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Uverons ORKS WIP

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Right, this is my thread for WIP work with my new army Iam working on ORKS. It is the companion thread to the my thread in the Ork subform that will focus a little more in the games I play, and non-building and painting side of the hobby. (I will drone on about fluff a bit more on that thread)

Anyhow my history to with Orks is covered on that thread. Suffice to say in the summer of 2018, I decided to return to my roots and build some Orks, no grand list has been planed. No aims for it to be a competitive army, or even to be winning painting competitions, just a bucket of Fun and relaxation.

So lets get to my first unit and then a conversation about how I am already over planning this army!

The first unit!

Well I have a few orders in the post at the moment, and you will see updates about them soon. But for now we have my first unit!

Looted Sentinels / Killer Kans

Starting with two very old Sentinels that have been stripped of paint, and a 3rd kit that I picked up for my R&H army I was building a few years ago and a number of bits from my bits boxes I have built a trio of Killer Kans with Rockkit Launchas!




In the next few days I have an order of Ork bits arriving so I will be able to add Ork glifs and Klaws to the models. Until then CC is welcome!

The Painting PLAN!!!

So at this time I do not know how Iam painting my army. In the past I used a Brown and Yellowish Brown painting system. And it was fun and easy, but I was 12-17 at the time and well advance art concepts were not in my skill set. But I think I could be fun to return to it. That beeing said I like the art of Goff, the Black, Red and White are bold and Iconic.

So to that end a few nights ago I sat down with the army painter on this site and played with options. All will have more fine detail than the painter allows, but its good for basics the 4 are bellow . Now as I said above Option 1 is my old ork army and it would be fun to remake. Option 2, is the classic Goff, and 3 and 4 are different but I have been rapidly cooling on those options.





Edited by Warsmith Uveron
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Number III . IIII is already taken:whistling: :biggrin.: .

Cool! Do you have photos of yours on this site?

I’m a big fan of orange on Orks, as is reflected in my minis. Go for option I.

Cool! Orange is a nice colour for Orks, as it goes well with the Greens. Iam thinking about it.

Big Tracks / Looted Tanks!

So Last night I sat down with my bits box, and from random bits in it I was able to build two Looted Tanks. I plan on running them as Big Tracks, one with a Supper Cannon (The battle Tank), and the other with a Supper Lobber (the Flatbed). Both these tanks still need some crew, and some ork parts that I have ordered from a bits store. But with some luck I may get to start painting them in next 2 weeks!









CC is always welcome!

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I’m going to throw my hat in with orange orks as well! I think the contrast works really well! Loving the looted vehicles as well! The basilisk in particular looks nice and ramshackle! Keep it up!




I am very happy with the Looked Vehicles I have a 3rd on I am working on! Which will be the total in my collection. Though I realised with the models on the way Iam already at 100power even with only 10 boyz. 

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This afternoon the bits I ordered for my Looted Sentinels / Killer Kans arrived. And I spent a evening working like true Mek trying to get them finished before my next delivery arrives tomorrow. Each Kan now has some Orkish bodywork, an Klaw and other Gubins. CC is welcome!








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The Roks Arrive!

This morning when I work up I had a pile of stuff in the mail! One Box is some

The Small box was a miniature sent to me by a friend, the medium sized on a fathers day gift, the big one a present to myself after selling some 'Scrap'


Well I got to work on my new models and after a few hours I have this!



Edited by Warsmith Uveron
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I had a great weekend putting together models from Fridays parcels, did a lot of work on a number of different projects. So going to cover them in brief. A more in depth post on the Stompa will be posted before I go to bed!

Looted Tank with Crew!

First up the Looted Leamon Russ now has a Commander, taken from the stompa kit the very cunning ork now sits in the turret issuing commands. I may also add another Big shooter resting in front of him as well I am sure when all the Gunz are firing he will want to join in.



Well first up I got myself a box of 10 grots this weekend. With some of the spare grot heads and hands from the Stompa kit I put together these fine fellows!



I was chatting to a mate at a gaming store, about my attempts to build an ork army. And we had chat about what I was planning for the Actual model of Boss Morfang Skragga! Now I have a plan, and going to keep it close to my chest for a bit as I locate all the needed bits. But realizing I needed a HQ unit before then my mate gave me a battle for Vedros Warboss he had spare. With a few bits from the Nobs Kit I have a model I like for the ‘Under-Boss’ ‘Grimgob’.



