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So, I have a 2k Khorne Daemon list where I'm allying in Chaos Space Marines. The points in the list are mostly on the Space Marine side. But I really like the Stratagems and Relics from the Codex: Daemons better. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how I want to paint my CSM. I really like Black on Silver but I have a few others and I was wondering what you guys think.














I could go quarters or half colors as well but I'm looking for something a little simpler to paint for this force. Anyway, thanks in advance!

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Khorne csm, generally paint their armor bronze and red. If you're trying to go off of the beaten path, I'd suggest black and silver (maybe have red be the color of their tabards and horns/extra decorations).


I might as well ask, what legion are they?

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Khorne csm, generally paint their armor bronze and red. If you're trying to go off of the beaten path, I'd suggest black and silver (maybe have red be the color of their tabards and horns/extra decorations).


I could paint their horns black and red like the Bloodletters and Daemon Princes. There is just going to be a TON of red and bronze already with the Daemons. I was trying to make the CSM stand out a little in that crowd. I really like the green, black and silver look. The black and silver is going to be simple and look good as well. But I don't think they painted their armor red though. Wasn't it just that there was so much blood spilled that the blood crusted onto the armor?

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Khorne csm, generally paint their armor bronze and red. If you're trying to go off of the beaten path, I'd suggest black and silver (maybe have red be the color of their tabards and horns/extra decorations).



I could paint their horns black and red like the Bloodletters and Daemon Princes. There is just going to be a TON of red and bronze already with the Daemons. I was trying to make the CSM stand out a little in that crowd. I really like the green, black and silver look. The black and silver is going to be simple and look good as well. But I don't think they painted their armor red though. Wasn't it just that there was so much blood spilled that the blood crusted onto the armor?

the green feels too reminiscent of Nurgle IMO. Try replacing it with a dark red and have the horns be silver if you're going to go with the second pic.


Nope, they definitely repainted their armor. Without paint, power armor is just plain looking steel. It's pretty much impossible to get the main color of the armor to be such an even tone of red with the filigree being brass without repainting their armor. Btw, it was mentioned in a BL book that most khorne csm repaint their armor to show their new allegiance.

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If you're looking for alternate colour-schemes for Khornate marines, I can help. So, I have the Age of Sigmar: Khorne Bloodbound Battletome (yes, the one from when AoS first came out), and it has some colour schemes in it that aren't the standard Red/Brass, but still fit.


I'd recommend looking up these colour schemes:

  • The Skullfiend Tribe
  • The Iron Horde
  • Murderfist Tribe
  • The Flayed
Of those, only the Skullfiend Tribe use red and brass, but their primary colour is Black, with Brass trim and red accents (looks like helmets and other areas). Though that may end up looking like Black Legion. The Iron Horde's scheme is Silver on Silver, with red accents. The Murderfist Tribe is the one that's really unique: Black with bone trim, and bloody red arms (because they KALI MA people). The Flayed are Bone armour (literally, that's what their armour is made from), brass trim and bloodsplatter.


(I had links to images showing the colour schemes, but the forum kept eating the urls)


But yes, you CAN have a Khornate warband of Marines and not be Red and Brass. You just need to think of Khorne's palette, which is:

  • Blood
  • Brass
  • Skulls
  • Iron
Which gives quite a few colours to play with.


Nope, they definitely repainted their armor. Without paint, power armor is just plain looking steel. It's pretty much impossible to get the main color of the armor to be such an even tone of red with the filigree being brass without repainting their armor. Btw, it was mentioned in a BL book that most khorne csm repaint their armor to show their new allegiance.

Eh, depending on the fluff it's just blood-coated. Or if we go with warp-shenanigans, they're spilling so much blood it bonds to their armour and colours it.
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Damn... I don't know. It just doesn't seem to have the same impact that the black silver and green has. Hmm.. gonna have to mess around with the painter some more and see If I can come up with something I'll like more.



Edit: I should have mentioned that I am trying to get them to not blend in as much. I want them to stand apart from the Daemons they will be fielded with. As it stands with my 1750 point list I'll have almost 50 blood letters on the table. It is already SO much red. I wanted something to detract from all the red and pull my opponents vision away from it. I was thinking the green would really jump out at them visually. A really bright orange might work...

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I did see that too. It looks decent. You know... actually... I do really like that look. Need to see if I can find a good paint guide for that. The recesses are darker like iron and it is polished on the edges and raised areas. This will also let me use my Tamiya Red for the red gore effect! ^_^1

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I love the orange and brass. It's going to be easy enough to have the darkest shading be reddish to stay true to traditional Khorne colors, while still looking different.


