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How do you see 40K in the (near) future?


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It sounds like you guys all want a return to 6th edition with its warzones and data sheets. I respect you, brothers, but I think that's frankly insane. Do you remember supplements? I do. Oh BOY do I not miss those.

I’m fairly certain that it was GW that indicated that things like Campaign Books were how they would initially add new units to existing armies prior to revised Codexes coming out for 8th Edition. Perhaps I was dreaming, but I don’t believe so.


Realistically, if people are to be believed, for Matched Play we already have one annually required supplement built into the system...

GW is getting everyone used to needing to buy a new book every year via Chapter Approved. It's also churning out codexes at a breakneck pace to get them all out. Honestly, what I see happening


- Codexes will be refreshed on a semi-regular basis, much faster than in previous editions. Probably every 18-24mos for a lot of them, or at least the big factions.

-Existing factions without their own Codex will be the big releases for awhile with a couple exceptions, like the rumored Ork big launch. Expect Emperor's Children and World Eaters as full factions for Chaos. Possibility of Lost and the Damned returning and Sisters of Silence getting a similar treatment to Custodes since it will require comparatively fewer kits for a full faction (An elite kit ala wardens, a new unit or two ala Allarus or Dawneagles, and a plastic Character.)

-A new "Edition" every couple of years. Honestly probably minor changes and compilation of chapter approved books, and an excuse to make new models. I'd expect the next one to be Primaris wave 2 plus whomever the next non-Imperial army out is (Guess out of nowhere, Emperor's Children to coincide with a giant cross-system Slaanesh release).

-Books and datacards, dice, etc to support campaigns being run. Not only does it give a chance to add new units showcased as a one-off release for an army, you'll need to buy a whole campaign book to use them or to really participate in an event. All of that is just printing money for GW.

An ultramarines codex please

We already have that. Codex: Space Marines pretty much IS the Ultramarines Codex. The other Chapters covered in it feel like afterthoughts.


I'd like a separate Raven Guard Codex, but I know it isn't going to happen.

I'm expecting a growing cast of larger plastic characters to join Guilliman, Cawl, Magnus and Mort, reflecting the AoS tendency. The story will come more and more to revolve around this cast to keep the lore rooted in the most impressive kits for each faction.

Sisters of Silence getting a similar treatment to Custodes since it will require comparatively fewer kits for a full faction.

They have confirmed that sisters of silence will be a full army but they seemed to indicate it would be via The talons of the Emperor imperial armour book from Forgeworld. Basically using their existing and upcoming Forgeworld models to make them a fully playable army in 40k. Certainly Sisters of Silence on jetbikes will be cool :)

I just want to add that I too would love an Ultramarine codex. The book is bloated with characters and units I can't really use, and if we had a dedicated book we'd perhaps have some unique elite choices or special troops you can't access elsewhere. Look at how unique BA, DA and SW can be with their specific units.


Black Templars would also get a separate book, and the rest of the Chapters can have supplements or their own codex.

I wonder if it'd be better to go the other way round - have a generic Marine Codex that doesn't highlight ANY Chapters, and then mini-dex releases you can bolt on to make specific, unique Chapters.


After all, do we really need so many codices where the majority of entries are copy-paste jobs?

I wonder if it'd be better to go the other way round - have a generic Marine Codex that doesn't highlight ANY Chapters, and then mini-dex releases you can bolt on to make specific, unique Chapters.

After all, do we really need so many codices where the majority of entries are copy-paste jobs?


Soooo.... 3rd Edition.

Guest Triszin

For now I just want Armaggedon Warzone with BT chasing Ghazzy, sallies dropping to lend a hand and the return of Vulkan to tackle with primork Ghazzy with Yarrick and Helbrecth backup.

Also new IG regiment.

you know, I would love to see Salamanders get some rule that lets them work with imperial guard super easy.

Guest Triszin

I'd love to see Vulkan return to fight another giant Ork.


I think he has such a striking look, would be great on the 40k tabletop.

I'd love to see Vulkan pitted against Lorgar.

Vulkan: points towards normal humans , that is who we must protect, they are equals

Lorgar: Points to gods, that is who we must be, they are my equals.

Likely what will happen is:


1) Rule books for all existing armies come out.  This is no surprise.


2) Campaign books/themes that either introduce new armies (i.e., Deathguard & Primaris marines with the Fate of Konor) or highligh special characters or units for existing armies (think the Wulfen splash with Curse of the Wulfen).


3) Every once in a while, updated kits of existing armies.


4) Long shot...but there will be a specific terrain kit for each army, with the impending release of the webway gate and the rumor swirling around an Imperial Knights terrain piece being the beginning of that wave.

I'm not sure I ever remember a time when Salamanders were 'conventionally' black?

From the 3rd Ed Armageddon Codex to the 5th Ed rulebook, this is how it was.


It’s been forever, but I still haven’t gotten used to the “coal black” skin on the Salamanders, and have yet to see it look good on a model. A strange and ugly choice on GW’s part.


I'm not sure I ever remember a time when Salamanders were 'conventionally' black?

From the 3rd Ed Armageddon Codex to the 5th Ed rulebook, this is how it was.


It’s been forever, but I still haven’t gotten used to the “coal black” skin on the Salamanders, and have yet to see it look good on a model. A strange and ugly choice on GW’s part.

I've been playing since 3rd and I remember them always having been black rather than brown of skin.

No, they used to be conventially dark skinned. I remember when I first saw one if the pitch black skinned models, and I thought it was a mistake.



On topic, I expect to see campaign books and narrative supplements. I hope anything added to match play will get corralled into the Chapter Approved.

The future is campaigns and supplements, GW themselves said on twitch at the beginning of the edition that after everything was done they would like to revisit certain armies. GW have also said in one of their financial reports that their goal was to remove the need to release a book to release a miniature, which is why they have put rules into boxes and we have already seen a bit of that with Forgebane (Armigers but no Knight codex) or Dark Imperium to a lesser extent (Primaris for the armies that at the time didtn have a codex, DW/BA/SW/DA) and Sly Marbo. SO to me the future will be campaigns and splashes of miniatures for all factions.


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