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Chaos Knight Army?


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So with the recent release of the Chaos Knight rules, who's planning on a full army? What are you planning on running and how will you equip them?


I honestly expected to see more excitement for this than I have, it's pretty awesome we essentially get a completely new army with a free codex (albeit quite limited). The whole thing has coincided with not only me getting a FW Chaos Knight (before the Index was announced) but my son getting the Renegades box for his birthday and already having a good portion of a Knights army right out of the box. I'm still waiting for mine to arrive and I've ordered a second off of eBay since they're going so cheap nowadays. A friend of mine has a similar idea and plans to start an all Knight army as well. 


Currently I'm planning on fielding Gallant and making the second a dual Thermal Cannon, although I will admit the range of the Rapid Fire Battle Cannon is appealing (even if it's stats no longer are). I had flirted with the idea of dual Avenger Gatling Cannons but if I'm primarily going against other Knights I don't know if the relatively low STR shots will be very effective, even with 24 of them.


Lastly, my first Armiger arrived the other day. I do plan on running a group of 3, most likely with Autocannons since they're kind of garbage in CC, at least when the enemy consists of nothing but their big brothers. Any thoughts?

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Yeah, you could definitely do counts-as, but a Renegade Knight army has an advantage over their Loyalist counterparts in that Knights can take dual-weapons (although we lose the traits, etc.). We can also mix Armigers. Heres' hoping we get a proper codex somewhere down the line (and soonish). 

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Yeah, you could definitely do counts-as, but a Renegade Knight army has an advantage over their Loyalist counterparts in that Knights can take dual-weapons (although we lose the traits, etc.). We can also mix Armigers. Heres' hoping we get a proper codex somewhere down the line (and soonish).

Yeah good spot and reroll hits for 2CP isn’t bad tbh

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My excitement is limited because I'm mostly waiting for the EC&Slaanesh stuff and then I'll have two centerpieces for my chaos stuff with Fulgrim and the Keeper of Secrets already so I don't really need a Knight and since my loyalists don't have such an awesome centerpiece unless I go to forgeworld and buy the Primaris superheavy tank the Knight I'll be buying soon-ish will be for my loyalists instead. ^^

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I've got one knight and have been sorely tempted to add others after the index release, the main thing stopping me is my existing backlog of unpainted models and the amount of conversion work I would want to do.


Similar to Duskraider, I'd probably add another knight with the standard chassis (maybe two since the Renegade Knight boxed game makes it cheaper to do so) and some autocannon armigers. An assault knight is tempting - it fits with Khornate army and is a cheaper than it used to be points wise.


What's great about the new index is that the Renegade Knight units complement a lot of existing chaos units well, and I haven't given much thought to a knight only army. Knights add legit mobile firepower and high damage assault options, but they also draw a lot of fire and (hopefully) force tough choices on opponents. It seems like this would also help other heavy hitters like Greater Daemons get to assault.

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Just finished building and magnetising my knights, got to nurgle them up a little and have a couple of funky masks being made for them, so will be a week or two before they are all done and ready.  Luckily, my group dont mind playing with models that are still being painted/finished.


I was thinking of running one melee, one with double AGC and one with double thermal cannon...then fill the residual points up with deathguard (we still play 2k points).

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I have my second knight almost done and one still in sprue and box, so yeah, a renegade knight army is something I have been thinking about. The problem is, I'm not sure knights alone really cut it. They go down rather fast, don't really dish out enough hurt for their points (I mean, tests will have to tell whether or not that changed with the recent points reduction) and don't play the objective game that well. I think knight armies can catch opponents off gurad, but the question is, does that really make for fun/interesting games? In tournaments I don't think a (renegade) knight army has a great chance at winning. So my third knight will probably not get done for some time. I rather stock up on cultists, a deredeo and tanks and at times use a knight or two together with a CSM army.


And on weapons: I don't think the AGC is as good as it was last edition. Strength 6 is not half as good as it used to be. The RBC has higher strength and range (which is a huge advantage that keeps your knight around for 1-2 more turns usually) but it comes with more variance, as you have to roll dice for number of shots. I had a really abyssmal shooting phase in a recent game in which I tested my dual RBC Knight using my other one as a proxy. I rolled 7 shots total for both guns (yeah, that's 4 dice amounting to a sum of 7), not causing a single wound. So this will happen from time to time, still the RBC is pretty big. Maybe one RBC and one AGC are the way to go with an iron storm launcher on top. I strongly believe in its ability to target units you cannot see.

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I'm not really concerned about competitive play, I just want a fun and fluffy army. I AM thinking of pairing my Warhound with whatever I field in larger games (3,000+). My thing is I want to make it less a detachment to run with my Death Guard and more it's own thing. We can't forget about the FW Knights either.
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