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Daemon Prince Weapons

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I was looking over Deamon Prince models that others have posted around the internet recently, and it suddenly struck me that the vast majority of the figures I saw (that weren't hugely converted) were all built with a sword and a claw.


Reading the current rules, it seems that the different weapons do indeed have differing profiles, although I seem to remember that this wasn't always the case before. Despite this, I see few double-claws, and even fewer axe-and claws.


Is there a particular rules reason why so many people have a sword-and-claw, or is it a hangover from the old metal DP, or just Rule of Cool?

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My prince exists solely in case one of my characters ever turned into a prince on the old boon table, so he’s got default sword and no wings (It happened once). Ironically he has seen significantly more use now that the boon table isn’t really a thing.


The Talons are the ‘best’ choice. I can’t remember all the maths but IIRC it’s significantly better against 1 or 2 wound guys but only marginally worse than the other options against 3+ wound things. So it is somewhat meta dependant but the Talons are the most obvious all comers option.

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I think it really depends on what type of target you are pointing him at and what mark you are giving him.


My list lacks anti-tank, and I really struggle against my friend's necron destroyers, which have 3 wounds.  As such, I felt the sword was better, as even if it had less attacks than the claws, it still had a higher average damage output against high wound models like vehicles, and it allowed me to one-shot 3 wound models like destroyers.


Now, if your meta is different and you mostly point it at 1 or 2 wound models, then the claws would be the better choice.


As for the axe, that -1 really hurts, especially since its profile is similar to that of the sword, with the main advantage being higher strength.  However, if you have a slanesh lord with the elixir artifact (which seems to be an extremely common load out), or cast diabolic strength on the prince (or both), the sword will have pretty much the same to wound against most targets that you would want the axe against, but without the to hit penalty.

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If you aren’t opposed to daemon princes of chaos, the slaanesh artifact sword is pretty boss.


My prince’s arms are magnetized. I did, last game, run a black Legion warlord (dttfe on 5s), and the dual talon prince does put out a ridiculous number of attacks wth that trait vs loyalists.


I still prefer the sword for d3.

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The sword is only good against 3 or 5 wound models. Against vehicles the extra attacks vs extra damage basically break even.


Chaos Daemons relics fix the other weapon options completely.


I always used the sword/exlixer combo for wysywyg reasons but In tournaments I've never seen anything but dual talons even if it wasn't wysywyg. I don't use Princes anymore now that my Chaos Lord is finished, I only had the prince for the old boon table. My nurgle daemon prince is sword/claw but that's because he's the finecast one, not that I use him either unless I leave Mortarion behind.


Daemon princes are good enough that there's no real way to make them 'bad', so all the weapons are viable.

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To the original question, my Prince is sword and claw because he was built that way when the armament didn't matter and I'd guess this is true for a lot of the models you see. As others have alluded, Chaos now has a bunch of solid HQ options so dual claw Prince isn't the only viable option.
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I have 2 princes, one is the old metal one and the other is a Slaanesh conversion i made that has "the black mace" and... Im pretty sure i didnt use in a single game for the 2 codicies it existed in. Now that it doesnt exist i cant really do WYSIWYG, so i would probably try to max out on attacks like people have been saying for Slaanesh princes. Thats just circumstancial though, I happened to have these models before 8th.


Has anyone bought Daemon Princes or changed their old ones since 8th ed rules came out to optimise their effectiveness?

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My demon prince was aquired in th ed, but built in 8th.  I gave him a sword as at that time I was strugglling against my buddy`s necron destroyers  So, it was definitely a decision based on the stats of the sword versus the claws.  That said, I had intended to magnitize him to accept all 3 options, but I couldn`t get the angle of the shoulder to work out right, so I ended up gluing the sword.


Next prince I do will definitely be with the claws, at which point I`ll likely swap my existing prince over to lead my in-progress daemonettes detachment.

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Thanks for responses guys - very helpful!


I was actually looking at doing a pair of claws because the sculpted parts seemed more obviously power-armoured to me. However, from a "more heroic-looking" point of view, I was lightly considering converting one claw to hold the daemonic powersword that comes in the kit. When I searched to see if anybody had done this before, I realised most DPs all had the sword/claw combo... That led to me wondering if I was about to commit to a truly naff loadout with dual claws, and hence why I asked.


The other reason for leaning towards doing dual claws was that if I ever get my hands on the old metal DP, he comes modelled with a sword and claw anyway; so I wanted this one to be more different.


Since I'm here, has anybody modelled a sword/axe into the right claw arm? Also, has anybody remodelled the legs to look more power-armoured (akin to the metal model)? Photos and/or tips would be appreciated please!

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Major Gilbear,


I added a metal GW Chaos Minotaur axe to my DP's right arm and I added Maulerfiend bitz to bulk out my DP's legs.  I used a Reaper miniature rather than a GW Daemon Prince miniature, but the principles would be the same on the old GW metal prince.


You can find work in progress images on my Bolter and Chainsword progress blog for May 23rd (at the bottom of the last entry for that date) and you can find completed images on the June 20th entry.





I hope this helps to give you an example way of adding an axe and bulking out the legs!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I always take double talons, the amount of atacks are way more usefull than any other option... With Intoxicating Elixir and Stimulated by Pain, he becomes a monster!

I'm planning on running something similar, though I'm looking at Flames of Spite so he can tear things apart even more effectively by stacking mortal wounds (on to wound rolls of 6+) on things.

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