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Inquisition Psykers and IKnights

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Hi all,


With the IKnights release it would seem the Telethesia Discipline is going to be of great use.


With all Lances giving a character and the ability to make 2 more Dominate could really be useful here. In addition charging an IKnight can generally mean death however with Terrify, bye bye overwatch.


Is there call for adding in an INQ to most armies to deal with this? Eisenhorn can manifest two a turn and can know both powers

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It would certainly be fun making a knight shoot it’s own side. The only issue I can see is that, thanks to the clumsy way they’ve handled inquisition and detachments, you will have to dedicate a whole detachment just to bringing the inquisitors. If that’s not a problem then I would say go for just on the fun potential alone :)

Three ways to make an Inquisition detachment:


Solo Inquisitor as Auxiliary Support Detachment;


Three or more Inquisitors as a Supreme Command Detachment;


One or two Inquisitors with three (or more) of Acolytes, Daemonhosts and Jokaeros in a Vanguard Detachment.


Unfortunately, if you want any dedicated transports, you need a separate detachment of the appropriate faction to take them. ☹️


Dominate on a Knight does sound fun, particularly if it’s a Castellan and you point its super-charged plasma decimator at a -1 to hit target...

Three ways to make an Inquisition detachment:


Solo Inquisitor as Auxiliary Support Detachment;


Three or more Inquisitors as a Supreme Command Detachment;


One or two Inquisitors with three (or more) of Acolytes, Daemonhosts and Jokaeros in a Vanguard Detachment.


Unfortunately, if you want any dedicated transports, you need a separate detachment of the appropriate faction to take them. ☹️


Dominate on a Knight does sound fun, particularly if it’s a Castellan and you point its super-charged plasma decimator at a -1 to hit target...


Thanks Plasmablasts. 


Yeh regarding the IKnight Domination I do think its a very worthwhile strategy. Especially if more people take IKnights which is how it is looking. Is there any other really shooty characters out there? I focus on shooty as CC is a single attack which generally wont do much outside of extreme situations. Theres the Astra Militarum Tank Commaders and Pask, Tau Commanders......

There’s not many shooty characters on the same level as knights.


Another strategy with dominate though is to use it on a character that has a good, single use weapon. You can force them to waste that weapon on their own side rather than using it against you. For example, the Necron character Anrakyr the traveller has a single use weapon called the tachyon arrow which is S10, -5 AP, D6 damage. A pretty decent gun to get him to waste and has a good chance of doing some damage to the Necron side. Look for other characters with similar weapons.


The other one is like Plasmablasts says, find a character with a plasma gun. Force him to overcharge it and not only could he kill someone on his own side, there’s always the chance he’ll kill himself with it :)

Markosian - Great idea on the one use weapons! Need to brush up on my codexs to see what those might be. Tachyon Arrow is a good example. 


So Plasmas overcharged, IKnights, AM Tank Commanders, Tau Commanders, any others? Are there some CC options that may be worth exploring?

While using Dominate or Terrify against Knights is awesome, imagine using those powers for them.


Think about this: Spend 3CP on a 3-man unit of Armiger Warglaives or a Knight Gallant on the Sally Forth! stratagem. That allows them to outflank. Also have a Terminator Inquisitor in Deep Strike with Terrify. Turn 2 hits, Inquisitor drops on the field, Gallant or Warglaives outflank. Inquisitor casts Terrify on an enemy unit, denying them Overwatch. Charge phase hits, Warglaive number 1 charges and makes it in. Spend 1CP, those other 2 Warglaives can now reroll their charges with Pack Hunters. You now have a dead enemy unit(s) and Knights in your opponent's backfield.

I'm working on a IKnight & Inquisition list. I'm working on the best way to get Immolators and at the moment I'm using Crusaders to get them.


One of the things I am hoping for in the Chapter Approved for this year is a rule allowing the Inquisition to utilize any Imperium Transport without needing a keyword other than Imperium. (Essentially negate the FAQ but just for the Inquisition).

I'm working on a IKnight & Inquisition list. I'm working on the best way to get Immolators and at the moment I'm using Crusaders to get them.


One of the things I am hoping for in the Chapter Approved for this year is a rule allowing the Inquisition to utilize any Imperium Transport without needing a keyword other than Imperium. (Essentially negate the FAQ but just for the Inquisition).

But the inquisition can already use any Imperium transport. The only restriction is that inquisitors in terminator armour can only use transports that can take terminator models.

I think the Land Speeder Storm is also excluded as it’ll only takes Scouts: the Authority of the Inquisition rule seems to exempt you from faction-specific but not model-specific restrictions.


I presume what Montford is hoping for is a rule which allows Inquisition detachments to include any Imperium Dedicated Transports, as an exemption from the Battle Brother rule which requires a detachment to share a faction keyword which isn’t Imperium.


The alternative would be having a range of transports with the Inquisition keyword included in the Inquisition Codex, whenever or if ever that comes.

Dominate on a Knight does sound fun, particularly if it’s a Castellan and you point its super-charged plasma decimator at a -1 to hit target...


