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Hey guys. New (ish) to 40k as in played in 2nd ed as a kid, now I have disposable income and time. Started collecting a DA army for awesoem fluff and cloaks. That’ll always be my main army.


But I really fancy grabbing the codex for AM/IG and making a cool, say 500 point army for variety in painting and just expansion.


Got a Knight and probably more coming too. So basically making a huge Imperial force.


Where do I start? “Start collecting AM” box,

Read the codex and play it from there?


Just looking for opinions/guidance from the hive mind.


Much appreciated :-)

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Welcome to the Guard and back to the hobby :tu: 500pts of Guard can go a long way if you're after infantry, less so if you want to mix it up with tanks. Which is likely as they're not only cool but also good. The Start Collecting boxes are good value and a solid start to a Guard force so I can recommend them especially starting out (more so if you buy online for further savings ;) ).


Got any ideas for your colour scheme? Or a general play style?

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Certainly good value in the Starter box and a good place to start. However you might want to consider what regiment appeals to you the most (Cadians in the box are quite good).

The current book gives different bonuses to regiments and strategems.


Lots of help to be found here when you get to army list building.

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I would recommend 2 hq and 3 troops as a minimum, then flesh out however you want.



Company commander, bolt gun 31

Primaris psyker, stave 46


3x10 guard 120


Comissar, bolt pistol 16 (always good with infantry)


Comes to 213 points, +5cp and a nice addition to any army. It depends what your dark angles lack.


The russ from the start collecting would probably be best as a basic battle cannon russ with 3 heavy bolter (magnetise it!!!!) For 168 points


Your now at 381 points with 3 characters, 30 infantry and a russ. Up to you where you go from here. More bodies is good, special/heavy weapons (as squads or in squads) hellhound, basilisk. All the options are there.


I would recommend getting the start collet in, a psyker, command squad box and 20 more guard to start. All online, you can easily get 20-25% off new or there is always ebay. Then go from there, just my opinions, but I hope they help

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I said a command squad because of the bits you get in the box. An officer, 4 guardsmen, every special weapon option and some cool bits to spread throughout your army.


I do have 1 which is a banner and lascannon for 49pts and looks cool and feels thematic to me having a flag in the middle of my lines

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Hey there, as for starting out the Get Started box is solid but I would recommend either the cadian or catachan Defence Force. 2x Infantry Squads, 1x Command squad, 1x Heavy Weapons Squads (3 bases), 1x Leman Russ, 1x Chimera for $165.


A great buy as you can really do whatever you want. The command squad can help you make an HQ or 2 plus the special weapons (and better models) can help make certain guys stand out a bit more. Heavy weapons can either be embedded into squads or taken solo, the chimera can function as a troop transport or you can proxy it as a hellhound (especially since your new) since its the same chasis. You can't go wrong with a Russ :) 


Depending on how much money you are willing to drop A defence force + get started box sets you up really nice, if you really wanna go ham grab 2 defence forces and you've got a great ~1,000 point list right there


cheers, and welcome to the guard!

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The defense force box is a good idea!!

Can give you:



Company commander 30

Tank commander/pask, battle cannon, 3 heavy bolter 213/223


Infantry squad, plasma gun, heavy bolter 55

Infantry squad, lascannon 60

Infantry squad, sniper, lascannon 62


He'll hound (proxy) heavy flamer hull 110


Total of 530/540 points with 5cp bonus. Could cost less with weapon changes, but that is how I would run just using that box. Though a cheap psyker and commissar from ebay would also be good and be easily fit in if you drop the tank commander to a normal russ and replace with a primaris psyker

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