That said, if you are actually planning for the black scheme to be black, silver, and that florescent green color, it gets my vote 1000%. It's so different from typical Khornate fare that I'm absolutely loving it. Besides, who says that all blood has to be red. Horseshoe crabs bleed blue copper based blood. Maybe these guys fought a campaign against something with green acid blood and they mimic the color to scare locals?

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I did see that too. It looks decent. You know... actually... I do really like that look. Need to see if I can find a good paint guide for that. The recesses are darker like iron and it is polished on the edges and raised areas. This will also let me use my Tamiya Red for the red gore effect! ^_^
I got you:


Use that for the darker areas, then just make the trim and raised areas Ironbreaker and Stormhost Silver.



That said, if you are actually planning for the black scheme to be black, silver, and that florescent green color, it gets my vote 1000%. It's so different from typical Khornate fare that I'm absolutely loving it. Besides, who says that all blood has to be red. Horseshoe crabs bleed blue copper based blood. Maybe these guys fought a campaign against something with green acid blood and they mimic the color to scare locals?

Frigging Tyranids :lol:
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I love the orange and brass. It's going to be easy enough to have the darkest shading be reddish to stay true to traditional Khorne colors, while still looking different.


That said, if you are actually planning for the black scheme to be black, silver, and that florescent green color, it gets my vote 1000%. It's so different from typical Khornate fare that I'm absolutely loving it. Besides, who says that all blood has to be red. Horseshoe crabs bleed blue copper based blood. Maybe these guys fought a campaign against something with green acid blood and they mimic the color to scare locals?


Thank you! I'm having a good think about it for sure. I do really like the contrast between the black and the green. But I am open to other suggestions. I just don't want an entire blob of red and brass. It blends together too much and looks boring imho. 




I got you:


Use that for the darker areas, then just make the trim and raised areas Ironbreaker and Stormhost Silver.



Frigging Tyranids :laugh.:




So, maybe something like this? Also, thank you for the guide!




Seems a bit meh to me honestly. Looks more like Iron Warriors doesn't it? The red gore would contrast really well though.

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I think the plain black and silver looks good, maybe with dark red shoulder pads or gauntlets if extra variation is desired. Whilst the black, red and brass looked good, it was quite reminiscent of the Black Legion to me.
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Damn... I don't know. It just doesn't seem to have the same impact that the black silver and green has. Hmm.. gonna have to mess around with the painter some more and see If I can come up with something I'll like more.



Edit: I should have mentioned that I am trying to get them to not blend in as much. I want them to stand apart from the Daemons they will be fielded with. As it stands with my 1750 point list I'll have almost 50 blood letters on the table. It is already SO much red. I wanted something to detract from all the red and pull my opponents vision away from it. I was thinking the green would really jump out at them visually. A really bright orange might work...

not gonna lie, I really like that second one. Mind if I borrow that collor scheme for when I do my world eaters?



I love the orange and brass. It's going to be easy enough to have the darkest shading be reddish to stay true to traditional Khorne colors, while still looking different.

That said, if you are actually planning for the black scheme to be black, silver, and that florescent green color, it gets my vote 1000%. It's so different from typical Khornate fare that I'm absolutely loving it. Besides, who says that all blood has to be red. Horseshoe crabs bleed blue copper based blood. Maybe these guys fought a campaign against something with green acid blood and they mimic the color to scare locals?



Thank you! I'm having a good think about it for sure. I do really like the contrast between the black and the green. But I am open to other suggestions. I just don't want an entire blob of red and brass. It blends together too much and looks boring imho. 



I got you:

Use that for the darker areas, then just make the trim and raised areas Ironbreaker and Stormhost Silver.

Frigging Tyranids :lol:




So, maybe something like this? Also, thank you for the guide!




Seems a bit meh to me honestly. Looks more like Iron Warriors doesn't it? The red gore would contrast really well though.

try a brighter shade of silver for this one and consider going with gold instead of brass. It'll really make those colors pop. With that said though, what I just said is literally the exact scheme of my emperor's children so....
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not gonna lie, I really like that second one. Mind if I borrow that collor scheme for when I do my world eaters?
try a brighter shade of silver for this one and consider going with gold instead of brass. It'll really make those colors pop. With that said though, what I just said is literally the exact scheme of my emperor's children so....



