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Building/Painting a Valkyrie?


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I am in the process of building the valkyrie.


I have magnetised the wings. Should I do the tail boons too? Seems like I would have to magnetise each wing flap as well.


Did you use the gunners? I like them but then you can't have the heavy bolters fully facing forward as the gunner would be out the window.


Should I bother painting the inside? It has a lot of detail but you'll hardly ever see it.


Should I stick the top part on or not? I kind of like opening it up and seeing the inside.

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All entirely up to you! :)


When I built mine (and when I build my next which will be soon) I:

Didnt glue the wings (they slide in and out fine even without magnets)

Glued the top

Built and painted the gunners but never actually used them (fortunately this edition firing arcs are irrelevant! And no one has ever called WYSIWYG on me with them)


Magnetising the tail booms would help with transport although difficult as it forms part of the fuselage from memory?


As for painting the inside with everything closed up its hard to see inside. But if you want to maybe keep the roof removable so you can see in.


Looking forward to seeing your bird!


Definitely magentisie the weapon options though. Then you can always run it as a Vendetta too if they ever update its rules!

As ,Duz said up to you, however if you are going to look inside ,or want to,then you will want to paint the interior. Best way is to paint it before assembly in that case, and yes I did , paint the interior that is. It was worth it from my perspective at least.


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