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Building a competitive AM list


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Hey guys,


I am looking to start an Astra Militarum force, I like the idea of the everyman and love some of the models. But to be honest I want to play competitively as well. I have just started on the tournament scene, and for next years events I want to play a strong competitive army that I haven't used before and I am not at all interested in eldar or chaos.


I have played tau for a long time and although I love them, I am looking for a change.


I do like the fluff and imagery of astra militarum and the sheer range of units, and the flyer is my favourite flyer model in the game. Obviously player skill is a big factor which I appreciate, and the meta changes with  codex releases, but essentially some armies are stronger than others. 


So can a tournament competitive army be built from the astra militarum codex, one in the right hands which could win a tournament? What builds work well? I like the idea of a tallarn force, but I am not sure how competitive it is....


thanks for your help guys...

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Guard is in a good position this edition and is definitely competitive.


Despite most players using us as CP farms we hold our own weight.


The best part is nearly all units can play an important role in a list depending on your style. Although of course some you may want to include before others.


Do you have any idea on what play style? Do you have any models already or anything other than the valk that catches your fancy?

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In terms of playstyle I don't want to play a static gun line but prefer a mobile shooting force. This is why tallarn first appealed to me. I also don't have a horde army so the idea of mass board control with a horde appeals. I want to include vehicles because I like ranks but dont want a tank wall army. I like the infantry models and want a strong infantry presence in my army. Finally, I am not into the superheavies. I don't like sinking my points into one model, that's definitely not my style, I like to spread my threats and be as points efficient as I can.
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Run Catachan. Aggressive and hard pushing, a basic 41pt Catachan squad with boltgun can run over most normal infantry and are spammable enough to deal with melee god infantry. The S4 makes the dangerous even to vehicles. Catachan also have the best tanks. Your basic 152 Leman Russ deals out a great deal of firepower thanks to the free reroll for number of shots. Consider adding in the cheap and cheerful 160pt Vulture Gunship with Punisher Cannons. Two is the magic number in my experience.


Run your scout sentinels with Lascannons, not Heavy Flamers.


A Battalion of Elysians never hurt anyone except the enemy.

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You can have multiple detachments, each with a different regiment.


I like the idea of a mid/rear Cadian gunline / heavy weapons teams with the reroll 1s when not moving, and up in your face Catachans to be mobile with the strength/leadership bonus to get involved close up.

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AM is very playable and enjoyable, but at the moment not very competitive.


-1 hit spam has simply killed AM, which has disappeared from tournaments as a standalone force. You can do good against anything without that, but against many lists hitting at 5+ base is simply crippling. Not to mention Eldar nonsense, which you often hit on 6+ base or cannot hit at all.


What you find is generally a small- to medium-sized AM detachment whose main purpose is to act as CP farm and objectives camper while the rest of the list (BA, Custodes, etc.) does most of the real job. Sad but true.

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They are used in top tier lists as bodies and to produce CP, occasionally with some tanks. But rarely as a unified faction. The exception is with large units of bullgryns which can provide the close combat hammer that we usually lack
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Don’t let the doom-sayers discourage you! Guard can still give a good showing in a lot of theaters. A pure guard force has some weaknesses, but that’s where you can shore up with allies.


Cadian is nice for the gun line rerolls and the Overlapping Fields of Fire stratagem. Vengeance for Cadia is a brutal stratagem when facing Chaos opponents. Hellhounds couldn’t care less what your -to hit is with their 16” flamer.


I like to make use of a main guard force as my gunline, a smaller catachan force to move up field, grab objectives, and tie up units, and then a Custodes detachment to dive in as my CC hammer!

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I've found since the negative modifier armies have dropped guard struggle more. I find myself forced to run vostroyan on my super heavy detach for +1 to hit. Mucked around with catachan bomb but they bleed kp so easy after they kill something. Moved to superheavies so they cant be tied up in melee, give some dangerous melee presence and can move and shoot nonpenalty.


Bullgryns are great. I'm playtesting scions again for t3 strategic drops as reg inf aren't cutting it. They don't have the impact strategems of other armies IMO.

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