Go for it man. Like I said I'm trying to figure out what I like. I understand that the Black and Green might not work for Khorne marines. I just really like that color scheme. But it won't really tie into the Blood Letters very well. The dark iron/iron armor can work. Might actually be pretty damn good if I get good blood splattering on them. 


For reference this chapter is going to be fallen White Scars. It will only ever be fielded as a Renegade Outrider Detachment with 27 Chaos Bikers and a Daemon Prince with Wings. 


So I'm trying to get something that looks decent on the bikers that doesn't  just blend into everything red and brass when my Daemons drop in. One of the reasons I'm leaning away from a typical Khorne Red scheme. The full Iron picture that Gederas linked might look pretty good. Also I like the black and silver with red helm/boots/hands. 



Black horns?




Red Horns?




Bronze horns?



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The great thing about chaos is that you can justify almost any color scheme because the gods each have untold aspects to them.

A Marine worshipping him as the God of Blood may paint his armour blood red. Yet another may be a dark blue or black, for arterial blood or offal.

Worshippers of the God of Death may paint their armour bone or white, or black for eternal nothingness.

Those who worship Khorne as the God of Martial Prowess could have armour of black iron, steel, silver, or brass, to represent their entire body being his weapon.

Worshippers of Khorne as the God of Murder could have armour in midnight blue to blend into the darkness, or any overlapping colour with blood or weaponry.

If a marine sees Khorne as the God of Martial Pride and Honour, they could paint their armour in bright colours to make their presence known to their enemies, looking in disdain at assassins who hide in shadows or those more obsessed with spilling blood wantonly than with the quality and skill in their kill. Such warriors may look like the knights of old Terra, taking to the field of battle covered in heraldry designed to let the most skilled opponents know exactly where they can be found. The black and green could be like that.


"We do not hide from our foes like cowards and assassins. We want their greatest champions to know we are there to challenge their strength. We illuminate our helms and our hands so they can see the faces in the darkness coming for them, and the hands that will choke the life from their broken bodies. In that way they honour our Lord, and their courage will fuel our rage."

-Attributed to Varnath Kragg, former Captain of the Sable Guard

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There's nothing that says you HAVE to use red with a Khorne worshipping force. Your most recent scheme ideas actually look more like Iron Warriors which is interesting because back in 3rd they used to have a large "Berserker" presence in their force for when the enemy's defenses were destroyed. I liked the black & silver personally. Even a Black Legion warband dedicated to Khorne is feasible and do exist. 

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If you really like the green and black (I think it looks good too) just use it. There are 1,001 reasons why a Khornate warband would have green sections of their armour, you just have to think them up. The particular shade of green you used reminds me of the Vorpal Swords, a loyalist chapter who took part in the Abyssal Crusade. They could be renegade Vorpal Swords who fell to Khorne. 


Or you could even make them a more generic undivided type warband since they're more of an allied force by the sound of it. You can run them as Khorne marked marines while playing with your Khorne Daemons, but if you choose to expand the force as a warband of it's own you haven't shut yourself out of painting some Nurgle, Tzeentch, or Slaanesh aligned troops in your scheme later.

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The great thing about chaos is that you can justify almost any color scheme because the gods each have untold aspects to them.

A Marine worshipping him as the God of Blood may paint his armour blood red. Yet another may be a dark blue or black, for arterial blood or offal.

Worshippers of the God of Death may paint their armour bone or white, or black for eternal nothingness.

Those who worship Khorne as the God of Martial Prowess could have armour of black iron, steel, silver, or brass, to represent their entire body being his weapon.

Worshippers of Khorne as the God of Murder could have armour in midnight blue to blend into the darkness, or any overlapping colour with blood or weaponry.

If a marine sees Khorne as the God of Martial Pride and Honour, they could paint their armour in bright colours to make their presence known to their enemies, looking in disdain at assassins who hide in shadows or those more obsessed with spilling blood wantonly than with the quality and skill in their kill. Such warriors may look like the knights of old Terra, taking to the field of battle covered in heraldry designed to let the most skilled opponents know exactly where they can be found. The black and green could be like that.


"We do not hide from our foes like cowards and assassins. We want their greatest champions to know we are there to challenge their strength. We illuminate our helms and our hands so they can see the faces in the darkness coming for them, and the hands that will choke the life from their broken bodies. In that way they honour our Lord, and their courage will fuel our rage."

-Attributed to Varnath Kragg, former Captain of the Sable Guard


Love that quote and the reasoning behind the Black and Green. Thank you so much! I think I will end up going with the Black and Green after all. I do like that scheme the most. My Google-fu appears to be weak in this matter. Who are the Sable Guards?


