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Do Necrons name their vehicles?


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In various White Dwarf's GW has named vehicles in their battle reports, for example in the Necron vs AdMech batrep in the April edition this year, the Doom Scythe is called 'Qebui Animus' the Annihilation Barge 'Nephthys Cataclysm' and Triarch Stalker 'Silere Envoy Excelsi'


To me these seem like Imperial Gothic names given by the Imperium to the various Necron units so id guess if the Necrons did name their vehicles it'd be designations much like AdMech do 


Hope that helps

I suspect that the nobility name their personal vehicles. Monoliths? Check, they’re the personal property of the noble. Catacomb Command barges? I’d bet my second-best warscythe. Doomsday Arks? Debatable; I’ve seen them referenced as only used in wars of annihilation and deployed at the behest of the nobles, so it’s possible.


Night/Doom Scythes and ghost arks I doubt are named.


There’s no examples but the nobility are just as capricious and sentimental as we are. There’s no reason to think they don’t name important vehicles, but also no reason to think that they do.

i'd say with the Madness/insanity some of the Necron Lords possess and their minds confusion of being in the past that they'd be at least a little bit eccentric and do things like name their favorite Killing Machine or unit something suitable...remember they were these mega huge Dynasties with lots of culture etc etc...some of them remember this...a lot like warriors are thoughtless automatons that have no recollection of their past... 


i'd definitely name my favorite vehicles, Barges,doomsday weapons etc  


Cheers, Mithril

There's names units in the Codex, Lychguard named 'The Unbroken' and Wraiths named 'Whispering Death', and in the old Death From the Skies book there's names for flights/cohorts of Doom/Night Scythes. For Sautekh there's 'Immeasurable Supremacy' and 'Imotekh's Will', for Mephrit there's 'Chronostorm', 'Dying Stars' for Novokh, 'Void Heralds' for Thokt, 'Soul Eclilpse' for Nephrek, and the 'Everliving' Flight from Nihilakh.


I'm going to name all my units eventually. Finding I'm having a lot more fun with my Necrons because more and more things have names and identities....not that it's helping me with any games of course :lol:


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