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A Few Questions About the Fallen

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No I’m not being tempted into heresy brothers. I just had a cool idea for a campaign that would justify my son’s fledgeling DA successor chapter fighting against my inquisition force.


Basically some fallen crop up on a world and the inquisitor that leads my army (Ordo hereticus) takes and interest and starts an investigation. My sons DA Successors are in the area. The conflict is obvious.


I thought it would be cool to paint up a squad of fallen and have some battles that involve both sides trying to capture them and prevent the other.


So I’m just wondering what they should look like. Chaos marine models? Or DA models with some chaos bits? DA wore black during the heresy right? So they should be in Black power armour? Any pointers/tips? We’d like to make it nice and fluffy but I don’t know DA fluff outside what I read on Lexicanum and my son is just getting into it.


Also, any good Black Library books you’d recommend I get for my son to help him get up to speed?

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Fallen? What Fallen? No one knows what you're talking about... Look, see that tall Chaplain there with the black pearls? Go and ask for Forgiveness... We DAs are known for our forgiving nature... :tongue.:



To actually be helpful, Chaos Marine models could be a way to go. However not all Fallen follow the same path and not all are given to Chaos in the same way. Some may even believe they have no allegiance to Chaos at all (poor bastards). I guess the connecting bit would be black armour with defaced DA iconography. That's more to convey their nature visually on the table top rather than anything else, as background-wise, if they wanted to completely conceal their allegiance they could wear anything really... Oh, tattered robes and 30k-ish weaponry won't be a bad idea either...


As far as BL books go, virtually everything with DAs in it has a reference to the Fallen, with the HH ones being about the origins and the rest being fine examples of Fallen hunting. My personal favourite (and one of the best BL books ever (and at par with Execution Hour that has nothing to do with DAs) is Angels of Darkness by Gav Thorpe. Read that. :smile.:


And if you're looking for coolness incarnate try the Rage of Asmodai audio drama (just 24 mins - it'll be worth it!) 

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Thanks, Semper!


I actually have some Chaos marine models that I won as a door prize at a tournament years ago and never knew what to do with. Now I know!


I just wasn’t sure if the Fallen has gone so fully to chaos that they’d actually look like chaos marines with the horns and all that. I might kitbash the chaos models with some 30k to make them a little less fully chaos.


Thanks for the book recommendation I’ll look into it!

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Yeah, Gav is not to every DA's fan taste, but I actually like his work. And the Angels of Darkness has the best EVER depiction of what an Inner Circle member is all about. I won't spoil it further, but I will be glad to discuss it once you read it.


Truth is Fallen come in many flavours -  so hard core Chaos is certainly an option. :)

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From a modeling perspective mixing in Mark III is a good way to go, Mark II would be better but Forgeworld is scrapping that possibility unless you are quick.


Definitely read Angels of Darkness, I haven't read it in years but it has some pretty interesting thoughts and points of view.

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