If you really like the green and black (I think it looks good too) just use it. There are 1,001 reasons why a Khornate warband would have green sections of their armour, you just have to think them up. The particular shade of green you used reminds me of the Vorpal Swords, a loyalist chapter who took part in the Abyssal Crusade. They could be renegade Vorpal Swords who fell to Khorne. 


Or you could even make them a more generic undivided type warband since they're more of an allied force by the sound of it. You can run them as Khorne marked marines while playing with your Khorne Daemons, but if you choose to expand the force as a warband of it's own you haven't shut yourself out of painting some Nurgle, Tzeentch, or Slaanesh aligned troops in your scheme later.


Yeah the idea was that it was a White Scars Successor Master of the Hunt that fell to Chaos. Part of the small hunting band that was with him fell as well. They were tricked by Chaos into hunting and killing a rather powerful and influential Inquisitor. The chapter was declared excommunicate tratoris and hunted down and wiped out by the White Scars and other White Scars successors except this contingent which was lost in the warp for thousands of years. They have just recently emerged as hunters for Khorne with the Master of the Hunt having turned into a Daemon Prince and heading the charge to hunt for powerful skulls for Khorne. At least that is what I've come up with so far..


The entire force moves very quickly. So it will only ever have Chaos Bikers and jump infantry which limits it to a support role. An expensive support role. But a support role nonetheless. Currently using them to first turn charge opponents and lock them down into their deployment zone. The list has three Daemon Princes and a blood letter bomb, the later of which arrives by deep strike. Then I have another 30 blood letters that screen the field in an attempt to prevent the opponent from locking me up then turn to object taking.


So I really wanted them to stick out. I think the Black Green and Silver does that. 


Thanks again everyone! Going to be picking up the paints and one box of Chaos Bikers and I'll get a test model painted up within the next month or two and start my WIP thread for the force.

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You're welcome for the idea. Just made the quote up on the spot to sound like something that would justify the colour scheme, so apparently the Sable Guard were a space marine chapter I pulled a name for at random because there was black in the color scheme and it sounds suitably generic enough to be either loyalists or traitors :) Sadly immediately after creating the name, it appears that they have fallen to the service of Khorne. Sometimes corruption is a quick process :-D
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Black, red, and brass trim FTW, as far as I’m concerned. The trifecta of awesome colors.


Yeah I really like that scheme as well. It really fits Khorne for sure. Just got my new magnifying glass and will be getting the bikers this weekend, some new paint brushes and some more paints to work on these boys. 


"We do not hide from our foes like cowards and assassins. We want their greatest champions to know we are there to challenge their strength. We illuminate our helms and our hands so they can see the faces in the darkness coming for them, and the hands that will choke the life from their broken bodies. In that way they honour our Lord, and their courage will fuel our rage."

-Attributed to Varnath Kragg, former Captain of the Sable Guard


If you're cool with it I'd love to take this quote for one of my captains. ^_^ I mean.. hell I could even use the name of the captain and the chapter name if you're okay with that lol! ^_^


So I'll be going with this scheme for sure.




Still not set on the lens color.. but everything else is perfect! ^_^

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Black, red, and brass trim FTW, as far as I’m concerned. The trifecta of awesome colors.

Yeah I really like that scheme as well. It really fits Khorne for sure. Just got my new magnifying glass and will be getting the bikers this weekend, some new paint brushes and some more paints to work on these boys.



So I'll be going with this scheme for sure.


Still not set on the lens color.. but everything else is perfect! ^_^

Hmm.... That colour-scheme looks like the Hounds of Abaddon scheme:


Not saying that's bad, just pointing it out :lol:


As for the lenses: Imo, as a contrast for red, a bright green is best, my World Eaters' Maulerfiend for example uses this:



After green, I say bright orange. But ONLY if orange isn't used elsewhere on the model.

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Hmm.... That colour-scheme looks like the Hounds of Abaddon scheme:


Not saying that's bad, just pointing it out :laugh.:


As for the lenses: Imo, as a contrast for red, a bright green is best, my World Eaters' Maulerfiend for example uses this:



After green, I say bright orange. But ONLY if orange isn't used elsewhere on the model.




Wow that does look pretty damn cool! Both the hounds and the Green eyes. I don't think I'll be going with the hounds though. I really like the idea of a White Scars successor falling to chaos since the entire force will be about 1200-1300 points. Three squads of 9 bikers and the Daemon Prince. :happy.:

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