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New Stratagems we'd like to see

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1/2/3 Command point - 1/2/3 vehicles may use smoke launchers and still shoot as normal

I don't think copying and pasting other Codex Stratagems is a flavourful fix.


But I like this one. It seems like an actual Strategic move by Chapters and encourages Dreadnought usage.

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What do you think about allowing a unit to shoot after falling back (with a -1 penalty to hit) or charge after falling back for 1 CP each?  I think this fits the fluff of marines being a tactically flexible, maneuverable, and well disciplined fighting force.  I think something helping charges would be good too.  Perhaps also could give the Black Templars' re-roll to charge distances as a stratagem for 1 CP, or add +2 or +3 to the charge roll, or an advance and charge stratagem?


I know this could be seen as diluting the uniqueness of the Ultras', White Scars', and Black Templar's chapter tactics, but they would still have the advantage of being able to use their own tactic without having to pay CP for it as a strategem, while also having the other new stratagems available.  This could also be done in conjunction with buffing the chapter traits, so that they are better than their stratagem equivalent (or so that chapters have more to their trait than being effectively able to use their associated stratagem for free, in the case of the Black Templars).  The Ultramarine chapter tactic could have shooting after falling back without the -1 to hit penalty, for example.

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