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Some lore questions about the 3rd Company Ironhelms

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A couple of questions.


Was the 3rd Company on Baal for the Hive Fleet Leviathan assault? Or were they still on Armageddon? Or Cadia? Because if I recall from the novel Devastation of Baal ,the 2nd Company wasn't on Baal for it?


Also, I know some of the traditional company command duty titles, but not Master of Sacrifice?


Does anyone recall reading anything that stated Captain Antargo was a regular marine or a primaris?



Thanks :)



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Captain Machiavi of the Third was on Baal. It stands to reason the rest of the third was there as well, but I don't think they are mentioned directly.


*And Captain Machiavi survives since he is named in what remains of chapter command at the very end. I don't have my codex handy, but is he not 3rd companies captain in the chapter organization chart? Who is Captain Antargo?

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Sorry dude, as of the codex, Machiavi is no more. Presumably died in his sleep between the battle for Baal and codex release.


Antargo is the captain currently, whenever that is, however the BA codex plays fast and loose with the idea of time as a linear concept, and features primaris marines at the second war for Armageddon.



Additionally, another captain on the chapter muster dies and is replaced by a captain 'Aphorael', during the Relief of Lastransa.

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