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Dark Angels Veterans setup


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Depends on their use. Cheap and chearful if used as a bodyguard, which they do well with a company champion. Always remember they have 1 wound and power armour so they won't stay around too long once targeted. I'm tempted to plasma them up, pop them in a drop pod and see what happens.
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Currently working on my second squad of Combi-plasma veterans. In theory they should be quite deadly, especially if the enemy wants to tangle in rapid fire range where you can let both bolter and plasma rip for 4 shots in total for every veteran. 

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Personally I like storm bolter and chain sword vets with a heavy weapon. Twice the firepower, 3x the close combat power of a tac squad for 18 points / model. Give the sarge a power axe and you have quite the little combat squad
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I really like idea of equiping a drop pod so they can come in just rapid fire somethinf they laned near i really will have to equip 1 squad for thay and 1 squad for getting in closw and personal
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Currently building some for my scouring army: Lascannon, stormshield tiny squads, in my head the stromshield acts like a pavise, stick them in cover and it should prove annoying hard to remove multiple little squads. Although the route to give sergeants stormshields is just torturous (index, index FAQ, Flowchart and codex, sheesh!) and the rule of three is likely to cause me to change ideas too.

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