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Defense of Templars and IK against Psykers?


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Im wondering how do you defend against Psykers and smite (I know FaQ helped weaken this) but other Psykic spells? Other than just Abhor the Witch and of course blade and bolter to the Witch. Is there allies that would be recommended to take or something?
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The only psykers Black Templars would not slay on the spot are Inquisitors and Grey Knights (and even there some of our more zealous brothers would make exceptions).

Don't you dare sully the honour of the chapter!


You could build the aforementtioned army, but i don't think you'd get a lot of toys to play with, given how expensive GK and the IK would get. I'd look into assassins (culexus) for a single model, that is cost effective and shuts down psykers. Otherwise you'll have to bite the bullet and drop ~350 pts on a single GK HQ and a strike squad for 2 attempts to deny.

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A supreme command detachment of Grey Knight HQs would also suffice as each would give you more denial as well as access to more powerful warriors. You could also grab Greyfax from the Gathering Storm series of characters as she has two chances to deny. 

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Are you trying to stop smite spam or key powers? Power wise Templars Strategem is alongside the dozens of other 4+ Strategem Denials one of best denials in the game simply because most other denial abilities favor the foe. Smite Spam large squads, and transports able to tank wounds or small MSU Squads. Trying to counter smite pyskers is a fools errand. For the most part.


Outside of SoS or Culexus

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