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Best place for a power fist?

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Yeah, yeah, in a Loyalist's heart/face/etc. But honestly. We get a power fist in every box of Chaos Marines, one in the Raptor box, one in the Terminator Lord box, and another one or two in the Terminator squad box. Folks who have large Chaos collections like myself tend to swim in these power fists (and swords for that matter, but that's neither here nor there) because they just sort of collect over time.


So my question is, do you use them? If so, on which unit(s)? If not, what other special CCWs do you use in their place?


What prompted this is that I was considering scratch building an Exlated Champion and wondered what the best weapon for him was. Since he'd be riding with an Apostle providing to hit rerolls, the -1 from the fist didn't seem as big a deal and his Reroll wounds ability syncs well since fists seem to have this magical desire to roll 1s a lot for wounds.

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I put power fists on models that will get the most mileage out of them. So I don't give them to aspiring champions since 2 attacks hitting on 4+ is a bit meh for 12 points, I give them power axes instead so they still wound meq on 3s and only lets them save on 5+ with no minus to hit. Terminator champs get a chainfist cause 3 attacks hitting on 4s isn't as bad and even if only 1 or 2 of those get through, it's gonna hurt. All my lords get power fists, WS 2+ so they're still hitiing on 3s and more attacks means they're putting those 12 points to good use.

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I use it on exalted champion and sometimes on termie lord as a secondary weapon to chainaxe and power axe. I don't think that -1 to-hit weapon on anything that's not hitting on 2+ and has less than 4 attacks is worth 12 points. Not sure about mathammer, but I get better results with pair of claws for the same cost.

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I think I'd take them only on a Lord. Preferably with a Jump Pack. They have enough attacks, WS and re-roll 1s to make them work unlike basically every other model which has only two attacks and WS3+.

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I would consider Power Fists for characters (as above) and for any Renegade CSM unit that expects to end up in CC as a major part of its job. Helps make up for them not having Vets of the Long War. Renegades are where you'd tend to put Flamers too, since they're going to be Advancing often.


This is how my Warp Ghosts roll.....Fists, Flamers, and Meltas all over the place. Empties my bits box and synergizes with the Renegade trait.


I use them in World Eaters armies too, since they get an extra attack when charging and can often fight multiple times, so you're likely to get some return on investment there.


Finally, I'd imagine that Word Bearers and Black Legion armies would use a fair number, since they get so much access to rerolls to hit (Abaddon, Dark Apostles, Let the Galaxy Burn, etc.)

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I have one on my steed lord (though every time I play him I consider giving him the black mace instead), for reasons above mentioned, and one on my zerker champ. It helps them not get stuck against vehicles, which can happen. With the fight twice, he has enough attacks to make it worth it.


I also have 2 terminators with them because I inherited the termies from a friend, but I really, really don’t recommend that.


I dislike how th fist zaps our chance for dttfe.

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