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Big FAQ 3 datasheets question

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Before the big FAQ I usually ran 2-3 guard detachments per list. Now we can only have 3 of any one data sheet per army. At first this didn't bother me because my list at the time was a brigade detachment of either Cadians, Catachan, or Tallarn, a battalion of scions , and a battalion of space marines.

But recently I've decided to go back to a pure guard list containing Cadian funking, Catachan Spearhead artillery, and Tallarn ambushing in for a second front.

Problem is I only use company Commanders, but because of the big FAQ we can't have more than 3 company commanders. So I'm asking what I should take as HQs for the three detachments?

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I've been using Company Commanders as my first choice, Tank Commanders as my second choice, and Lord Commissars or Primaris Psykers when I need to save versus a Tank Commander or need additional HQs. Depending on the regiment you're doing, special characters could work. I do kind of like the Commissar because it works regardless of regiment, so in the rare case where I mix regiments across detachments they can still go wherever needed, which I kind of like.


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