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Astra Militarum Paint Scheme to ally with DA Ravenwing

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Hello All,


I am looking for a paint scheme to complement the Dark Angels ravenwing I currently have since my guard will inevitably end up fighting alongside them. I have the ravenwing painted black with green on feathers and gold trim and was wondering what colors anyone would suggest for guard to go along with that scheme. I don't want it to be the same I just don't like the look of the normal cadians next to them and wanted to do something different.  Thanks for the help!

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To blend in seamlessly, perhaps green and gold. Basically turning your existing secondary colors into the main colors. If looking for complimentary, I'd keep at least one of your three colours and match it from there. So black with blue and silver, or red with gold, or something so they use the same core colour palette.


The other option may be to go more realistic with the colour scheme. Space Marines are supposed to be basically sci-fi knights in heraldry. Maybe make your guard more down to earth with more drab coloration, and just tie it together with some of the same green you're using on the Angels.

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Are you looking at a camo look on them or a base colour with a secondary and maybe a tertiary colour?


I'm looking more for a base with a secondary and then pick out crests and such with gold. I'm not really good with the camo stuff and I think it will blend better if I just go solid colors.

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I would go with drab green (I would use Catachan Green as a base) fatigues and black armour and helmets. They would compliment a Dark Angels army of any "wing" nicely and would still look respectably 'Guardish'. As Kinstryfe said above, Space Marines are meant to be wearing heraldry and therefore should stand out. There was a quote in one of the older rulebooks, I think it was from an Imperial Fist Captain or something. He said something like, "Camouflage is the colour of cowardice. I wear my Chapter's colours with pride!" I think it would be a mistake to match the colours of your Marines and Guardsmen too closely. Even if you're sticking with solid colours rather than a camo scheme, whatever colours you decide to go with, they shouldn't be too bright. The rule of thumb I would go with is that Guardsmen want to blend into their environment and Space Marines want to stand out. Actually, having said that, it occurs to me that you could use the colours that you painted the bases on your Ravenwing models to help determine a colour scheme for your Guardsmen. Paint your Guardsmen so that they would blend into that environment.

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You can do a lot with Guard schemes, as Deus says it'd be a good excuse to do something a little different - you may be surprised by how much can "go" with another set of colours and often work better as their differences work off each other :)


I remember some Cadian regiment with "shadow" in their name that may prove inspiration with some darker colours and green. Realistically speaking, a matching base is usually half the battle of having armies look good together ;) Whatever you do don't forget to show us the results :tu:

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