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Is it worth having a separate forum for knights?

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I don't think it's a bad idea - though it's not a big deal.


Knights do have a relationship with the Mechanicum clearly, but they're also utterly separate entities with no ties to Mars (Questor Imperialis), or indeed come in Renegade flavour - which again disassociates them in the fluff to a great degree.


I do feel bad on occasion for folk who are really looking to discuss the Mechanicus (because Mechanicus armies really don't feature Knights all that commonly, and when they do, they're not necessarily that forces focus), as there are a LOT of us it seems who are really into discussing Knights as a primary thing?


As I say, it's not a huge deal. But perhaps a separate section is warranted given GW's obvious intent to expand Knights as a stand alone army?


I'm sure there be an admin or two with wisdom to spare who could decide such an issue ;)

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Do knights generate enough forum traffic to be worthy of their own forum? If the Custodes were deemed unworthy and left in the Agents of the Imperium forum, I don't think the Knights are active enough to warrant a forum of their own...
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How about a subforum,with in the ,Mechanicus forum. There is some truth to the increase in discussions about current,and new additions to the Knights. In time there may even be a need to open a subforum in the Chaos ,forum for ,Renegade Knight houses. Realm of Chaos might even gain a Dark Mechanicus,subforum aswell.
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Do knights generate enough forum traffic to be worthy of their own forum? If the Custodes were deemed unworthy and left in the Agents of the Imperium forum, I don't think the Knights are active enough to warrant a forum of their own...


I think so, yes. At least for now.


Lately they appear to me to be generating significantly more traffic than the purely Mechanicus posts in fact, though how much of that is due to the incoming codex drop and subsequent renewed interest, I couldn't say.

How about a subforum,with in the ,Mechanicus forum. There is some truth to the increase in discussions about current,and new additions to the Knights. In time there may even be a need to open a subforum in the Chaos ,forum for ,Renegade Knight houses. Realm of Chaos might even gain a Dark Mechanicus,subforum aswell.


This probably makes a lot of sense.

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Yeah, the Army List subforums are a nearly dead thing as well...


I would keep it as it is, especially since both factions are pretty small and combining them makes sence from a fluff point of view as well as combining them gaming wise to get more variety.

To separate them might lead to less traffic in both areas.

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