Though together the Painboy from the start collecting box, He like the mekboy isn’t converted yet. Going to wait till after the rest of the models are together before getting to work on ‘kustomising’ them.


Ammo Runt.

Pulled from the Stompa Kit, this Got is getting a promotion to Ammo Runt. Not sure which unit will end up with him. But it’s going to be good to have around.


Stompa Grots.

These gots will be crew on the Stompa and may be one of of the Looted Tanks. Going to paint them sepretly and find them a home eventually.


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The STOMPA Update!

CC is welcome on anything, I am aware that this model has lots of gaps, and will need some green stuff and cleaning before its done. Its a big project and would love feedback.

So I wanted to make a more in depth post about my conversions to the Stompa, So Iam going to work though the work I have done, my thinking behind it and what the next steps on each bit will be! For reference it will help to compare my photos to the Stompa from the GW site. (https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/catalog/product/threeSixty/99120103021_Stompa360/01.jpg)

'The Head and Shoulders'


I hated the standard head the ‘Jaw; is too big and uniform. And the horns look unnatural. So first step was replacing the jaws with the jaw from the Dreadnaught kit, required a bit of reshaping to make it fit, but it matches to the faceplate a lot better. To give the face more expression I added some plastic card to make an ‘eye brow’. The Horns were not attached a ‘communications gubins’ were attached. The Stompa is the center of ‘Command and Control’ for my force so this helps. The other side had some pipes attached. I do need to work on its ‘Outflow’ here soon.

I also decided to build something to use as the ‘Eye of Gork’ should I want to run the stompa as a ‘FW stompa. And used parts from the Imperial Knight, and a Magma Grapple from the BA Dread kit, along with an armor plate from that kit to build something that looks like it could be a beam weapon.

Also away from the head, but this is the best photo I have of it I also added a armor plate from the Mekgun kit to ‘bulk’ out the ‘gun arm’ shoulder pad. On the other shoulder, Iam not adding the ‘Water tower’ Gun, I don’t like it and the placement of the gun is a bit odd for me.

In its place I am doing this

‘Lower Guns’


Each Window with the grot in it is getting a Big Shooter. Currently I am using WFB shields stolen from an undead army (Hence the paint). The plan will be to build up some green stuff around these points to a make it look like it’s a rotating ball joint to allow some flexibility with the guns aim. I wanted these guns at a much lower level as these weapons are probably going to be used on infantry that’s getting too close to the stompa.

‘Chest Guns’


So that also means the spot that the front big shoota and scorcher need to be hidden. So for this I used another part of the Dread kit for a sensor array, then a spot light on one of the guns pivot points. Now as a second spotlight was built into the chest I decided to cover it up so it’s not just a row of lights. I used part of the knight kit and then added some glifs ‘the Meck boy, clearly had seen a knight and was inspired by the placement of the shield’ (And the gifs were chosen to read ‘Bad-Boss, Bad Death’ Which sounds nice and simple statement about this walking fortress.


A second Shield was placed on the Trophy and standards that are placed behind the head. (Note: Head isn’t glued on yet and will be painted as a sub-assembly). The final spare face plate from the Dread kit was used as a banner top for a second pole was made from some trimmed and filed sprue. I may add a 3rd as well.

‘Gun Arm’


I didn’t build this with any of the supper rockets, I wanted the gun arm to look more balanced, and more part of the body. I also have a place for the Rockets). The first step was using an old gorkamorka armour place to hide the attachment point, and then to build out a bit more structure.

In the space the rockets would be, I used some more bits from the mek-guns to build a small enclosure. Adding in the spot light from the kit added a bit more bulk and holds the whole structure together. (Yes that’s a load bearing light).


My only reaming issues with this section is now the supper Gatters outgoing feed is right above the light and the cannon, to me this looks like it should be a trap for the ammunition so I think an amour plate will be needed to make it appear that the discarded shells don’t just land on the spotlight.


One other final note, is that when I was building the death kannon, I decided to prime the central barrel as I built it as getting paint in side was going to be a pain.


‘Supper Rockets’

Now I said I had a plan, now they are not currently attached to this point, (Will be post paint thing). But the rockets have been grouped into a single point around a steal beam.


