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4th Company "Command & Vet" Squad, Primaris style


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Okay so the 4th company was essentially destroyed, or rendered combat ineffective at best, on Cadia. It's not a stretch to consider that the company would be re-built with a healthy dose of Primaris Marines.


So to make a long story short I have the entire company built, its 50% primaris marines and 50% regular marines. I've decided to go with Primaris marines forming the traditional command element and company vets squad.


This is what I came up with:


Primaris Captain in Gravis Armor, carrying a Heavenfall Blade.

Primaris Company Ancient

Primaris Company Apothecary

Primaris Company Chaplain


That is the "command element" ... sure there's also a Primaris Lieutenant running around, same for a Primaris Librarian but they're not with the command element atm.


Now my idea for a Company Vet squad is also Primaris. What Primaris unit kicks tons of butt for us? Specifically us? Hellblasters. So filling the role of company vets is a 5 man Hellblaster squad equipped with Plasma Incinerator guns.


Together this comes up to a total primaris count of 10 in terms of riding in their own Repulsor.


That combo ends up being a very nasty bunch riding around in a Repulsor. If you survive the plasma fusillade, then you're going to get charged by not only the hellblasters but the captain, chaplain, ancient, etc. And they have an Apothecary backing them up.


I'm not a competitive player, but regardless this will be a hard hitting unit + transport. Its also very fluffy and representative of the reconstituted 4th company command element & vet squad.


I'm really not happy about lacking a primaris company champion and I'd appreciate any ideas for one.




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