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Replacement for Scab Red

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Hey Everyone!


Working on my Flesh Tearers' main list now and I need to find a really dark red. I was looking through the red colors on GW's sit and saw a Blood for the Blood God red that looks pretty dark. Does anyone have any examples of what this looks like when it has dried?


Thanks in advance!


Edit: Ohhh that is a gloss finish for blood. Nevermind. I'm trying to get a real dark red.




I suppose I could just add some black to the khorne red I already have maybe... but if I can just get a color that is preset that would be awesome!

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It is tricky though as I find Khorne red is pinker than I remember scab red being; also there used to be gore red and I don’t remember which was darker now. It feels like two paints were replaced with one in that part of the spectrum.


If you try the B&C painter app, that recommends paints from various ranges for the colours you have picked - worth a try? Especially useful for the names of non-GW paints.

I would have advised Gal Vorbak Red but sadly Forge World has discontinued it. Khorne Red is the closest match to Scab Red in the GW range. I would expect as Apologist said Vallejo would be a good choice since they would likely produce lots of ship hull reds in their paint range.

As someone who uses scab red extnsively with his army, the closest match I've ever had is mixing P3 Sanguine Base and Sanguine Highlight.

Khorne Red is categorically NOT an equivalent.

AP's Chaotic red is far darker and browner than Scab,

Instar is pretty damned close, partly because I gave the one of my old pots to play with. I'm still getting used to using their paint's though, consistency is different to most acryllics I use, so I'm not in a position of recommending them.


Instar is pretty damned close, partly because I gave the one of my old pots to play with. I'm still getting used to using their paint's though, consistency is different to most acryllics I use, so I'm not in a position of recommending them.

I've been very tempted to pick up some of the range, but at this point I've got enough variety and amount of paint to last several years :lol:

I found this article, which might be helpful in picking a colour, even if it doesn't have Scab Red on it.


And according to this article, it looks like Vallejo Game Colour Gory Red may also be a reasonable match. Another reasonable match may be Vallejo Game Colour Scarlett Red which, despite the name, was made to be match to Scab Red (I think it was originally called Scar Red, and then later changed to Scarlett Red once Citadel dropped the paint from their newer range).

I do everything with Army Painter. Here's a (slightly dusty) example of Chaotic Red paint, on the upper cloak of this Lord of Contagion I have (once again) failed to finish painting. Note that my phone is a $15 potato and its color representation may not be correct; I am myself red/green colorblind so I can't say for sure.


Personally, if I wanted that more vivid, almost grimy red hue like that pictured in the OP, I'd go with either AP Dragon Red or AP Pure Red and then wash it with Dark Tone to bring the brightness down while adding a grimy look, then *maybe* touch up with another very thin coat of the aforementioned paints. But I'm also not a very skilled painter, so there are probably *much* better ways.

Scale 75 Deep Red. 


All scale 75 colors are very matt. There fantasy line has hyper bright colors, which may or may not suit your needs. 



Adding black might not to be too helpful, maybe try switching up your undercoat layer to dark brown, or even dark green. Red can be built from browns and greens, depending on the brand of paint you are using you might get better layers using one of those under coats over black or white/grey.  Red can be very unforgiving color to paint.  I find GW reds some of worst ones to work with in my own opinion. 


Are you doing normal brush work or airbrush? 


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