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So for the month of October 100% of my hobby time will be focused on my orks. My aim is to try and finish my Crusade collection, and finish all the building projects I have on my workbench.

As such at midnight last night I returned to finish up my Battlewagons. Finally got though the bits I need for the gun wagon!


Comparing the two wagons has made me sure now that I need to add an extra platform to the back of the crushing waggon.. Started working on that this morning, will see what happens.

The gun wagon ("Waaagh!gun"?) looks so Orky!

Thanks! I think I have got the aesthetic down finaly.


I spent the weekend using the rest of my plastic cement, and finished building out both my wagons, Buggys and some Bikers.


First up is the 'Battle Dozer'.. I had much CC focused on the fact the rear of the wagon didn't look bulky enough. So I sat down with my bits box, moved the bits I need for future conversions to one side and then looked at what I could do. Using spare parts from the rockgrinder kit, and a trukk kit I was able to build a firing platform at the back of the wagon, and I then also built up the 'walls' of the wagon between these two points. I then added in some finer details. I plan to return with some greenstuff to fill in the 'rear' of the blades on the front of the beast. I also plan on filling in some gaps and adding in some fungal growths like I did with my stompa.





Next up was my Gun Wagon,

Similar to the Battle Dozer I worked on adding more structure to the model, including glif plates the aim is to carry on trying to tie together the elements of the model into a single construction. As with the Battle Dozer, I do plan on adding some greenstuff to cover some gaps and build in some fungus and other dirt in places to make it look 'lived in'.






In addition to these builds I also put together these chaps as crew members of the waggons, not sure exactly which chap will go on each wagon (apart from the big shooter chap), but I wanted to make these waggons look like they had a active crew to them!



The next big build were the Bikes, I had two boxes siting on my shelf and I wanted to get them built so they could be added to my painting que. I enjoyed building these chaps, worked hard on making sure that every model had a dynamic pose, and that the unit did not look unified.






I added the last few bits to my buggys, most importalty I was able to finish the roll cage on the Boomdakka Snazwagon.

gallery_63905_14685_1062119.jpg gallery_63905_14685_16067.jpg

Fine works, all. I especially like the bikes. The trukks look like cluttered messes, but we all know that's Orky; no need to judge the vehicles' aesthetic by humie standards (unless the Mek screws up and makes them break down or blow up BEFORE they get the Boyz to the fight).

Fine works, all. I especially like the bikes. The trukks look like cluttered messes, but we all know that's Orky; no need to judge the vehicles' aesthetic by humie standards (unless the Mek screws up and makes them break down or blow up BEFORE they get the Boyz to the fight).

Yeah, I painting these chaps is going to be the trick, going to have to keep paint unified to make it not look too ramshackled. (There is a fine line Iam walking very close to crossing)

Orktober Update!!!

Its been about a week, thought I would update folk with the grand plan for Orktober. I sat down and looked at my collection and worked out what I need to get fully painted to have my initial Crusade force fully painted. I then set these models out on the workbench and started painting.


As you can see there is alot that needs to be done! One of the biggest and least flashy things is that all my Ork Boys need to be upgraded to the larger base size. So I started working on painting up a few bases.

And I worked on getting the last 7 Boyz of the first mob of 20 finished, once they were done a mass rebasing was conducted, and although they all need a touch up, Iam happy with the new look. gallery_63905_14685_266968.jpg



After these boys I decided I wanted to paint one of the battle waggons, now its been a bit since I painted my stompa so I wanted to warm up on a smaller model first so I started on my klitbashed mekgun.


I primed the gun black and then drybrushed with grey and silver, then returning to fill in the blacks and then add in the details on the grots before washing in a nuloil, the model was then hightled and then washed with earthshade. Eventualy I will go back and add some more weathering.. here in a week or two when working on it and the rest of the fleet at the same time.



So after getting all that done I started work on one of the waggons. Once again Iam following the same steps as before, still working on the drybrushing and building the details up. As always good fun to paint.


Awesome start to it!! :wub:

that Mek gun is sooo Cool (it looks a tad expensive bitz wise :ermm: ) I reckon it could second as a grot tank, it looks really great, if I had a spare ad mech Onager body I'd consider doing that conversion...

The Wagon looks Mega with paint on it :cool.:  i feel inspired to go make my Battle wagon now and do some converting  too :laugh.:


looks like your steamrolling through your rebasing of your boyz… I don't envy you though :sweat: 


Thanks for posting your awesome stuff!


Cheers, Mithril  

Awesome start to it!! :wub:

that Mek gun is sooo Cool (it looks a tad expensive bitz wise :ermm: ) I reckon it could second as a grot tank, it looks really great, if I had a spare ad mech Onager body I'd consider doing that conversion...

The Wagon looks Mega with paint on it :cool.: i feel inspired to go make my Battle wagon now and do some converting too :laugh.:


Thanks for posting your awesome stuff!


Cheers, Mithril

So the Mekgun was oddly cheap! At the start of my ork adventure I watched Ebay like a hawk and looked for bits sellers putting up sales. So i was able to grab just the body of the onsger for like $4.


Didn't know what I was going todo with it.. it almost became the head of the stompa, but it just lived in my bits box for a few years.

Orktober Update!!!

So another week of painting. It wasn't my most productive week due to 'real life' issues but I was able to get the first Battlewagon 'finished'. I do still need to finish the weathering, but will be doing that across the whole crusade force at the same time when I have finished the next few units.




Oh man, I love all those little shrooms on the Wagon! 





I try and make sure all my big ork models have those details, just adds life to them thats needed with orks! 


Those are proppa Uveron, I love all those jacked up vehicles... hope to see a batrep with them someday, your Renegades ones were fun to read.




yeah that's the plan as soon as I have the crusade force painted Iam going to start crafting a story! 





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