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Dipping my toes into MT


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As the subject says, I'm looking to dabble in Militarum Tempestus in the near future as a palette cleanser from Space Wolves and Tyranids. So far, my plan is to have a 1000 pts I can pull out for quick/fun games. Preliminary list would be a battalion with:


2x Tempestor Primes with command rod and power fist.


4x 5 Scions with 2 specials and a vox


2x Command squad with 3 specials and a vox


2x Taurox Prime with gatling cannons and autocannons


1x Vulture with punisher set up


My main questions would be:


a.) What specials should I look for on the Scion squads and Command squads? Between the Tauroxs and Vulture, there should be more than enough anti infantry at 1000 pts.


b.) What melee weapons should I be looking at for squad leaders and Primes? Go chainsword and save points? Sprinkle in some powder weapons to take advantage of their WS? I was thinking on power fists for the Primes simply because I think they would look badass, but willing to swap them out for a little more offensive power somewhere else.


c.) Voxes; yay or nay? I think with the possibility of these guys being all over the table, the voxes will help get everyone orders.


Thanks in advance guys for your advice.

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A) Plasma always works for specials or hot shot volley guns. Those would be the only 2 I would use personally.


B) if you have the points and power maul may be useful to compensate for guards lackluster strength. But I use chains word and plasma pistol for my srgs since they get shot more then they get charged.


C) not sure on voxs, they could be useful on an army this spread out and still take advantage of those lovely orders


Other points:

Looks solid, don't forget plasma pistols on your srgs, 5 points is a steal (well 4 sine you have to take hot shot pistol or bolt pistol). NEVER take the hot shot pistol, 6" range is awful

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ok so

A: when it comes to Scions they fall into what i think is fair to call the Kill team so for example let's say you want to do "Kill team: Landraider" you would load them up with Meltas or "Kill team: Terminator captain" you would give them a few good plasma guns (and a bit of faith) 


B: this also falls under the Kill team idea however remember chainswords are good because they are free


C: i may be a bit bias here because i like Voxcasters in my guard armies but when it comes to Scions it can really depend on how long you plan to drag out the game and how well you plan on recovering squads voxcasters only have a range of 17" (really it's 18" but i always take of an inch for the sake of safety) and that's only between Vox units which could be far spread out so most of the time a Tempestor prime will just drop down with a Kill team and issue orders on site so it's best just to cut them unless you have livability planed out and evac routs planed at least a turn ahead. 

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