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Started my True Scale project some time ago.  Choice was rather easy since my two previous projects were a bit melee / artillery heavy. 




Veterans + Ahriman






Tartaros Sekmeths

Edited by Mekol
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By alt-clicking on the images and choosing "copy image address" and then following the above image I was able to insert you're pics :tu:


I'm a big fan or true scale, and those WB's are an excellent example, fantastic job.




By alt-clicking on the images and choosing "copy image address" and then following the above image I was able to insert you're pics :thumbsup:


I'm a big fan or true scale, and those WB's are an excellent example, fantastic job.






Ok thanks - Apparently you can still at this are have 120% blackouts how to link images:biggrin.: I was just not copying the right link :D


Did I do something wrong ? Tacticals are suppose to be Thousand Sons third fellowship (kind of )

Edited by Mekol
  • 1 month later...

Yeah, I've no idea how I missed this but these are great! Looking back at your first post I love the leader with the bionic foot/leg. That was a nice, subtle surprise. The terminators and walkers look brutal!


It's awesome to see some metal boxes and those rotary guns! I swear that those look awesome but it doesn't seem like many folks bring them.

That's some nice, crisp painting there :) 

Now, in terms of the truescalery itself ... those Mk.III tacticals are legit; cataphractii legs are cool to work with [although i'm yet to find a method of turning tartaros torsos into power armour that's non-effort intensive], and more importantly, the much thicker armour plating on the Mk.III arms really helps with adding that sense of 'scale' and "transhuman dread" to proceedings. 

The Mk.IVs, when i first saw them, i felt like the arms were a bit spindly or oddly positioned - but looking at the photo again, it's possible that it's just the angle it was taken at that's visually distorting things.  What legs did you use for those, out of interest? I didn't immediately recognize them. 

Good job with the truescaling effort on Ahriman also - I've got one sitting around which i've been umming and ahhing over what to do with [as I am basically allergic to doing non-truescaled Astartes at this point], so it's good to see hwo the torso and arms 'scale up' with longer legs next to other truescales. 

Now the Apothecary's good as well, but someting about him's 'niggling' me slightly - it may again just be a trick of hte light on the photo, but his physique seems a little too 'human' in proportion, rathe than the far 'broader' - especially across the chest - which I tend to think of Marines of having; probably due o the relatively high shoulderpads, what looks a bit liek a sliightly taller abdominal section [wehre the cabling is going up under his chestpiece - althoug hi gotta say, the belt-buckle is a nice touch!], and the lack of spacers in the armpit area under-pad] Everybody's perception of what a truescaled Marine should look like are different however, so it's possible I've just become too familiar with the proportions on my own efforts , assuming it's not a photo-thing. 

And once again, he's well-painted with good weathering and smaller details [painted or modelled - like, is that one ofthe Iron Hands Mk.III heads?], so don't let my OTT nitpickery get you down :P 

As applies your terminators ... the cataphractii equipped ones are solid - although i'd be itnerested to see hwo they loook next to your power armoured truescales for size-comparison. [my own efforts in this area have uh ... been rather more OTT and basically featured hte judicious use of Perturabo and Horus as terminator armoured characters of evidently rahter large frame] ; what legs did you use for these, if you don't mind me asking?

Although as forr the Tartaros equipped terminators - again, it might just be me, but certain elements of them, such as the torsos [which i take it are straight tartaros ones], look a bit on the small/thin side on those imposing Custodes terminator legs. Some nicely dynamic posing with them, however! 

Anyway, overall it's a good looking project; and I commend you for having the vision to wish to put a full truescaled army onto hte field, particularly in the Heresy era - the more epic and large-scale nature of conflict in that age totally deserves Astartes to match! 

You've got some solid paintwork and a good aesthetic going with your Thousand Sons , and I look forward to seeing what you create next. 

I hope I haven't offended with my [intended as constructive-criticism] observations of some of your miniatures - like I say, it's possible it's the angle of photography or my sleep-deprived mind playing tricks on me when it comes to proportionality etc. in those instances specified. And if you're happy with 'em (and all up - you should be!) - that's what matters :D 

Keep up the good work! 

  • 3 weeks later...

Some new stuff. 

Finally ran out of miniatures to paint so cant really escape the eventual Big Thing of this project.

Falchion stil WIP - decals and pigments are done last. 

Finnishing Falchion and Sicaran at the same time. Really not comfortable with pigments.







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