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First Acolyte on the tabletop


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So I tend to play super-fluffy lists even if it's not the most effective thing in the world. 


I want to add a First Acolyte as a peice to model and paint uniquely as an addition to my Shadow Host. My question is, what does a First Acolyte actually do in a battle?


I get what they do spiritualy and their position in the host, unsure in battle.

Marduk and Ashkanez maybe acted like exalted champions? But Enkil was a Havoc, lugging an autocannon around with him. 


Do you think it would be best to have a suped up squad leader or an aspiring champion to represent my First Acolyte, or even any other suggestions? 



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You could do your full on dark Apostle as a Lord and run the acolyte as an Apostle with the coryphaus as exalted champ.

Or coryphaus as a Lord, dark Apostle as Apostle and exalted as acolyte. If your acolyte was more guntastic use the warp smith for him?

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Thanks MaliGn, 

First of all Guntastic is my new favourite word. 

I think I might have a guntastic icon bearer as a warpsmith, so you have definitely started something off in my mind (icon = power axe rules wise if I model the axe to be iconography laden). 


I think I'm gonna go exalted champ for the First acolyte, using the powerfist chosen from DV as the base but doing some customising with the raptor/warp talon set. 

I may post a picture when he is done, in honour of your valued input. :)

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To add my own thoughts to this (even though you seem to have made your mind up), this is the set up I have for my own Word Bearers Host.


Dark Apostle = Not represented on the tabletop. For my games I like to think that he is operating in the background and has delegated command to the Coryphaus and First Acolyte. 


Coryphaus = Lord


First Acolyte = Sorcerer (pretty much an Exalted Champion but with options for psychic powers)


Icon Bearer = Dark Apostle (I imagine the Aura buffs being as a result of the Hosts Icon rather than oratory)


I think that covers all the main roles in the fluff.

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