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Asteropath ?


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Weird lack of knowledge question, would our dear Holder of the Keys need to use Asteropaths or be able to send his own messages? My thought is that he can send his own messages but also my thought is its quite perils to send messages so he wouldn't want to risk himself unless it was something like

Luther is sited
happening. Thank you all in advance for illuminating me. 
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I’ve heard of librarians “speaking” to each other over inter system distances.


I don’t know that I’ve read about them going system to system over distances of light years.


There will always be outliers though.

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Marine Librarians are able to send messages akin to astropaths, however; they do not do so unless faced with either dire circumstances or absolute necessity(such as death and a psychic S.O.S needs to be sent, or lacking an astropath to deliver a life/death level of a message to someone else in the chapter), as astral telepathy drains badly those that utilize it. The astropath messages are by default crypted, always, meant either for a singular target/location/astropath(S.O.S situation withholding). These messages are never 'open messages', but as the astropaths are tied in to the 'feel of those messages', they might get hints of the intentions, purposes(emotions, not per-se words), of the messages they sent. Cryptology is a standard procedure even before an astropath 'hears the message they need to send'.
- The chief astropath of Horus for example, in his expedition fleet was able to feel the coming murderous attempts of the Warmaster, as she sent Horus' crypted messages across the void. The machinery used in astral telepathy are though extremely... hard to decrypt. IIRC only daemons in certain circumstances have been able to intercept them 'on the fly' in certain hellish circumstances, when a message has failed to reach target. 


The Astropaths are a kin in the galaxy that have the shortest end of the stick of 'em all, in my opinion. Only thing they have going for themselves though, is that each one of them has seen the Emperor.
- It takes hours of preparation to send a single message, a choir of astropaths sends it more easily/quickly, and there's a good reason why they nearly never live the past the age of 40. Inter-system coms are also do-able by astropaths if need be, along with image/voice projection, but they seldom do. Each time you draw upon the warp, prying eyes wait for the slightest chance of relapse to take advantage of.


Short version: Ezekiel could, he chooses not to. In a manner of speaking: The less you use your powers, the smaller shadow you cast in the warp.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Marine Librarians are able to send messages akin to astropaths, however; they do not do so unless faced with either dire circumstances or absolute necessity(such as death and a psychic S.O.S needs to be sent, or lacking an astropath to deliver a life/death level of a message to someone else in the chapter), as astral telepathy drains badly those that utilize it. The astropath messages are by default crypted, always, meant either for a singular target/location/astropath(S.O.S situation withholding). These messages are never 'open messages', but as the astropaths are tied in to the 'feel of those messages', they might get hints of the intentions, purposes(emotions, not per-se words), of the messages they sent. Cryptology is a standard procedure even before an astropath 'hears the message they need to send'.

- The chief astropath of Horus for example, in his expedition fleet was able to feel the coming murderous attempts of the Warmaster, as she sent Horus' crypted messages across the void. The machinery used in astral telepathy are though extremely... hard to decrypt. IIRC only daemons in certain circumstances have been able to intercept them 'on the fly' in certain hellish circumstances, when a message has failed to reach target. 


The Astropaths are a kin in the galaxy that have the shortest end of the stick of 'em all, in my opinion. Only thing they have going for themselves though, is that each one of them has seen the Emperor.

- It takes hours of preparation to send a single message, a choir of astropaths sends it more easily/quickly, and there's a good reason why they nearly never live the past the age of 40. Inter-system coms are also do-able by astropaths if need be, along with image/voice projection, but they seldom do. Each time you draw upon the warp, prying eyes wait for the slightest chance of relapse to take advantage of.


Short version: Ezekiel could, he chooses not to. In a manner of speaking: The less you use your powers, the smaller shadow you cast in the warp.

Thanks, that puts to words what I was thinking. Was just doing some mission narrative so wanted to make sure I was right lol.

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