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Hello guys

I have a little idea for a List but before i go and buy the rather expansive (40€ for only 3 bikers:wallbash:) Models i wanted to hear what you think about it.


As the Title says i want to mix a Ravenwing Biker Force with a Guard Gunline.

I was thinking of using Black Knights with a Darkshroud and Samael.

The idea behind this is to give the more Static Guard part some mobility and use the Bikers to grab Objectives and put some early Pressure on the Enemy and maybe charge his back line

But in all the Dark Angels lists i have seen so far on events neither Black Knights or Samael are included.

Are this Units considered "bad" or why is the Ravenwing so under represented in the Meta right now?


Doe's anybody have some experience with this kind of List or the Ravenwing in general?



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Sammael is great, especially in sableclaw. Ravenwing is not super powerful because it's overpriced (like all of SM) but if played properlyit can really work. 40k is a game of mobility. The bikers are good value to points overall.

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The biggest point against bikers, as others have pointed out to me, is that pound for pound, the Inceptors give you more for your points. They have the same toughness, fly keyword, more firepower for their points, and can even deep strike to steal objectives. For dark angels especially, the plasma inceptors can get ridiculous in larger squads a 6 man can split fire and reliably wreck two Rhino chassis--or get them damn near crippled). 


The fact that Black Knights, for instance, have a comparative lack of firepower for their points makes them less competitive. The Corvus Hammers really don't measure up in the fight phase despite how they look on paper, and the inability to withdraw from combat without blowing two command points on Intractable also hurts...and even if you do that, you can't advance for the Invuln Save..one of the few upsides Black Knights have on Inceptors.


Lastly, as I understand it, S6 Dakka isn't as imperative as it was with conscript blob getting nerfed to the ground.


Azrael is also way too good to not take in most lists. Being able to give stuff like hellblasters a 4+ invuln is insane. You can essentially make an Azzy blob that's basically shooty custodes.

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That are really bad news for my Bikes, but i love the way they Look:ermm:

So basically Interseptor are a better choice to give a Gunline some mobile offensive powers?

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I feel you. I love Ravenwing, too.


~350 points of Black Knights (probably closer to 330) though gives you 12 plasma shots. That may sound somewhat decent, but that same amount for inceptors (354 in this case) pushes out 24 plasma shots on average. That's a substantial difference. Inceptors are T5 too, so it's not like they're more squishy. It's true that they can't get a 4+ on their own (though Azzy can certainly give them one), but they can deep strike, meaning they can't be shot period until you get one alpha strike off with them, if you so choose.

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