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Finally Got some Models


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After years of lurking and a few posts I have finally got some new models and have my first game of 8th arranged for.next weekend.

Ive no idea how to upload photos as I would like to share my WIP with you all.


I bought the models from ebay and are as follows:


13 sanguinary guard

Sanguinary ancient

30 death company w jump packs

Libby Dread

Las Pred


Devestator squad (5)

Shooty termies (5)

5 scouts


Sang Priest


I will be playing against nids and have the option of bringing an astra militarum spearhead with 3 russes and a basilisk. Which of the above units are the strong ones these days?



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Vindicator is kinda weak (though can do some duty as a monster hunter), termis are uncompetitive for their price with the new beta reserves rule alas, astorath is OK (usually other characters are more useful though). The rest are decent to good depending upon weapon loadouts. Sanguinary guard are tough elite infantry with an ancient in tow, and death company with chainsword and bolter (or bolt pistol) are proper horde shredders, while you can also tool a squad up with thunder hammers to go big beast hunting. You likely won't be able to all you've got of both in one list, but hopefully the weapon loadouts should allow you to do a few different types of squad.


Libby dread is good as a mobile heavy hitter though he relies on casting powers on himself.


Split fire now means multiple devastator loadouts are viable, but the most common is 4 lascannons or 3 lascannons and a plasma cannon - heavy bolters and missile launchers are more common in tactical squads or scout bolter squads, as both get a useful stratagem but they're not that great otherwise.


You're definitely lacking troops to fill out detachment slots, so that's the next thing to fill in - BA are command point hungry for their various stratagems, so the more you can get the better. A battalion is a good minimum starting goal which has a minimum of 3 troop units. 5 man Scouts, bolter or knife are useful, snipers not so much. Primaris intercessors are pretty reliable line infantry, while 5 man tactical squad with a heavy weapon can help up your heavy weapon count. 


Captain smash (jump pack captain with storm shield and thunder hammer) is super popular, as with a combo of stratagems he can absolutely wreck stuff singlehanded.

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The devestators have two lascannons and two heavy bolters, yeah I thought the vindy would be poor since pie plates no longer exist. I used to run two back in 5th and it was great fun at times.


Im going to be playing at 1500pts, how many sanguinary guard has everyone been running in a squad? 5 seems a bit light but they start getting very expensive as the numbers go up although I dont mind a points sink if its worth it. Also how do you guys run yours? Do you deepstrike them or start on the board?



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An excellent victory for the Blood Angels against the Nids on Saturday night.


1500pts Game

18-6 on Victory Points


After I dropped my Sanguinary guard in the middle of the table on turn 2 I immediately knew I had made a mistake or so I thought....


These guys with Capt. Smash and an ancient destroyed 4 warriors

20 termagaunts

Old one eye


3 venomthropes


And a Hive tyrant

And only lost one model in the process. I could not believe how the match turned out although it was satisfying watching my mate suffer.

It turned out he was using an illegal list ( we are still learning after not playing for 8 years) not that it mattered in the end.

He will be using his Guard (Astra Militarum) next time we play. Ill post my list when I get home from work as I think ill need to alter it slightly for the next game.

What do you guys take in your BA when facing a gunline army?

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++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Blood Angels) [96 PL, 1494pts] ++


+ HQ +


Captain [6 PL, 129pts]: 2. Artisan of War, Jump Pack, Storm shield, The Angel's Wing (replaces jump pack), Thunder hammer, Warlord


Sanguinary Priest [5 PL, 86pts]: Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Jump Pack


+ Troops +


Scout Squad [4 PL, 65pts]

. Scout: Heavy bolter

. Scout: Boltgun

. Scout: Boltgun

. Scout: Boltgun

. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun


Scout Squad [4 PL, 65pts]

. Scout: Heavy bolter

. Scout: Boltgun

. Scout: Boltgun

. Scout: Boltgun

. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun


Scout Squad [4 PL, 80pts]

. Scout: Missile launcher

. Scout: Boltgun

. Scout: Boltgun

. Scout: Boltgun

. Scout Sergeant: Bolt pistol, Boltgun


+ Elites +


Death Company [18 PL, 232pts]: Jump Pack

. Death Company Marine: Thunder hammer

. Death Company Marine: Thunder hammer

. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword

. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword

. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword

. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword

. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword

. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword

. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword

. Death Company Marine: Bolt pistol and chainsword


Sanguinary Ancient [6 PL, 99pts]: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword


Sanguinary Guard [20 PL, 210pts]

. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword

. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword

. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword

. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword

. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword

. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine sword


Terminator Squad [12 PL, 192pts]

. Terminator: Power fist, Storm bolter

. Terminator: Power fist, Storm bolter

. Terminator: Power fist, Storm bolter

. Terminator: Power fist, Storm bolter

. Terminator Sergeant: Power sword, Storm bolter


+ Heavy Support +


Devastator Squad [8 PL, 140pts]: Armorium Cherub

. Space Marine: Lascannon

. Space Marine: Lascannon

. Space Marine: Heavy bolter

. Space Marine: Heavy bolter

. Space Marine Sergeant: Boltgun


Predator [9 PL, 196pts]: Hunter-killer missile, Twin lascannon

. Two lascannons: 2x Lascannon


++ Total: [96 PL, 1494pts] ++


Created with BattleScribe

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One cunning idea posted recently is to use the signum and cherub in the devastators on a heavy bolter with the hellfire shells stratagem. It was confirmed in the codex:SM FAQ that hellfire and signum apply both times when using the cherub. So you get two 2+ shots (if stationary), and each will cause D3 mortal wounds. 

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Very cunning indeed! How many command points does the Hellfire strategem cost? Was thinking about dropping the devs for my next game but may have to rethink that decision after learning this. Thanks for the info guys. How has the libby dreadnought been performing this edition?
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