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Primaris inceptor


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I have a few questions. Finally i built up the strenght to paint these guys.


My questions are:


Best way to run them? Max squad is obvious for maximum strategem effieniency but maybe you can give other ideas.


How do i make thr hit roll for overcharge? If i run 6 of them i have to resolve all 12 d3 shots separatly?


And lastly how much plasma do i need in a list? Is it overkill to run 6 plasma interceptors and 10 hellblasters in the same list?


Thanks everyone in forward for the answers.

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I have a few questions. Finally i built up the strenght to paint these guys.


My questions are:


Best way to run them? Max squad is obvious for maximum strategem effieniency but maybe you can give other ideas.


How do i make thr hit roll for overcharge? If i run 6 of them i have to resolve all 12 d3 shots separatly?


And lastly how much plasma do i need in a list? Is it overkill to run 6 plasma interceptors and 10 hellblasters in the same list?


Thanks everyone in forward for the answers.


I like to run 3 of them with a jump pack master. They just wreck things when they come down.

If you overcharge you should determine the number of shots individual per model and then make your hit rolls for each one.

This way which possibly gets slain. I personaly use different colored dice to be a little quicker.

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In a 2000 point game I do not think its overboard to have multiple plasma units.

Plasma canon dev for turn one, hellblaster for turn 2, inceptor for turn 3 and you are garanty good usage of your CP all game! This might be a bit much, but redundancy is good.

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I have been using 10 hellblasters and 6 inceptors in my lists recently, I determine number of shots for each inceptor and roll them separately just incase I happen to end up with more then one, one that way only that one guys dies and not two guys. I always bring a jump master with them to re roll the one's. I try to drop them so that I will get two good rounds of shooting from them because once your opponent sees what they can do they become target number One! By turn 3 or 4 mine are almost always dead but they have killed critical enemy units.
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