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Speedy in your face army?

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Slaanesh is about speed right? So How could I create a speedy Slaanesh army that hits fast? What kinda units should I be looking at?


How about allying demons such as seeker chariots or hell flayers?

Bikers and Raptors if you want to be fast.


Additionally, you can look at Melee Chaos Marines or Chosen (Power Sword + Combi-Bolters) in Rhinos.


Daemons are also good, yes. But you'd need them in their own detachment to get the goodies of an Emperor's Children detachment.

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First and foremost, slaanesh isn't necessarily all about speed. Slaanesh is equal parts speed, agility, grace, and perfection.


With that out of the way, I highly suggest taking a daemons prince with wings, chaos bikers, raptors, a chaos lord on a steed, and noise Marines. Always take noise Marines if you're slaaneshi.

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For some insight on Slaanesh Demons there’s this thread...




I agree with the good Iron Father, the Renegade trait is good for faster elements scuch as bikes and Raptors. Possessed do well with it too and the Icon of Excess can help pile on more extra attacks without having to have a character babysit.


Although any units you take could greatly benefit from a Sorc throwing out Warptime. A move+advance, then Warptime, move+advance+charge could cover a lot of distance.

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Renegade bikes, Heldrakes, Raptors, Warp Talons, Daemon Princes and of course the Daemons all work for a speedy Slaanesh army. Tho keep in mind that Slaanesh isn't just about speed. Noise Marines for example are as fast as any other Marine and Slaanesh units often got access to FnP like rules since they are often full of drugs so they just keep fighting. 

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Renegade bikes, Heldrakes, Raptors, Warp Talons, Daemon Princes and of course the Daemons all work for a speedy Slaanesh army. Tho keep in mind that Slaanesh isn't just about speed. Noise Marines for example are as fast as any other Marine and Slaanesh units often got access to FnP like rules since they are often full of drugs so they just keep fighting.

And Noise Marines and Sonic Dreads can advance and fire their weapons. Advance, Warptime, fire. You can get where you need to be in a hurry and bring some guns with you. :)

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Just all the bikes with renegade trait. Naughty, dirty army! :devil:


Pop in a Daemon Prince/Lord with jump pack, a big pack of Raptors and a little long range punch like maybe Havocs etc and there's your starter force! :biggrin.:




Actually have a list built around this exact thing. 


Bikers and a supreme command detachment of the Daemon Princes from the Daemon's codex. Their DPs are better than CSM DPs. You can also look into dropping in some Bloodthirsters. Something I'm considering now as well.





There is a link to the first rendition of it. But I've changed it since. I'll update it later tonight.

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Bikers and a supreme command detachment of the Daemon Princes from the Daemon's codex. Their DPs are better than CSM DPs.

I am not convinced this is the case. CSM DPs can grant rerolls for shooting/cc for any nearby squads and they get access to warptime. If you are playing a force based around speed, warptime is almost impossibly good.

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I am not convinced this is the case. CSM DPs can grant rerolls for shooting/cc for any nearby squads and they get access to warptime. If you are playing a force based around speed, warptime is almost impossibly good.



Warptime is good but not needed. If you run Renegade Chaos Bikers you are moving 20" then charging 2d6" you should be able to reach anything. Also, if you do this you're only shooting rapid fire weapons. The point taking Chaos Bikers it to swarm the enemy in their deployment zone while big nasties come in to do the real damage. This doesn't mean that the bolters will never be used.. just that you will usually only use them if the enemy charges you or falls back then you shoot before moving and charging in. 


The list I had was 27 Chaos Bikers, 2 Heldrakes and three Daemon Princes with some bloodletters thrown in. The newer list I'm running is more like this:


Chaos Lord on Bike

27 Chaos Bikers

2 Heldrakes


Three Daemon Codex Daemon princes (Warlord and 2-3 relics)


Something I'm also still considering is dropping a prince for a bloodthirster but I'm not too positive on the points here. 


The point of the list is the first turn charge. The heldrakes and all 28 bikers should be able to smash into the enemy lines and hold them up while your princes/bloodthirsters rush up the field. This list isn't about holding objectives. It is about smashing the enemy, collecting their skulls and heading back into the warp.


Not the best army... but a fun one and I've really enjoyed the test games so far. :happy.:



Edit: You can box the enemy in really easily by putting a Heldrake on each flank then charge the middle with the 28 marines on the bikes. Also, you have that reroll 1 bubble provided by the Chaos Lord. :happy.:


Edit Edit: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/347996-white-scars-renegades-project/  This is a link to my project thread where I'm working on different lists provided in the spoiler tags. The main post is still a work in progress. Please don't judge me too harshly.

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There are a few strong combos C:CSM Daemon Princes can have (Slaanesh Talon Prince with elixir, IW Prince with Fleshmetal Exoskeleton, WE Prince with Brass Collar) but overall I think the C:D Daemon Princes have more and just as usefull artefacts (especially the Slaanesh ones) to chose from and you don't have to pay attention to have all of your Princes from the same sub-faction to get access to them.



In terms of psychic powers C:CSM have:

  • Death Hex (removing Invul saves is always good, especially for your Princes)
  • Warptime (yes, even in a Renegade army it's still a strong option!)
  • Diabolic Strength (+2S and +1A for a single model ... use it either on one of your Princes or on a Bike Sergeant with Power weapon)
  • Prescience (+1 to-hit)
  • Miasma of Pestilence (-1 to-hit for one of your units)
  • Delightful Agonies ( 5+++ for one of your units)

Lots of really strong utility powers for your actual army (5+++/-1 to-hit Bikes or +1 to-hit on the ton of Combi-Bolter you have anyone?)



C:D have among the interesting ones:

  • Treason of Tzeentch (especially funny against an Imperial Knight army lol)
  • Fleshy Abundance (if you play mostly Nurgle DPs)
  • Shriveling Pox (-1T to a unit within 18" goes well with your puny S4 AP0 attacks from your Bikes)
  • Symphony of Pain (-1 to-hit for an enemy unit within 18")
  • Hysterical Frenzy (a Slaanesh Daemon unit within 18" can fight for a second time ... your Daemon Princes are Daemon units :wink: )

The rest are mostly Daemon buffs that aren't interesting for your Princes or ways to deal Mortal wounds but you already have Smite which is often just as good anyway. (Note: C:D has Miasma of Pestilence and Delightful Agonies as well but they work only on Daemon units there and imo they're more interesting to be used on Bikes than on your Princes).



So considering what's available to Daemon Princes for either faction and that the army would be mostly a CSM army with Princes as the only Daemons I think I'd go with the C:CSM Princes. The -1T and -1 to-hit for an enemy unit from the C:D Princes would be awesome but not worth passing on +1 to-hit, -1 to-hit against one of your units, 5+++ and Warptime.

If you want to give your Princes a bunch of relics I'd probably go with a Iron Warrior command detachment to get access to the Fleshmetal Exosceleton and take one Slaanesh Prince with Elixir and one Prince of your own choice with the Fleshmetal Exosceleton (Nurgle would be a good idea to get access to the Miasma of Pestilence I guess). Brass Collar would be awesome too but it would mean being locked into using only Khorne Princes in that detachment which is just not worth it.

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