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Returning to the 41st millennium (Cadian Mech Infantry)

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Afternoon all!


I finally got around to painting something that’s not a Guardsmen! I have a picture and a question (or two)!


First, regarding the Scion: do you think he needs the trim painted or should it stay as is?


Regarding the Rattling Twins: this is the first time I’ve painted skin – do you guys have any handy tips or tricks I could use to improve (I think I might have gone a little dark, and of course, I still have the stash of bread and apples to paint)!


Also, how would you rate the Rattling Twins in a game of 40k? For 35 points you get two 2 wound characters, who hit on 2+ (one rerolling hits and wound) with a Sniper rifle, Demo-Charge, Grapple and all of the regular Rattling special rules. They seem either quite good or quite awful!



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That scheme on the scion looks great! :tu:

Hrmmm painting the trim.. That's a hard one what colour?


Skin looks mint too

35 pts is a good way to get towards a cheap brigade that no one would probably bother about?

You could move them into position and get out of LoS each turn and they're still hitting on a 3+


Hrmmm I might steal that idea!

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Ta duz! Unfortunatly I might have oversold them a little bit as only one (Rein) has a Sniper Rifle (regular S4 AP0 D1) and only one (Raus) has a single use Demo-Charge (although D6 S8 AP-3 D3 hitting on a +2 isn't to shabby). Even with re-rolls that single sniper shot is going to struggle to make any real impact (and it's only rerolling failed wounds, so you can't fish for mortals either).


However they are characters, so atleast thier pretty safe!


-- oh I forgot to say; the trim would either be silver or bronze. I feel like the silver would get lost (see the head crest) and bronze would be a little distracting.

Edited by AppleCrumble
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Ta duz! Unfortunatly I might have oversold them a little bit as only one (Rein) has a Sniper Rifle (regular S4 AP0 D1) and only one (Raus) has a single use Demo-Charge (although D6 S8 AP-3 D3 hitting on a +2 isn't to shabby). Even with re-rolls that single sniper shot is going to struggle to make any real impact (and it's only rerolling failed wounds, so you can't fish for mortals either).


However they are characters, so atleast thier pretty safe!


-- oh I forgot to say; the trim would either be silver or bronze. I feel like the silver would get lost (see the head crest) and bronze would be a little distracting.


Bronze would be my choice, it will contrast nicely... but a dirtied up bronze so it doesn't shine too much !

I was also going to suggest Orange for the lenses...but if you only want to use clears then GW has those soulstone colours that go over silver or white pretty good ...

a red or blue would look good.

Great work here by the way and i really give respect to the white armour:cool.:   and the basing is top notch :thumbsup:


cheers, Mithril

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I think I'm with Inso on this one. I actually think the scheme works well as is. That said, I don't think you can go wrong with whatever you end up choosing. If you want them to stand out from the rabble a bit, go with the bronze.


Also as a side note about the ratling twins: I usually use them in very small games (under 500 points) and in cities of death. The grapple hook is pretty awesome as cities of death has a height advantage rule that confers an additional ap modifier and a grenade stratagem that gives you max shots with your grenades. When combined, you can throw that demo charge from a rooftop for 6 shots and a total of minus 4 ap. In bigger, normal games, it's still fun to use them but they have less of an impact. Having the character rule is huge though and it really helps get that demo charge somewhere where it will be useful. And sometimes the sniper will actually do some damage. Again, cities of death really helps with the minus 1 ap for height advantage.

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I think that it's really nice as is too, but if you did want some colour a bronze or perhaps gold would be better for the trim. I don't think silver works that well as a trim in general, less so on lighter models.


As for Ratlings nobody takes them because they perform great feats on the table top :tongue.: So give these special ones a go and see what happens, you might even be surprised every few games :laugh.:

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  • 3 months later...

Hello all,


Just a quick update, as I approch the end of... what was suppose to be a small hobby project!

I've managed to get the majority of my Scions painted up, just one still to go to complete two 5 man units with 2 Grenade Launchers in each (excuse the dark photo).




And I've made a start on my final model for the army, my Company Commander; as I will be running him with the Hive Gang Leader trait, it seem only right that he looks the part!


The Enforcer models are a fair head taller than the regular 'Guard and Scions, but for a command unit (with a manly melee trait) I don't suppose it matters.

Using the Index options I can give him a Power Maul - making him surprising punchy with his trait (wounding marines on 2's); when all of those options move to Legends, his baton will become purely ornamental (or for enforcing the chain of command)!




I know I've been putting off doing the optics on... well, every model from the start of the project, but I tested a few coats of Bloodletter glaze, and that seems to work ok. 


At this point my final 750pt list is looking like:



Company Commander: Las, Power Maul, (Warlord: Ex-Hive Gang Leader)

Tank Commander Exterminator: x3 Heavy Bolters (Relic: KA)


Rattling Twins


10 Guardsmen: Grenade Launcher, Las/Chain Sergeant

10 Guardsmen: Grenade Launcher, Las/Chain Sergeant

5 Scions: x2 Grenade Launchers, HLas/Chain Sergeant

5 Scions: x2 Grenade Launchers, HLas/Chain Sergeant


Leman Russ Executioner: Hull Heavy Bolter


Chimera: Heavy Bolter / Heavy Flamer

Chimera: Heavy Bolter / Heavy Flamer


I may switch out the twins for a Sentinel (with Multilaser) for the same points, but that's only if I can make room for it to fit in the bloody case. 


Regardless, when the last chaps done, I'll get to taking some full army shots - I've learnt a lot throughout this project, it's been a good way of getting back in to the hobby after so many years, and while there's plenty that I wish I had done differently I'm sure seeing everything altogether at the end will make the slog worthwhile!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Morning all!


Just a quick update, as I finally managed to get the vast bulk of the infantry 'finished' up (by outsourcing the lenses >.>)...





...And I decided to up-gun my Russes with some very Heavy Stubbers (because 2pts each is absolutely bonker)...




...And since chapter approved reduced the cost of all of my Guard units AGAIN, I've been painting up two Sentinels to get the list back to 750pts!




Just about every model in the army still has a few details to add, but given the lockdown, I might actually have time to do one last lap before we are able to play games again. 

I did manage to get three games in with the Guard at the end of last year and also managed to loose all three, so fingers crossed for a better year.

Edited by AppleCrumble
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