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New 40k player - Deathguard


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I just started 40k. I'm not totally new to the hobby, since I used to play Warhammer Fantasy some years ago.

I've tried playing 40k a few times, but there was a definite lack of players in my town. But now that has changed and I can finally hope to play 40k.


I'll  be keeping a blog here to motivate myslef to paint.

I have no specific plan for my army: I'll just buy the models I like and see while playing what needs finetuning.


These are my first few plaguemarines (till WIP). I expect to have these finished in the next 2-3 days.

Any feedback and advice are appreciated










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Well, I don't have lots of time to paint (15-45 minutes per day max) so progress is slow.

But, I'm getting there... I hope it speeds up once I get past the "experimental" stage that goes with the start of any army.



  • 9 months later...

life got in the way of continuing my Death guard, but I picked it up again this weekend and I've nearly finished my Helbrute:




Some work still to be done there: shading the shoulder pad on the scourge arm, painting pupils in the eyes on the power armour. and some highlghting here and there, but as far as tabletop is concerned, I'm already quite happy with the result :)


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