I had played with the plan of using the ‘crow’s nest’ from the kit, but on its side to use as a long rack of missiles that would protrude from the right of the model. But I couldn’t get it to work right, and this kind of works. If I can find other parts (maybe from the Dakka Jetkit) I will add some more bombs and missiles rounding it out. But happy with the current look of it.

“The Back!”

So one part of the model Iam making larger changes on is the back of the titan. I decided that I needed space for the grots and extra stuff to hide out. (And to put models that the stopma is transporting in game to help my opponent) The too large areas are to be put aside for the purpose of in game transport. The other spots will have got riggers on them. The hand rails on the large platforms come from the mek-gun kits, as does the smallest platform under the ladder. I plan on adding other ladders and hand holds when I find them to make it looks that orks and Grots can move around and work on these parts.



I am also not adding the plastic plate over the engine, it has less detail that what it covers and seams quite pointless. Also when talking about the area of the back I should touch on what I did with the rear shoota. In the recess it occupies I was able to add a engine from the Dred kit.

“Close Combat Arm”


This then just leaves the close combat arm, which currently has had the least work done to it. So far the addition of the Scorcher under the saw is the only addition along with some extra fule tanks. I want to add some more as I want it to look ‘real Killy’ and not like any of the normal close combat weapons. I think the plan will require more blades and maybe some type of Claw… but to do it without getting to big will be the trick.


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Loving the Orks man. They're sweet :tu:



I used part of the knight kit and then added some glifs ‘the Meck boy, clearly had seen a knight and was inspired by the placement of the shield’ (And the gifs were chosen to read ‘Bad-Boss, Bad Death’ Which sounds nice and simple statement about this walking fortress.

The choice of glifs also look VERY similar to the Imperial Fists' Chapter Badge.


Maybe the Mek chose them in that arrangement because he's seen the Fists in action and thought they're also ded 'ard?

Edited by Gederas
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Are you sure you're not part Ork in reality? These would make any Mek Boss proud..


Perhaps! Orks were my first army, and I have been dreaming of building this army for almost a decade! I have a set of rules for these orks and we will see if my vission holds though when I start adding paint. 

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Spent another night at work building some models, I think its the last day I will be able to do anything until I start priming some of these models.


I decided to add some weapons to one of the platforms, the kit probably belongs to the Ork in the 'Komand-Center' so he can rush and grab it when a good scrap breaks out.


The Nob Squad.

I put together a squad of 5 nobs, with a nice mix of weapons. I have 2 with Big choppas, One with Power Claw, another with Power Staber, and Kustom Stoota (kit-bashed, it may need some more work!), and then one with the kombi-flamer. I tried to build personality to each of them, and will also try when painting tie each of them to a number of the boyz, so that each nob has his own 'mob' so to speak.




The Dread, 'Da Breacher'

Decided to build the dread in a way that made it look like it was built for destroying fortifications! (After all they are in my fluff fighting Iron Warriors). Also added some extra bits from my Ork kit, some spikes from the Gorkamorka kit, and a few other spikes.


The Boyz,

I built 5 for Slugger boys and 5 shooter as they on the current Index entire I can run mixed squads,and it will be better to paint.



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It was a cool and dry day in Oklahoma Today, and I was home from Rig for a few hours, so was able to get my spray cans out to start the painting of my Orks.



Then I had a Parcel Arrive, with the final part I needed for the Stompa, I attached it after the first priming, but I plan to go in again on this model with a second with the can to get the spots I have missed.




So then with all that done I started work on my 'test' model. Given the fact that this russ is 100% made from old models. So I fired up Ducans Video on how to paint Goff Armour, and went though the basic steps. Next up will be washes and highlights. But at least the block-paint has been done.





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Quick Update.

Spent another slow night at work painting the 'Test tank'. Added first round of rust effects and trying my hand at some Ork freehand. Some of it work some parts not so much. It turns out that when my AC in my house broke it caused some drying of my paint (Well it was 97f inside). But my black paint is not that great for fine detail at the moment. Whole stack of paints have been ordered, but in the mean time. CC is welcome and requested!


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  • 3 weeks later...

So Had a few delays thanks to this


But in the time running around I was able to paint all the Grots I have (Ammo Runts, Stompa Crew, and with Guns) One RuntHerder and a Warboss.. Oh and a Grot Weird Boy, cus the model was cheap and will work as an extra HQ when I need it.


And then work starts on the Stompa itself


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