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BA knight/avatar


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One of my new questoris knights is going to be Blood Angels themed and i wanted to get yalls opinions on colors / helm choices.


The helm/head death mask i was going to airbrush gold and highlight with red.




The crest on his left i was going to try one of these new adhesive stencils.




If anyone has ideas on alternate blood angels colors i'm all ears. One of my other knights will be mostly gold (custodies) so i'd hate to do something similar.

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Glue wings to the sides of his carapace-mounted weapon, to decorate it? (I also thought of painting a giant red "X" on his pauldrons, but that's only appropriate for a Death Company Knight- too limiting, in my opinion.)


That's a really great kitbash idea, but i hadn't thought of Death Company, the black/red would look amazing.

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What's the lore behind your knight? :biggrin.: I really like that mask, but not the mechanicum symbol. BA are not in good terms with the mechanicum, since we never gave them the Baal Predator STC.


edit: Whatever you do, paint that mask gold tho!

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What's the lore behind your knight? :biggrin.: I really like that mask, but not the mechanicum symbol. BA are not in good terms with the mechanicum, since we never gave them the Baal Predator STC.


edit: Whatever you do, paint that mask gold tho!


Dispatched on a holy quest by Emperor himself, to find the best warriors in his gene-seed. Every house and chapter in the imperium of man sent 1 repetitive, 3 remain. The Blood Angels, Grey Knights, and Adeptus Custodes. From here on just picture the movie Armageddon, were going to train marines to be mech pilots


i could keep going

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It's from 'gadgets plus' on shapeways - was rather tempted by it myself, though I'm likely a way off painting my Knights:Renegade box I picked up first time round. He's got a bunch of stuff for Knights and Armigers. 


If I ever get armiger warglaives, I think I'll use this instead of that stubby chainknife thingy.




Lastly, the stencil is from fallout hobbies (also on my buy list!)

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The bright yellow is only one of many ways to go with them - their crest is halved black and black works with us. Also if you mute the yellow a bit (like use Averland instead of Sunburst), they suddenly start to look all right next to muted gold. And Hawkshroud knights are known to add livery of those they are oath-sworn to. So feel free to add some red (and get a German flag in the process :biggrin.: )
This one is mine

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Cool fluff!


My experience fielding a knight with blood angels is that it is a fantastic distraction for pulling fire off my storm raven. At 400+ points i am unsure as to the efficiency. In 10 tournament games only 3 has it lived long enough to cause significant damage.

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