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Fear of the First Legion


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Hi all, I seem to be in a bit of a weird situation in my regular group of gaming friends in that I am universally feared for my DA.  Now, to put this into context I have only a modest 50%ish win rate against all comers and I can usually be counted on to take a similar list every game, yet I always have to endure a barrage of "DA are so overpowered" and "How come weapons of the dark age works on 'new' Hellblaster weapons, that's broken" etc etc.  


Does anyone else endure such a tirade?  It doesn't seem to happen to anyone else and I certainly don't dish it back anywhere near as much as I could... I'm looking at you Custodes.

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Now I don`t play DA but I did used to get this when I played with my Daemons in the previous edition, I would say just keep playing the army that you enjoy :) It's your army and as long as you enjoy playing that force then that's all that matters :happy.:


And also just tell them that it's not your fault for how GW have worded the codex, it's just how GW do things :sweat:

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Now I don`t play DA but I did used to get this when I played with my Daemons in the previous edition, I would say just keep playing the army that you enjoy :smile.: It's your army and as long as you enjoy playing that force then that's all that matters :happy.:


And also just tell them that it's not your fault for how GW have worded the codex, it's just how GW do things :sweat:


Oh don't get me wrong I and my opponents always enjoy the games.  I'm just trying to gauge if it's a recurring theme or if my opponents just know how to push my buttons haha.

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Hahaha I know that feeling :happy.: I think it might well be a bit of both to be honest, a bit of banter with the opponent and the background rules with the army :biggrin.: Me and my friend who plays guard pretty much do the exact same thing :yes:

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See when I get comments like that (or something of similar line for Blood Angels) I just let army do the talking :) Obviously I play to have fun and enjoy myself but if I ever get given constant comments like that I just end up becoming determined to teach them a lesson on the gaming table :wink: (And given my regular opponents this happens more often than not)


Just keep calm and carry on good sir :happy.: Let your actions on the gaming table prove your loyalty :biggrin.:

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It's just the nature of gaming mate. You always have players that gloat when they win, and that whine when they lose. After all, it's impossible that the loss was their fault, it has to be the fault of the overpowered army of the opponent. We've had weak codices in the past, enjoy the tears of your opponents while you still can.

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It's just the nature of gaming mate. You always have players that gloat when they win, and that whine when they lose. After all, it's impossible that the loss was their fault, it has to be the fault of the overpowered army of the opponent. We've had weak codices in the past, enjoy the tears of your opponents while you still can.


Well said!

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It's the price we pay for being the best and last legion. Weather it. And when you get the inevitable "heretic,  op" nonsense ignore it. Everyone wants to find common ground with their opponent, and those are the go to talking points for the small minded.

Simple memes for simple beans.

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People fear what the army can do, because when it starts doing what it does well, it starts wrecking face. As you mentioned, the Hellblasters. People get scared when they see I've got 10 or more Hellblasters. Because those things and Weapons from the Dark Age get nasty. Seriously: Weapons from the Dark Age on a squad of 10 Heavy Hellblasters and a squad of normal Hellblasters killed a Knight in one round of shooting.




And it's not just Dark Angels: I've noticed the same thing when I play my Death Guard. One of the players at my FLGS is terrified of them, because even though I don't play a very competitive list, the lists I use can be god-awfully annoying to deal with.

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People fear what the army can do, because when it starts doing what it does well, it starts wrecking face. As you mentioned, the Hellblasters. People get scared when they see I've got 10 or more Hellblasters. Because those things and Weapons from the Dark Age get nasty. Seriously: Weapons from the Dark Age on a squad of 10 Heavy Hellblasters and a squad of normal Hellblasters killed a Knight in one round of shooting.




And it's not just Dark Angels: I've noticed the same thing when I play my Death Guard. One of the players at my FLGS is terrified of them, because even though I don't play a very competitive list, the lists I use can be god-awfully annoying to deal with.


I will admit that Dark Angels WERE deserving of that reputation, but it was in 7th edition when you crossdressers could overwatch at full BS, and also had the same Gladius strike force and so were spamming grav cannons in your MSUs up the wazoo. And yes, I'm a Space Wolf that used to fear you crossdressers, although less so in 8th edition, even after the DA codex came out. Nothing really screamed cheese at me.


In 8th edition, it is a very different story, I actually consider the Dark Angels relatively balanced and fun to play against. I don't just look at the WOTDA. I look at the Talonmaster. I look at the DWK. I even look out for the traditional Devastator and Razorback spam, all the more powerful due to your chapter tactic of rerolling ones when standing still. 


Sometimes, it isn't the army that is deserving of the reputation, but maybe just one or two units. example: Wraithknights and Wave Serpents for Eldar, Dreadknights for Grey Knights, Grav cannon Centurions for Space Marines back in 7th edition, and "shudder", Thunderwolf cavalry for Space Wolves. (FYI, I'm a space Wolf who doesn't use Thunderwolves AT ALL. Hate the damn ridiculous models). 8th edition nerfed or balanced a majority of these, if you want the power level they used to have, that's where the strategems normally come in, which costs CP to pull off.


For DA, nothing is truly OP, true hellblasters are powerful but can be countered by either transports or longer ranged weapons like Plasma Cannons or even Heavy Bolters. And hellblasters are normally footslogging in the open so normally don't camp in cover. So far, I very rarely see the longer range plasma exterminator used, so for the most part, their maximum range remains 30".


Not to mention, the thing that TRULY makes Hellblasters stupidly OP isn't in the DA Codex, it is in the SM Codex in the form of the thrice cursed Standard of Emperor Ascendant which makes them die shooting on 3+, which effectively makes Hellblasters uncounterable, if there is such a word.

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I don't play Dark Angels, but my regular opponent does. I always run my World Eaters against him and every single game has been a toss up as to who comes through victorious. When his army works well, it is devastating. However, I find that I am usually able to counter. 


While the Dark Angels are solid (at least in my experience), I certainly wouldn't call your armies overpowered. In fact, they are a blast to play against.

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