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What is the difference between forgeworld models and citadel besides they are 2 different companies. Are they playable together? Does it affect tournament play? Can you mix models together? Everything someonr just slap me on the face with the information so i can go from there!
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Forge World is owned by Games Workshop, the same as Citadel. The models Forge World makes are meant to be used with all other Games Workshop models. I don't know about tournaments - ask the Tournament Organizer before you attend as some of them are weak and don't like Forge World. (That last bit was a joke. Maybe...) Yes, you can usually mix bits around between the plastic Citadel models and Forge World resin models.


Hope that helps :happy.:!

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Citadel models tend to be plastic.  They were metal or finecast resin in the past, but those are being phased out.  The Citadel lines also tend to be mass produced.


Forgeworld models are resin and have smaller production runs.  They tend to be larger kits or modifications of existing Citadel models.


As far as tournaments go, checking with the tournament is the safest answer.  But generally speaking, tournaments that ban Forgeworld are only banning the Forgeworld Rules and not specifically Forgeworld models.


Some Forgeworld models are variations of units found in the codex, but with a slightly different aesthetic or with weapon options that are in the index but do not have those weapon options in the Citadel kit.

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Thanks guys for the help! If im gonna do a talon master i want the javelin attack speeder as the base for it, i mean it is a character so it deserves to look special not sure how to adjust the weapons to match a talon master though based on that model any ideas?
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The only issue you might run into in that situation is that the javelin in much bigger than a standard land speeder so to might want to check with aTournament organizer to make sure it’s ok. Most will be fine but it’s best to check.
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Malarki, imho, if you are planning to do a lot of serious tournament play, you should stick with more base models than making a javelin speeder your talonmaster. Going with non-compliant models for competitive play is tricky, as if they will be allowed will depend on the TO. I cannot imagine a lot of them saying no, as with skimmers you measure from the base anyways, as far as I know, but if I were to use a javelin speeder, I'd much rather use it to build Sableclaw than a mere talonmaster. That would make a lot more sense to me fluffwise.




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Malarki, imho, if you are planning to do a lot of serious tournament play, you should stick with more base models than making a javelin speeder your talonmaster. Going with non-compliant models for competitive play is tricky, as if they will be allowed will depend on the TO. I cannot imagine a lot of them saying no, as with skimmers you measure from the base anyways, as far as I know, but if I were to use a javelin speeder, I'd much rather use it to build Sableclaw than a mere talonmaster. That would make a lot more sense to me fluffwise.





Well ya but sable claw and talon master realistically are the same exact model are they not?

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Malarki, imho, if you are planning to do a lot of serious tournament play, you should stick with more base models than making a javelin speeder your talonmaster. Going with non-compliant models for competitive play is tricky, as if they will be allowed will depend on the TO. I cannot imagine a lot of them saying no, as with skimmers you measure from the base anyways, as far as I know, but if I were to use a javelin speeder, I'd much rather use it to build Sableclaw than a mere talonmaster. That would make a lot more sense to me fluffwise.





Well ya but sable claw and talon master realistically are the same exact model are they not?

They are essentially the same model, however, you will still want Sableclaw to look a little more special than the Talonmaster, Sammie isn't going to ride in a second-rate hooptie.

And the Talonmaster allows for some creativity when it comes to the relic, or if you want to make some indicator on the model that represents the warlord trait.


Personally, I would avoid the Javelin because a very simple reason that a TO could cite is that you are modeling for advantage.

Since the Javelin is noticeably bigger that will increase the amount of table affected by your aura.

Plus for the tournaments that allow Forgeworld, wouldn't you rather have that Javelin run as a Javelin?


There are plenty of bits on the Dark Angels vehicle upgrade sprue that can make a Sableclaw and Talonmaster stand out from your other speeders.

Check out this topic for some Sableclaw and Talonmaster ideas.

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