date.


One thing to be aware of with Sanguinary guard is that they only have 2 Attacks each which means you really need them to be close to your warlord so they can benefit from their "Heirs of Azkellon" rule. Some people even go as far as making one of the Sanguinary Guard their Warlord to ensure the squad always gets the bonus (any model can be your Warlord, but you only get a Warlord Trait if you chose a Character).


This should leave me with a few hundred points to play around with. I'm guessing. How do BA typically deal with flyers? I played vs elder a couple of times, and that stormraven that consistently slaughtered chunks of my armies still leaves me with horrific nightmares! How do you guys usually deal with flyers? What are our best options?

One option is to take a squad or two with missile launchers to take advantage of the "Flakk Missile" stratagem to put mortal wounds on Flyers.


Since you have both DC and SG in your list, your best solution to Flyers may simply be to assault them. A lot of players forget that even supersonic aircraft can be assaulted in 8th edition if the assaulting unit has the FLY rule (thank you Jump Packs! :biggrin.: ). Think of Thor and Valkyrie taking out the aircraft pursuing them in "Thor: Ragnarok" and you will get the picture.


So far there's only 2 assbacks in the army, think it would be good to have another transport or tank in the army. I've got a rhino, a quadlas pres and a vindicator. Adding a Hunter or Stalker would give me an extra tank and some AA as well but I haven't seen either in any of the army lists I've looked at. Do people use these at all?

Up to you, I generally find that our strengths are in our infantry and most of our vehicles are a bit lackluster. There are some exceptions such as the Razorback which is both durable enough and shooty enough to be worth its modest points costs. The Storm Raven is also very good. Predators pay a lot of extra points over RBs for very little benefit unless you are taking 3 for the Killshot stratagem. 2 Razorbacks with lascannons have the same firepower as a quadlas Predator and almost twice as many wounds for only a modest premium in points. I don't like the Hunter as it is a single attack-dice weapon. The Stalker is quite good as it is T8 and has a good rate of fire. The poor Vindicator is just aweful in this edition. If you want good tanks, you are almost better off running a small allied Detachment of Imperial Guard.


Could run my QLP as a TLLC Razorback and add a small Dev squad w/2LC and a HB (for hellfire shells). Got a whole load of scouts, could run both squads with HB/bolters or as CC scouts. Just kind of thinking about different options now that I've got a solid core and 2 heavy hitting units. Trying to think of what the army needs or is lacking, hopefully you lovely people can help a poor guy out :wink:

Yup, a TLLC RB and a small Dev squad would give you a nice solid little firebase. Scouts are solid in this edition although the Sniper version seems overpriced for the number of mortal wounds they ever actually generate.

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You, sir, are a legend!!




As previously mentioned, I am planning on making this into a PLOG when I get out of hospital. Will be off work for at least 6 months while I recover and that's gonna give me plenty of time to build and paint an army I'm happy with (of course, I have everything else in my life to get back to normal as well). This is called 'Project: Atomize' because I'll be turning a rather large space marine collection into a somewhat small space marine collection, essentially just a 2000 point army - one that I'm actually happy with as opposed to just having a massive assortment of various figures! Am going to sell everything else, even selling all my fantasy stuff - about 3k of Khorne Chaos Warriors and around 7k points of Dark Elves. 


To complete the army I will have to buy a box of Intercessors and 2 boxes of Sanguinary Guard, but that's okay. Got 2 Intercessor-esque models from my gaming group (think White Dwarf or something were having a promotion and you got a free miniature) and I'm gonna use those as practice. Leaning more towards gold helmets as they're gonna be 'elite' Troops in the army. 


DC will need extensive work, however, that's something I've been meaning to do for a while (most of them are painted). My RB's (2AC + 1TLLC) and Tactical squads are painted. May redo them as I did buy a BA Tac box shortly before being incarcerated! And I'll probably have to paint everything else as well. Unfortunately, the majority of my painted figures will be getting sold. Attack bikes/ a few dreads/ lots of assault marines, my vindicators... all that stuff. 


Can't actually write up an army list as I don't have access to my Codex. My dad said he's have a look for it so hopefully I'll get it soon. Think I've got a solid idea of what I want, thanks to the amazing help of Karhedronuk! And maybe, just maybe, I'll have just enough points to include that Twin Lightning Claw guy I want so much, perhaps I can just build one and paint him for the fun of it :)


Thank you again again for all your help, buddy!!



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