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Re-Starting BA

Sir Ovbov

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So, a thing happened which led to me selling my Blood Angels which sucked but I'm getting back into the hobby!

I'm starting from scratch and I have no idea where to start with the new meta and rules so do you guys have any tips on what to get to make a starting 1000 point list! (minus the rulebook and codex xD)



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Jump Pack Captains with Thunder Hammer and Storm shield are super popular right now.  Google "Slamquinius" for details.


Death Company are very popular, Scouts are really the only viable troops right now, though Intercessors aren't aweful.  Tactical Marines are terrible.


Become familiar with the Stratagems available to you, they will make or break a game when used carefully.

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Jump Pack Captains with Thunder Hammer and Storm shield are super popular right now.  Google "Slamquinius" for details.


Death Company are very popular, Scouts are really the only viable troops right now, though Intercessors aren't aweful.  Tactical Marines are terrible.


Become familiar with the Stratagems available to you, they will make or break a game when used carefully.


Oh kk, so get like 2 scout squads and a few boxes of DC to start with and go from there?

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Sanguinary Guard are basically flying Terminators. Both have 2 wounds each and 2+ armor means that unless you face AP-4 or better weapons both will have the same save. Definitely recommend taking a unit unless you are crazy as me and go full Primaris. ;)

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Chaplains aren't very good in 8th.  Their melee re-roll abilities are nearly identical to those of a Captain, and the Captain gives out their benefit all the time.


The exception to this is Lemartes, who is an Excellent choice to buff Death Company.

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DC and Sanguinary guards are awesome choices.


However a lot of people dismiss primaris marine but they can be very good. Inceptor are great jump pack with good fire power, both bolter and plasma versions. Intercessor are very good troops to hold your ground and aggressors have insane amount of shot but are a bit expensive and require the relic banner to stay alive. I still love them. The primaris vehicle however are super expensive and die quickly unfortunately.

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S. Guard are much better now than in the past, I always recommend them.

They are, but I would recommend doing SG or DC, not both. Lemmy is pretty much an autoinclude if you run DC.


I recommend getting the rulebook codex, reading it and finding your own preferred style.

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Scouts are a great Troop choice for us. Intercessors are decent as objective holders so if starting from scratch, I would run your troops as a mix of the 2 according to taste. You will need 2 squads minimum for a Battalion (the closest current equivalent to the old Combined-arms detachment of earlier editions).


Slamguinius/Captain Smash is virtually an auto-include HQ. I built mine using some spare Sanguinary Guard bits and the Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield from the Vanguard Veterans set but the only limit for this guy is your imagination really. You will need a second HQ but it depends on what else is in your army. If you are running Death Company then Lemartes is pretty much auto-include. Mephiston is a fantastically good character in 8th edition. The Sangiunor is very good, particularly if you are running Sanguinary Guard. Other options like Sanguinary Priest or techmarine are available and can be useful in specific combos. Or you could go cheap and run a basic Lieutenant (or the Primaris variety).


Sanguinary Guard and Death Company are both really good in 8th edition but you probably just want to choose one for now. Both need to be fielded in largish squads (10 for DC, 8-10 for SG) so you probably won't have enough points for both until you start playing 2000 point games or above. Don't be tempted into running small squads as I find these are too easy to kill meaning that by the time the survivors hit the enemy, they don't have enough attacks left to do decent damage.


Assault Marines are poor in this edition. It is usually better to spend a few more points and get the far better Death Company. Bikes and Attack bikes are lackluster but Scout bikers are very good for their points. Land Speeders are generally overpriced. The new Primaris Inceptors are very good and provide a lot of mobile firepower with either bolter or plasma loadouts available.


You will probably need some heavy firepower and it is up to you if you prefer infantry-mounted heavy weapons in Devastator squads or tanks. I favour Devastator squads as most Marine tanks are a bit disappointing and I find Blood Angels can manage a pretty good all-infantry list. Lascannons are the best choice on the whole although adding a plasma cannon to make use of the Sargent's Signum is a good idea. Heavy Bolters are not great and we have plenty of good horde-killing options in our lists. I sometimes include one to use the "Hellfire Shells" stratagem but not more than one. The new Primaris Hellblasters are quite good too but really need characters to support them to make them effective so maybe save these for larger battles.


The best source of our heavy weapons are often the Razorback and Stormraven gunship. Razorbacks are nearly as tough as Predators but far cheaper and can be used for Transport. Lascannons or Assault cannons are the best choices for your turret. The Stormraven can either be equipped with lascannons for use as a long-ranged tank-hunter or with assault cannons and hurricane bolters for close-up troop delivery (have a Librarian Dread or Death Company Dread riding one of these into battle is fun).


Hopefully this should give you plenty of ideas to get started with.

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Recently restarted myself, my Sanguinary Guard with Ancient and Captain Slamguinius destroyed almost an entire 1500 point Nid army on their own so I would highly recommend these guys, plus the SG are fun to paint. All las pred is good for stripping wounds off the big things. Scouts are an auto include for unlocking command points via the battalion detachment. Hope this helps
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