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Cadian Accuracy

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I've had a lot of success running Cadian infantry squads tricked out with heavy weapons and plasma guns.

Some numbers: When stationary with Take Aim, Cadian infantry are nearly as accurate as BS 3+ marines with a captain's reroll ones!


Cadians with Take Aim out of 1000 shots: 500 hits, 500 misses, reroll the 500 misses for 250 more hits. Total 750/1000 hits, 75% accurate.

Marines with 3+ and reroll 1s out of 1000 shots: 667 hits, 333 misses. 167 of the misses are ones, which reroll for 111 more hits. Total 778 hits. 77.8% accurate.

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For 99 points, three squads of three Cadian mortar teams is just so efficient.


Using 3.5 as the average for a D6, 3x3 mortar teams will put out 9*3.5 = 31.5 shots. 


With the 75% accuracy of Take Aim, that is 23.625 hits at strength 4 with 48" range that don't need LOS. Just amazing for 99 points. 

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You can get by with a company commander and inspired tactics if you have the cp available.


It wouldn't be 99 points though. Need to factor in the cost of the officers, so an extra 50npoints for a company and platoon commanders

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With the boost to CP for battalions and brigades Grand Strategist isn't the autoinclude it used to be.


A company commander with Laurels of Command and Superior Tactical Training can put out a LOT of Take Aim + Bring it Down/FRFSRF to his mates

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