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Combining Wings?


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I'm thinking about starting a DA army once my current C:SM one is complete, but I don't want to tackle the full 2000 points right away.

Still, I was never one to stick to only one thing, and painting more than 500 points at a time in one color is something I absolutely lack the patience to do.


So could I, for the time being, mix and match Deathwing, Ravenwing and 'Greenwing' units in one detachment?

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Yep, that's actually what most people do...I'm actually taking all three, although it's really about a 60/40 split between greenwing and deathwing, with one ravenwing model in the force.

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Youcan of course. No sin it it. It may prove a bit difficult, giving all the cool stuff .. :wink:

Oh, the cool stuff is why I want to add DAs to my forces :yes:

But even the coolest stuff proves to feel a bit tedious to me when I spend nearly all the time I get to paint in about ten weeks basecoating in one and the same color...


Props to this Chapter for actually giving a fluffy way to combine different color schemes without losing the Chapter Keyword! :wink: :thumbsup:



Yep, that's actually what most people do...I'm actually taking all three, although it's really about a 60/40 split between greenwing and deathwing, with one ravenwing model in the force.


I'd/ I'll go heavy on Deathwing and Ravening first (Black Knights - they're goddarn Beakies on Bikes! How can you only have one Ravening model? Black Knights come in units of three!) with some Plasma Greenwing... the long term plan is to get a Greenwing Battalion together, but that might take a while :wacko.:

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The main point of the DA (as per the most recent FAQ*) is combining wings! So yeah, go for it!


*The FAQ and designer notes have insisted on the fact that all armies are meant to be played as armies, with a wide spread of units of different types, and that the game has turned away from elite-forces such as full DW or full RW, which would go to explain the difficulties set in place for such focused armies (i.e.: lack of command points, problems with cost, problems in general). Although such armies can be fielded, they definetly present a big challenge in terms of list design and gameplay. Specially DW. As it stands, RW is much easier to make into a stand alone force, versus the DW. This, mainly due to unit costs, survivability, and maneuverability.

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Well, nobody would bat an eyelid about a combination of Terminators and Bikes in a C:SM army (okay, maybe), but not owning the DA Codex yet, I had no idea if the -wing Keyword would still apply when mixing them. I'm glad that GW, too, think that mixing - and buying - different units is the point of their game... ;)

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Your aur abilities and "chapter tactics", will mostly work across all three wings. Some rules and abilities only apply to the DW, some only to the RE, but all-in-all the army works as a whole.
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How can you only have one Ravening model?

It's not a bike...speeders and aircraft can be units of one.

It was less a question of unit composition and more a question of how the hell can you not run Black Knights when they're pure awesomeness on wheels and the envy of many another army :wink:


So yeah, only 50% serious but if you didn't get some, then I guess there's more left for me :whistling:


Edited to add the whistling smiley.

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So could I, for the time being, mix and match Deathwing, Ravenwing and 'Greenwing' units in one detachment?

My standard 1500 point army list that I'm playing at the moment is mostly Ravenwing, with a devastator squad and a Dreadnought thrown in for good measure. Mix away to your heart's content! :biggrin.:
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How can you only have one Ravening model?

It's not a bike...speeders and aircraft can be units of one.

It was less a question of unit composition and more a question of how the hell can you not run Black Knights when they're pure awesomeness on wheels and the envy of many another army :wink:


So yeah, only 50% serious but if you didn't get some, then I guess there's more left for me :whistling:


Edited to add the whistling smiley.


LOL...they are awesome, but just not my style.  I gave all six of mine to my 6 year old son, he's starting consecrators as his first army.  3 black knights, 5 tactical marines, and 5 tartaros terminators, so far.  We're about to move, so painting is shut down, but he's got the other three bikes and the plastic contemptor in the queue. 


I like regular ravenwing bikes, have a full squadron of those.  I like landspeeders, have five, including a darkshroud (that's the model that's in my current list).  Also have a dark talon that comes out every now and then.  So...not a lot of ravenwing in my ~5k points of DA.  As soon as I finish my battle company (need to do 5 jumpers and a 6th tactical squad), I'll probably do more ravenwing.  Because: options.

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