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Adeptus Titanicus - what we'd like to see (one day?)

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What's the one that was a size above the Imperator and it's spirit machine was in essence a daemon?


Castigator Class. Just looked it up. It was also autonomous and powered completely by A.I. 

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The Castigator isn't larger than the Imperator Titan tho I thought? It's just supposed to be superior and unique due it's design, AI and for being build from an STC.
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I remember seeing a Titan with a landing pad for its own spotter ‘plane in White Dwarf many years ago: was that the Apocalypse class?

There was an upgrade/option for Warlords to have a Land Speeder as a spotter. It had a landing pad that went on the carapace.


One of the squat super-super heavy vehicles (ie titan class) had gyrocopters.


(When will FW expand AT to include the squat land train, Goliath mega cannon, and Cyclops?)

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Am definitely buying the box set in August and will be picking up a Reaver and Warhound or two (I wonder if they’ll come in pairs or as singles).


Will be interesting what other Titans will follow but, like most others, I’d be very interested in Epic especially in the Dark Imperium setting.


They way GW packs sprues these days, there’s only a few races that would require more than 1 large sprue to have all their options. And I’d love to see the modern take on a Capitol Imperial (or whatever the HQ in tracks was called).

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I also look forward to someone setting these new titans near the olde epic scale infantry and vehicles as I get the feeling these may also ‘fit’ That scale better than the old titans did- kind of like marines vs primaris next to a guardsman

The new one is only a little bit bigger than this one, and here you can see some of the older Epic minis and some others.

The size will fit right in. Epic infantry was really 8mm


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Whilst looking up the best fitting Legio who associated with Ultramarines I realised I'm probably going to struggle to paint (or say) Legio Praesagius...


That paint scheme looks difficult!

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In the News and Rumours topic there was mention of that old Imperator conversion with the thunderbolt plane on it.


Got me thinking that spotter aircraft are the logical upgrade for many larger Titans.


So the 1st expansion would probably be aircraft in that case. Which would be weird!


Hmm. Wonder how long until we see a Vortex Missile?

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Whilst looking up the best fitting Legio who associated with Ultramarines I realised I'm probably going to struggle to paint (or say) Legio Praesagius...


That paint scheme looks difficult!

Yeah I had that Titan Legion in mind soon as I saw the mini warlord :D and naturally my friend will be doing his as Legio Suturvora. Time to recreate the Ithraca City smackdown!

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I am also very excited to pick this game up. 2nd ed Epic was the first wargame I bought because of the scale of the conflict. AT may not quite deliver that, but I still love the idea of having Titans smashing each other up (plus I have lots of Dropzone terrain which should work nicely with this too).


In terms of old Epic models that could work in this context, obviously we have what's already been seen plus some of the following (in a vague order of when I think they might come out in terms of likelihood):


  • Warhound Titans (scout titans should make for an interesting addition as they can outflank the bigger engines and take out knights).
  • Other knight variants, including Barons, castellans etc
  • Ad Mech Ordinatus engines
  • Emperor Imperator class Titan
  • Emperor Warmonger class Titan
  • Emperor ??? class Titan (a mobile aircraft carrier titan, but this would require air rules, so not for a while, if ever)
  • Slaanesh scout class titans (again, much later)
  • Khornate warlord (can't remember the name - Bloodreaver? daemon titan)
  • Super heavy tanks (at which point they may release an Epic game alongside AT)

That doesn't include FW variants or alternative weapons (both more likely than not).

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I would like to see, first of all, all the weapons done for the core titans, and all the known knight variants coming out.


Then some new uncommon titans and knights like the Nemesis and the 3 legged titan from The Beast series and cosmetic upgrades for specific titan legions and titan variants like psy titans and the ordo sinister.


Then the Emperor class Titans!!!


Then introduce epic infantry and vehicles first in the form of Secutarii and other Mechanicum forces who would be most likely to fight around the titans, expanding to a full mechanicum range, usuable for both heresy sides.


Then Intoduce epic infantry and vehicles for the Space Marine Legions, followed up by Imperial Militia and other imperial forces.


Then go into 40k and introduce Chaos warped Titans and Xenos Titans, then following up with 40k specific chaos and xenos and imperial forces.


