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Loyal space marines dwelling in the EoT?

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Is it possible to have a space marine chapter that’s loyal to the imperium and the emperor but been declared renegades due to <insert reason here> that have set up base on a planet within the eye of terror to escape the inquisition and to fight chaos head on?
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Well from my memory I think the Soul Drinkers were in that kind of situation :) but tbh I doubt that any chapter could actually base themselves in the eye and not turn renegade eventually, The Abysmal Crusade only had a few chapters come back completely pure and even then that was pure chance :happy.: but it's your army my friend, if you want to go for it then go for it :biggrin.:

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So then would it be more realistic that this chapter has slowly started to become tainted and corrupt by chaos without them realising it - so they themselves still believe themselves that they are loyalist but actually have been worshipping chaos without knowing it and readily battle against chaos and loyalists alike?
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Back in 2003 GW released the Eye of Terror Codex. It included fluff and an army list for the Space Wolves' Thirteenth Company. I believe the Thirteenth Company are a Horus Heresy era company of Space Wolves who were tricked by Ahriman into chasing some Thousand Suns into the warp. They emerged in the 41st millenia still loyal to the Emperor, with very few vehicles (apparently there's not much resupply in hell), and with a greater than normal contingent of Wulfen.


That book even included ideas on how to model up Space Wolves who had been forced to wear pieces of Chaos Marine armor and fight with Chaos Marine bolt and melee weapons.


Back in 3rd edition I fought against a few Thirteenth Company opponents and the games were always a delight. The army had a distinct play style and the players always had very interesting Space Wolf/CSM kitbashes.

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Back in 2003 GW released the Eye of Terror Codex. It included fluff and an army list for the Space Wolves' Thirteenth Company. I believe the Thirteenth Company are a Horus Heresy era company of Space Wolves who were tricked by Ahriman into chasing some Thousand Suns into the warp. They emerged in the 41st millenia still loyal to the Emperor, with very few vehicles (apparently there's not much resupply in hell), and with a greater than normal contingent of Wulfen.


That book even included ideas on how to model up Space Wolves who had been forced to wear pieces of Chaos Marine armor and fight with Chaos Marine bolt and melee weapons.


Back in 3rd edition I fought against a few Thirteenth Company opponents and the games were always a delight. The army had a distinct play style and the players always had very interesting Space Wolf/CSM kitbashes.

According to the current fluff, the 13th weren't tricked: They went into the Warp with Leman Russ to take the fight to the Traitos. Bjorn is still salty about that because Leman left him behind to keep the other wolves in line.


However, the books that feature them do confirm that there's a LOT of Wulfen with them (and basically says that the Wulfan "flaw" is actually a natural defense against Chaos coruption?). Their original Jarl, Bulveye, is still leading them too.

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Read the Abyssal Crusade lore. on M37, 30 Chapter fought for 800 years on the Eye an purged over 400 worlds. Only a few came back (The chapter of the Vorpal Swords) and loyalist remains of other chapters. 26 of those 30 chapters were corrupted partialy o completly forming chaos warbands.


You can go and come back pure but don´t bet on it.

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It's one of those things that are theoretically possible like basically everything in the 40k universe but depends on how much special snowflake treatment are you willing to give your custom chapter. At some points people will just start rolling eyes. ^^

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I will also point out two more examples. The Brazen Claws, their home world having been destroyed by daemonic infestation, crusade into the Eye while Craftworld Altansar survived, uncorrupted, within the Eye for more than 10,000 years and was returned to real space in 999M41 and continued their fight against Chaos.
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Agreed; like most things it's possible even if the odds are against it so who can say your chapter can't be one of them if you want? Like most things balance is best, so it needs to cost them somehow. Either they are actually getting corrupted without realising, or they need to make returns to real space to rearm and check for purity etc. Plus there's the old classic of beady eyes from the Inquisition to contend with.


As long as you don't have them giving Khorne a nuggy and Slaanesh wedgies you should be fine :wink:

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The resupply thing is tricky... The Cadian gate was the most fortified place in the imperium after Terra and even with its lynchpin world gone it'd be very difficult for a renegade chapter to get in and out of the Eye for resupply without the inquisition noticing. Not impossible and it's not the only way but the locations of other routes out are valuable knowledge so you'd need to address how your chapter managed to figure this one out.


The Brazen Claws that Iron Father Ferrum mentioned are a good example and even they could only keep up that kind of intense warfare inside the Eye with limited resupply for about twenty years. Didn't work out too well either, massive casualties for minimal gain and a few companies turned traitor in the madness of it all. 


You could check out the Crimson Slaughter? They were already tainted when they suicidally stormed into the Eye and it was a fairly gradual fall. They started out attacking imperial forces just to get past them, then making full use of their mutations against the traitors out of desperation (they'd accepted they were going to die so why not?), then discipline starts to break down as they act more like a warband than a chapter, then they're cutting deals with Fabius Bile to have enough men to strike a serious blow against the traitors...

Then they look at the records of great deeds they had prepared to send back to the imperium - to prove that they were truly serving the emperor - and realise it's been transcribed as garbled chaotic gibberish. Years of desperate campaigning, thinking it was their final act, the thing that would prove them loyal in death... and there's nothing to show for it. So they decide they want to live.


That period between the taint driving them into the Eye and the final breaking of their resolve, where they were descending into their own hell, that could be an interesting model for your dudes.

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