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30x Terminator Army - Doeable?


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Hey everyone.

I’ve been through my bits box and managed to count up 27x terminators from various kits. All are recyclable and I’m considering turning them into an army.

They will each be converted and this will most likely spark a hobby project, however I would like to use them in a game eventually.


My question is this: can a Terminator army be viable in 8th ed?


I’d like to make something like Abaddon and his chosen, maybe Grey Knights but let me know if there’s anything out there which works.

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Termies in general are not noteworthy in this edition at this point. That being said, Chaos Termies are probably the best of the bunch given how well they benefit from psychic and stratagem support (i.e., shooting twice on the drop with combiplasmas as just one example).


A whole army of them is probably not the grandest idea since they don't have appreciable long range firepower and you need "anchor" units to deploy on the table in order to allow you to dthe percent strike them. Again, Chaos can provide relatively cheap CP generation and anchor units via Cultists, but you also need an equivalent value of Power Level in anchor units as well which means you'll need the points for some PL-heavy to start on the table too.


As I ramble on, I've come to realize that Land Raiders (yes plural) with a couple of squads inside will make for a good points/PL heavy anchor for the rest of the squads to deep strike. If you go this route, loyalists are better than Chaos because the Land Raider options are better (and there are more of them) and you can take Assault Terminators to go into the Land Raiders; Chaos Termies can take neither thunder hammers nor storm shields, both of which are better pound for pound than most Chaos options.

Termies in general are not noteworthy in this edition at this point. That being said, Chaos Termies are probably the best of the bunch given how well they benefit from psychic and stratagem support (i.e., shooting twice on the drop with combiplasmas as just one example).

A whole army of them is probably not the grandest idea since they don't have appreciable long range firepower and you need "anchor" units to deploy on the table in order to allow you to dthe percent strike them. Again, Chaos can provide relatively cheap CP generation and anchor units via Cultists, but you also need an equivalent value of Power Level in anchor units as well which means you'll need the points for some PL-heavy to start on the table too.

As I ramble on, I've come to realize that Land Raiders (yes plural) with a couple of squads inside will make for a good points/PL heavy anchor for the rest of the squads to deep strike. If you go this route, loyalists are better than Chaos because the Land Raider options are better (and there are more of them) and you can take Assault Terminators to go into the Land Raiders; Chaos Termies can take neither thunder hammers nor storm shields, both of which are better pound for pound than most Chaos options.

Terminators aren't very good in this edition? How are assault terminators with TH and SS? I know in 7th, assault terminators were my go to for elites, very worth while units. Is the new AP system the reason for their decline?


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