That is horrible! How could you do that to someone? lol! Not too much in a knight army is -1 to hit though.


I'm working on a IKnight & Inquisition list. I'm working on the best way to get Immolators and at the moment I'm using Crusaders to get them.


One of the things I am hoping for in the Chapter Approved for this year is a rule allowing the Inquisition to utilize any Imperium Transport without needing a keyword other than Imperium. (Essentially negate the FAQ but just for the Inquisition).

But the inquisition can already use any Imperium transport. The only restriction is that inquisitors in terminator armour can only use transports that can take terminator models.



True, but doesn't the FAQ restriction on keywords within the same detachment apply also to Transports? As in I cannot use only "Imperium", I would need another Keyword in common. Or does Authority of the Inquisition override that restriction, effectively granting the Keyword 'Inquisition' to whatever Imperium Transports are chosen?



I'm working on a IKnight & Inquisition list. I'm working on the best way to get Immolators and at the moment I'm using Crusaders to get them.


One of the things I am hoping for in the Chapter Approved for this year is a rule allowing the Inquisition to utilize any Imperium Transport without needing a keyword other than Imperium. (Essentially negate the FAQ but just for the Inquisition).

But the inquisition can already use any Imperium transport. The only restriction is that inquisitors in terminator armour can only use transports that can take terminator models.



True, but doesn't the FAQ restriction on keywords within the same detachment apply also to Transports? As in I cannot use only "Imperium", I would need another Keyword in common. Or does Authority of the Inquisition override that restriction, effectively granting the Keyword 'Inquisition' to whatever Imperium Transports are chosen?



Hi Montford, The FAQ Battle Brothers restriction stops you from including Inquisition units in the same Detachment anything else. It does not stop an Inquisitor getting into an Imperial Transport however. You will just need two detachments to do so. One of Inquisition and one of whatever transport you end up wanting.


This can be a good way to get the Inquisitor to where it needs to be for the psychic powers

I’ve just sent the following to 40kfaq@gwplc.com:


Dear 40k FAQ team,


Thanks for the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed beta rules. I’d like to discuss the impact of the rule on “Inquisition” themed armies.


There are a large number of units which previously were included in Inquisition armies (e.g. in Daemonhunters, the eCodex or Imperial Agents) which in 8th edition do not have the Inquisition keyword. With the beta rule, an Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband formation (as per Codex: Imperial Agents) containing an Inquisitor, Acolytes, Death Cult Assassins and an Astropath would now require three separate detachments (with the Inquisition, Astra Militarum and Adeptus Ministorum keywords). This makes list-building cumbersome and, if the recommended competitive play restrictions on the number of detachments are in use, prevents thematic lists such as including allied Grey Knights or Deathwatch.


Additionally, as there are no Dedicated Transports with the Inquisition keyword (apart from a Forge World Land Raider variant I believe), these have to be taken in separate detachments, despite the “Authority of the Inquisition” rule allowing Inquisition units to embark in any Imperium Transport.


I think the solution would be to add the Inquisition keyword to units that were previously available to Inquisition armies (the list in the Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband would be appropriate) and to a number Dedicated Transports (e.g. Chimera, Rhino, Immolator, Land Raiders).


Another thematically interesting option would be a “Chamber Militant” Rule which allowed combining <Ordo> units with units from the corresponding Chamber Militant in the same detachment without losing the benefits of having a “pure” detachment: e.g. Ordo Malleus and Grey Knights.


I hope this is helpful. Thank you for your consideration.

Yep cool email.


The other option I considered is that Inquisition untis can be taken in Imperium detachments but do not count towards the minimums required.


So in a battalion with Grey Knights youd still need 2 GK HQs and 3 GK Troops but can then add in Inquisition. Seems the easiest solution to me that doesnt allow any real nerfing and is not too powerful




I'm working on a IKnight & Inquisition list. I'm working on the best way to get Immolators and at the moment I'm using Crusaders to get them.


One of the things I am hoping for in the Chapter Approved for this year is a rule allowing the Inquisition to utilize any Imperium Transport without needing a keyword other than Imperium. (Essentially negate the FAQ but just for the Inquisition).

But the inquisition can already use any Imperium transport. The only restriction is that inquisitors in terminator armour can only use transports that can take terminator models.



True, but doesn't the FAQ restriction on keywords within the same detachment apply also to Transports? As in I cannot use only "Imperium", I would need another Keyword in common. Or does Authority of the Inquisition override that restriction, effectively granting the Keyword 'Inquisition' to whatever Imperium Transports are chosen?



Hi Montford, The FAQ Battle Brothers restriction stops you from including Inquisition units in the same Detachment anything else. It does not stop an Inquisitor getting into an Imperial Transport however. You will just need two detachments to do so. One of Inquisition and one of whatever transport you end up wanting.


This can be a good way to get the Inquisitor to where it needs to be for the psychic powers



Yes exactly as I thought. I will need the appropriate detachment in order to get the Transports I want for Inquisition. Pre-FAQ I did not.


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