Then after that, return to the core titans and produce variant patterns :biggrin.:

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I think i could go on for hours wishlisting about this new release


Aside from the obvious choices, such as Titan variants, Warhounds and dare i say, the Imperator, I would love to see the game expand to other races and if successful, full Epic somewhere down the line


With the plastic skills they have these days, they really could make some amazing Titans and their equivalents - I'm dying to see a modern day Gargant


Depending on the setting, we could see new races or races that have never been in epic before such as Tau and Necrons if set in Dark Imperium times


If they stick with the HH timeline, there's lots of scope for new mini's - factions like Mechanicum plus things like the Stormbird etc


Also, could be a sneaky way of bringing back those small bearded chaps who have a Leviathan........ :wink:

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- Legion and Knight house colour plates and detailed background pieces in the same fashion as those in the FW black books. More explorations of their history going back to the Triad Ferrum Morgulus, more details like the cultishness of the Legio Fureans or the schism in the Legio Tempestus. More prominence for surprising underdog legions like Atarus or Xestiobax. More weird Knight houses like Orhlacc and Aerthegn.


- Variant heads, tilting plates, carapaces. Legion-specific ones would be good but the 40k-scale warlord alone has, what, three legion-agnostic variants at the moment? If we are to have only a handful of warlords, different faces would help characterise them. Some of the old chaos titan heads would be wonderful if updated and have rules potential. Maybe something fun could be done with the corvus boarding head?

- Knights besides the Questoris pattern. I want to flank a warlord with a squadron of Cerastus Lancers and watch it topple onto them. I want an Acastus Porphyrion or two to blur the lines between knight banners and small titans and generally confuse things via applied magna-lascannons.

- I have no interest in an epic revival - dueling mechs are 100% what I'm in this for - but xenos titans would be good. The 40k eldar ones are beautiful models and gargants could do with a design update

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So there was previously talk of making the books for this like the FW heresy black books in design. Some of that seems to have carried over from the rulebook previews we've seen but it doesn't seem to be the same kind of massive hardback. Any one get any word on that, possibly for the mooted campaign books?


Any Blue and Silver Titan Legions? I want them to match my Knights who have no lore yet.


Legio Tempestor, perhaps? Blue, silver and white. Legio Praesagius are blue, white and gold but you could probably slip some silver in there

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Well, the more I read/see about this titan game, the less I'm inclined to buy the big box. It seems too close to a FFG game.

I'll try it for free with easy proxy:

Knights / Armiger / Contemptor(dreads) / terminators are similar size to Titan / reaver / warhound /IK in Titanicus. 


In addition to this, I've checked my Epic miniatures: the biggest Titans (with cathedral on its top lol) is around the heigt of an actual armiger. The scale was closer to 4mm than to (titanicus) 8mm. The epic infantry was around 4 mm height.


I'll try to make a picture later

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Well, the more I read/see about this titan game, the less I'm inclined to buy the big box. It seems too close to a FFG game.

I'll try it for free with easy proxy:

Knights / Armiger / Contemptor(dreads) / terminators are similar size to Titan / reaver / warhound /IK in Titanicus.


In addition to this, I've checked my Epic miniatures: the biggest Titans (with cathedral on its top lol) is around the heigt of an actual armiger. The scale was closer to 4mm than to (titanicus) 8mm. The epic infantry was around 4 mm height.


I'll try to make a picture later

Original epic was out of scale with itself. Inf 1 size, tanks another (similar to how 40k is off scale) amd all titans and aircraft completely off from the rest of the game

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Any word on if we'll get mini tanks and stuff?

Another reason I want this set in 40k is because I want mini Repulsors, Astraeus tanks and Primaris Marines running around.

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Any word on if we'll get mini tanks and stuff?

Another reason I want this set in 40k is because I want mini Repulsors, Astraeus tanks and Primaris Marines running around.

Explicitly not in the short- or medium-term. Andy Hoare and the rest of the team want the focus to stay on the Titans.

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There were loads of things hinted at in the original Adeptus Titanicus that never saw the light of day, likely for financial or time reasons, that I'd love to see realised. An example is the different types of battle titans. We ended up with Warlords and Reavers, but the Eclipse, Nightgaunt, Deathbringer and Nemesis were apparently envisaged as completely different chassis, rather than weapon load-outs. They ended up as Warlord variants on the box:




...but they'd be an ideal way to introduce some real variety to the Legions. I'd like to see the Night Gaunt rethought as a Scout Titan (as suits its originally concept as a fast, lightly-armed Titan), and the Nemesis as the 'big bad' of the Battle Titans, with the remaining three – Eclipse, Warlord and Deathbringer – as long-range, flexible and short-range (or otherwise differentiated) respectively.


Regarding infantry and tanks, I would love to see Epic rethought – Epic Armageddon is my all-time favourite game – but not as an expansion to Adeptus Titanicus, as that's what killed the game in the first place. The fundamental disjunct between the giant robots and regular forces got clunky; over-simplifying one and over-complicating the other. I would like to see some infantry models in Adeptus Titanicus, but just as decoration, terrain or objectives, rather than as game pieces proper.


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