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Heavy Flamer Devastators

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I apologize if this question has been hacked out before?


In 8th edition we can take a devastator squad equipped with heavy flamers, correct?


So we could place a ten man devastator squad that is carrying 4 heavy flamers in a drop pod, and then when the pod lands, they can move out of it and shoot?


I'm thinking this could be a nice anti-infantry unit?



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They can't "move out and shoot" from the drop pod, as when they disembark, per the drop pod's rules, they have to be outside of 9" from the enemy. So they would be incapable of firing on the turn they land.

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A squad of 4+ sgt in a assault cannon razorback on the other hand could be quite effective. A cherub in the 6th slot lets one of the flamers fire twice. Or you could use the 6th slot for a cheap character since you'll end in assault range. Though 4 heavy flamers is not a bad overwatch discouragement to getting charged. Bit of a suicide unit, but points on the table help with the new reserves beta rule.

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I was really excited about the potential for heavy flamer devs, but in reality its 133 points minimum for 4 HFs and a sergeant. And they need a delivery mechanism. All this to deliver 4D6 S5 AP-1 1D autohits 8" range. There are just way more effective ways BA have to deliver this kind of strength 5 output.

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  1. Yes, Heavy Flamer Devastators are possible
  2. No, you can't walk out of a Drop Pod and shoot (so you can't shoot the turn you arrive at all since you won't be in range)



  • You could try and use the new FW Drill instead of a Drop Pod. It keeps your units inside the turn it arrives and then you can walk out and shoot next turn. However usually opponents would try to walk away from it so they aren't in range and with the beta rules for deep strike it would mean they come into play turn 3 the earliest (turn 1 deep strike only in your own deployment zone, turn 2 you have to stay embarked). It's doubtful a few Heavy Flamers will kill enough to warrant the points doing nothing for two full turns.
  • You could embark them in a Stormraven, move it into position turn 1, disembark turn 2
  • As said above, a unit in a Razorback is also an option
  • 4 Heavy Flamer Devastators (+Sergeant) is only slightly better than 3 Bolter Inceptors for about the same points but Inceptors have an inbuilt delivery system, T5, 18" range on their guns and 10" movement. Of course the scale tips towards the Heavy Flamer Devastators more when negative to-hit modificators come into play, but I believe the added utility of Inceptors make them a much better unit for S5 AP-1 shooting.
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Then why aren't you playing Sisters? :biggrin.:


In a 2,000 point Brigade you can get 76 flamers of different kinds with 5 points to spare


3 Canoness with combi-flamers (168 points, 3 flamers)

3 Celestian squads with combi-flamer, flamer, heavy flamer each (276 pts, 6 flamers, 3 heavy flamers -- 9 flamer/3 HF so far)

10 BSS with same load out (820 pts, 20 flamers, 10 HF -- total 29 flamers/13 HF)

3 Dominion squads with combi-flamer, four flamers each (291 pts, 15 flamers -- 44/13)

1 Seraphim squad with four hand flamers (67 points, 48/13)

3 Retributor squads with combi-flamer, four heavy flamers each (372 pts, 3 flamers, 12 HF -- 51 flamers, 25 HF, 1995 points)


Edit: Made some changes because I realized I could get more flamers not running Repressors and just taking more BSS and a squad of Seraphim

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